You are just THAT damn good.
You are just THAT damn good.
Damn…now editted.
Midscreen anti-airs:
(VC1) [JP/SP-Soul Reflect (qcb+JP), whiff df+FK (slide)]xN – untill corner
(VC1) JP/SP-Soul Reflect (qcb+JP), whiff df+FK (slide), [SK-Soul Spiral (qcf+SK), c.FP, whiff toward+RK (Piette)]xN – untill corner
(VC1) SK-Soul Spiral (qcf+SK), back+FP, [whiff SK/FK-Soul Spiral, back+FP]xN – untill corner
(VC1) [JP/SP-Soul Reflect (qcb+JP/SP), whiff df+FK (slide)]xN – untill corner
(VC1) c.FK, SK-Soul Spiral (qcf+SK), [back+FP]x2, [whiff SK/FK-Soul Spiral, back+FP]xN – untill corner
(VC1) c.FK, SK-Soul Spiral (qcf+SK), [back+FP]x2, whiff toward+RK (Piette), [SK-Soul Spiral (qcf+SK), c.FP, whiff toward+RK (Piette)]xN – untill corner
(VC1) JP-Soul Reflect (qcb+JP), [toward+RK (Piette)]x2, whiff df+FK (slide), JP/SP-Soul Spark (hcf+JP/SP), whiff df+FK, [SP-Soul Reflect (qcb+SP), whiff df+FK]xN – untill corner
(VC1) [toward+RK (Piette)]xN – tall/standing opponents only, *see notes.
(VC1) c.FK, SK-Soul Spiral (qcf+SK), back+FP, c.FP, [whiff JP-Soul Reflect, back+FP, c.FP]xN <-- see corner finishers
(VC1) JP-Soul Reflect, [RK]xN <-- see corner finishers
(VC1) [Soul Reflect (qcb+punch), whiff c.RK]xN – **see notes <-- see corner finishers
(VC1) [SK-Soul Spiral, shadow hits]xN – ***see notes <-- see corner finishers
Corner Finishers:
meter low: [SK-Soul Spiral, shadow hits]xN, c.FP, FP-Soul Throw (dp+FP)
meter low: [SK-Soul Spiral, shadow hits]xN, whiff c.SP, shadow hits, jumping FP, [CC vertical jumping SP]xN <-- infinite
meter ends: c.SP, FP-Soul Reflect (qcb+FP) launch, juggle c.FP, FP-Soul Throw (dp+FP) <-- opponent can flip after FP-Soul Reflect.
(VC1) cross-up j.FK, c.SK, c.SK (unblockable), SK-Soul Spiral <-- see midscreens/corners
(VC1) cross-up j.FK, c.SK, c.FK (unblockable), SK-Soul Spiral <-- see midscreens/corners
Walk-in VC activation (VC1) SP (unblockable), SK-Soul Spiral <-- see midscreens/corners, ****see notes
Walk-in VC activation (VC1) c.SK (unblockable), c.FK, SK-Soul Spiral <-- see midscreens/corners, ****see notes
Credit goes to TS for loads of good Rose info.
Any and all of Roses’ VCs can be any strength VC (VC1, VC2, VC3). The exception to this rule is her SK-Soul Spiral loop and her CC infinite set-up, which must be performed in VC1.
I personally recommend VC1 in all situations, since you can set-up and execute her CC infinite from pretty much anywhere on the screen.
*This only works on tall opponents, and the timing is incredibly diffacult. You have a 1 or 2 frame window to press the next RK in order for it to combo, but it does in fact combo.
**You can use any strength Soul Reflect for this combo, and you can also whiff several different attacks (so long as they actually whiff).
***Timing this can be very diffacult, because if you time it wrong, you’ll either cross-up or whiff completely. However, once you get a rythm going and learn the timing, it becomes very easy, as it’s just a simple loop. Generally spreaking, you want to be pressing the button for the next one, right as the first one ends.
**** These are technically unblockable because Roses’ VC activation is so short, the opponent does not have enough time to block, even if they were holding back to block before the VC activation began. The only exception to this rule is if the opponent was already in block-stun during the VC activation (like after a blocked jump-in).
[Edit 07-01-04]: Added jumping FP to infinite set-up. Changed Strength of Soul Reflect for mid-screen AA’s.
[Edit 07-02-04]: Added RK corner juggle.
Nice. Just a couple notes:
-Unblockable VC activation thing doesn’t work on the DC version. I know it has worked on the Saturn version, and once in the arcade, but I dunno about PSX.
-I usually start anti-air VCs with Jab Soul Reflect, the hitbox works better than SP reflect, and definitely better than Short Soul Spiral. So basically because it’s easier and hits faster. (and it’s nice to have The Good Book for confirmation on these sorts of things, so I can see specifically how).
-In regards to the VC1 infinite setups, if you whiff a crouching strong and then jump up as the shadow hits, you usually wanna jump with Fierce, and then Strong.
Jab Soul Reflect hits pretty low though. She ducks backwards, but I thought her hitbox still left her as vulnerable as SP Soul Reflect.
SP Soul Reflect definitely hits higher than Jab Soul Reflect, and seems to hit fast.
Man, I need the good book really bad. Can you try and explain the Soul Reflect hitboxes a little? I’ll change them anyway since I prefer using the JP Reflect anyway.
SK Soul Spiral comes out pretty fast. It’s not the best anti-air, but if you know your opponent isn’t on the ground, then you have to hit with a special move anyway in order to juggle (unless you’re going to go for an unblockable re-set). Between Soul Spark and Soul Spiral for mid-range anti-air, I prefer the Spiral because it comes out faster and also because the Spark tends to screw up a few juggles. It’s not really meant to be close range anti-air, but rather mid-range.
As for the jumping Fierce thing, yeah that’s a good point. Thanks.
PS. Gunna send you a PM in a few.
Thanks, I appreciate all the V-Rose stuff. Wow, that’s crazy about her walk-in activation unblockables. I remember a while back, TS posted that Rose’s air VC activation was amazingly fast. Does her ground activation hold the same properties?
Ground activation is actually a lot faster than the air one 9one frame vs 4). I guess most air VC activations are 5 frames, but I could swear Rose’s was longer than other characters’…oh well.
I’ve tested her air activation several times, and the opponent is always able to block an air activation -> immediate air jab. This is because there is at least a frame of pre-activation, enabling the opponent time to block before getting frozen.
In fact, when the opponent holds backwards in the air and you activate your VC in the air, they will get frozen in their block animation. Same thing happens when you do an air activation while they are on the ground holding backwards.
However, if you do a ground activation while they are either on the ground or in the air holding backwards, they get frozen in neutral – eg. they never achive block state before they get frozen.
This is evident in the fact that you never see an opponent frozen in block state during Roses’ ground activation, except if they were already in block stun or if there was a projectile on the screen at the time.
Basically they can’t block a ground activation -> immediate jab/short. And based on frame data, they should also not be able to block a standing SP.
I believe you can just barely squeeze in a standing strong if your timing is perfect, but I’d say it’s safer to go with jab or short if you really need an unblockable hit.
FYI Roses’ standing SP is either 5 or 6 frames before the hit registers, so if you want to land an unblockable SP, you have about a 2 frame window to land it.
Personally, I think if you really want consistant unblockables with Rose: it’s more logical to drum JP and SK as soon as the activation sequence starts – sort of like doing “The Diago” – and chain two of them together, then buffer into her SK-Soul Spiral.
If your reflexes and/or timing is good, you might be able to get use to drumming JP and SK, then chain a FK as soon as either one lands and buffer into her SK-Soul Spiral as soon as the FK comes out.
And that’s all the information I have about that. TS might be able to add more to this than me.
[Edit]: Oh, he already did. Damn, I type slow. >.<
Jab Soul Reflect hitboxes are actually about the same distance from the opponent, but are in different shapes.
Lower attack box for the Jab Soul Reflect is actually better for anti-air activation because they fall on it, and thus you have more time. It’s like trying to blow through someone’s jump-in and hit them with a crouching Strong instead of like Charie’s sobat kick or shoto hopkick. Similarly, SP Reflect actually hits slower…which translates into you having to VC through their attack earlier to make sure they don’t land before the hitting part is active, which is bad since the move has no invicibility.
I just got home from work, and my brain is sorta in “leep mode,” so I’m actually not sure what I just said. Slow = bad, fast = better. Low attacks (c.SP height) give you more time, especially if they’re faster. Like for example, i don’t know if you can VC through Sak or Chun Li’s jumping Shorts and SP reflect as anti-air. If you do it too early, you’ll get hit, and if you do it too late, tripguard will save them. SP Reflect can definitely work, but I find Jab more reliable. I hope any of this made sense.
Regarding the VC unblockable thing- I didn’t get to do an obscene amount of testing with it (as my Saturn is no ;onger with us…RIP old friend), but what I could find out has pretty much already been stated. Rose’s VC activation on the ground is 1 frame of startup before stop time. Sometimes. I think(see next paragraph). Works like Valle CC in A2 or other unblockable A2 supers (Tiger Cannon, etc). Or like Juggernaut’s Headcrush, Iron Man’s Proton Cannon etc in the Marvel games…if you weren’t blocking or starting to block before the screen freezes, you’ll get hit.
The actual unbockable part seems inconsistent… Sometimes they can block, sometimes not…I don’t know if it has to do with when you activate (certain frames of Rose’s standing animation was my old hypothesis, that or their walking backwards animation), but the longer they’re holding away, the more likely it seemed to work on them.
As Xenozip noted, you can tell if it’s going to work, because if it will they’ll still be in their standing animation during the freeze frame, instead of begining to transistion into their regular blocking aimation. You go into blockstun whenever you hold away when V-ISM is active, as if there were a fireball on the screen.
Dunno if you can reversal it or crouch, but I’m betting you can at least reverse it if you’d put in the right commands beforehand and all you needed was a button press and/or direction (like reversing Valle CC in SFA2). I’m also unsure whether you can just stutter block…like if you put the stick in neutral and tried to block again, would it work. The opponent does regain the ability to block after a moment, there’s just a gap of about a second or maybe 1 and 1/4 where they can’t.
Crouching Strong isn’t hard to get to work. Standing SP actually hits on the 7th frame (according to The Book, since emulator frame data and the stuff in The Book seem to be slightly different), whereas crouching Strong hits on the 5th frame. Considering you have to crouch for c.SP though, they’re probably about the same speed overall. Crouching Jab and Short hit on the 4th frame. I dunno if these become faster with V-ISM active.
Since we’re talking about Rose, something I was messing around with: Soul Illusioin with A-Rose, standing Strong. If the opponent tries to VC through the SP and DP (ARK, Sak, etc), they’ll trade hits. Rose will get hit by the DP, but one of the after-images (the third, IIRC) will hit them. I think it works with C.SP also, but that’s harder to test. Will also work vs VC into hurricane kick, standing Fierce, etc. You can VC into teleport and go throught it with Akuma, however. Doesn’t work with Soul Illusion Jabs, on the other hand. And as the super is wearing down and there are only two after-images, it won’t work IIRC. I’ll have to check if it works with jump-in’s also (ie Soul Illusion jumping Short or Fierce vs anti-air VC activation into Ken’s Fierce DP. Also need to test vs supers. I’m sure it works vs Alpha Counters, but who would do that? And speaking of ACs…A-Rose’s Alpha Counter is as completely obscene as it was in SFA2, at least in terms of range. I need to scan some of the stuff in this book, but to give you an idea: Ryu’s throw range is 32 pixels. 'Gief Jab SPD range is 68 pixels. 'Gief max SPD range for Jab SPD, the one with the longest distance, is 84 pixels. Sodom’s Jab 360 throw, counting the hop, is 104 pixels.
Rose’s AC is 107 pixels long. Also, it’s 98 pixels high. Rose when standing is 97 pixels high. It actually says 107 pixels (+67*), but I can’t read what the footnote says.
If only it did any damage whatsoever, or allowed you to combo after it. Sigh.
Anyway, V-Sak has an unblockable V-ISM thing also…(Chun and Sak’s VC activation time before time stops is 3 frames instead of the regular 5). VC, Jab DP (sho o ken, whatever). If you do the DP ASAP, they can’t block it unless they were blocking or starting to BEFORE the screen freeze.
107 pixels long? :lol:
Wow, I got to get a recording of her doing it at max range.
Oh yeah, and Soul Illusion is great for countering other characters VCs. Even ones that start with invulnerable specials. Actually, it’s great for countering/trading anything. I’ve used it as sort of a mock invulnerable anti-air even. Go-go shadow hits.
Incidentally, she also has a stun combo involving her Soul Illusion. And I THINK she has an unblockable involving her Soul Illusion. I know you can always block the shadows low, even if they are shadows of a jumping attack, however I think I stumbled onto a special trick. But, I’ve yet to test it, so don’t hold me to that just yet.
And anyway, this is the VC’s Reborn thread.
Just to update: I modified/added a few things to the Rose VC list.
Also, It’s confirmed: Rose does have two unblockables in A-ism, and her V-ism unblockables are also valid.
A-Rose can do the unblockable with crouching Jab or short, or standing Jab, crouching Forward, and crouching and standing Strong. And Crouching Roundhouse, and far standing Roundhouse, and I think jumping Jab. And probably far standing Fierce. And I think far standing Forward.
IIRC. I think you can jump out of the crouching Short on unblockable, and maybe the crouching Jab one. If they try to jump out of the crouching Roundhouse one they get hit in the air, sorta like Akuma’s crouching Roundhouse VC juggle.
Early (whiffed) cross-up jumping forward on wake-up seems most effective and safest. Mainly because her attack ends, and she goes directly to neutral, as soon as she lands.
I think the only way to escape it is to reversal DP or wake-up super.
But even if they manage to do a reversal she could just block whatever they do and punish.
And if they get hit, then they’re pushed toward her, wide open for a combo.
Again, all this stuff is in my Rose replays.
V-Zangief oc’s and M.Bison oc’s
(Body Press or Kattobi Cancel)…
…[OC3] Quick Double Laria, [Standing HP>HP Banishing Flat]xn (corner), [Standing HK]x2, HP Banishing Flat, Atomic Suplex OTG.
Good damage, classic oc of Zangief.
…[OC3] Quick Double Laria, [HP Banishing Flat, Crouching LK]xn.
For more range than the other, since the HP Banishing Flat has better range than the Standing HP. Can combo into corner.
…[OC1] Quick Double Laria, [Standing HP>HP Banishing Flat]xn (corner), Standing LP, [cc Jump MK/HK]xn
An other OC with cc finisher (you can’t do many cc Jump MK/HK).
…[OC1] Atomic Suplex, [HP Banishing Flat]x2, Atomic Suplex. Repeat. Not a combo, but the guy can by confused and not knowing what to do.
[OC1] Russian Kick, HP banishing Flat, Atomic Suplex OTG, [HP Banishing Flat]x2, Atomic Suplex, repeat last part. A different starter.
(from far) [OC] Body Press>Atomic Suplex, [HP Banishing Flat]x2, Atomic Suplex. Repeat last part. Same thing, but a different starter. It can be seen in japs videos. In fact, it is not logic jumping after oc activation, so the guy could be surprised.
(ennemy’s guard will crush) [OC1] Jump HP, Russian Kick. Guard crush? Body Press>Atomic Suplex. The guard crushed at Jump HP? Do an HP Banishing Flat after Russian Kick, then Atomic Suplex OTG.
-Crouch Cancel-
Jumping Attack (counter hit) [cc Jump HK]xn, finish with cc Flying Piledriver (the air throw).
Kuuchuu Headbutt (counter hit), cc Kuuchuu headbutt (stun), [OC] Atomic Suplex OTG (with “bug”), Atomic Suplex OTG, Walk, LP Screw Piledriver OTG, Atomic Suplex.
Xenozip done a record of this one.
MP Screw Piledriver, Kattobi Cancel, HP Screw Piledriver OTG.
V-M.Bison (boxer)
Jumping Attack (counter hit), cc [OC1], Jump HP/HK, [cc Jump HP/HK]xn, (50%) [OC1], [cc Jump HP]xn (thanks to middlekick).
(Jumping HP/HK)…
…[OC1] Crouching MK, [Crouch MK>MK Dash Upper]x8. Sagat only.
…[OC2][Standing LPx4, Jump HP] x4, Standing LPx3, Standing HP (OC finished)> LP Dash Straight.
woo shit! hooly shit men! there are lots of good VC combos. I can help stopping by to take a look at all these combos. If I recall correctly, there are tons of VC for Cody, Guy, and Gen. Those three characters are my favorites. Anyway, that also reminds me of James Chen’s combo videos.
Xenozip, you say you have this stuff in your rose replays… do you have them? I would like to see them…
huh? Nash has a true CC? I think not…
try cr.fp at the end. I get best results with this instead of standing fp.
SFA3: VC List version 3.0
The other thread died like 5 months ago and some of the VCs are outdated and or are on different pages because the original poster probably got tired of updating the first post. So…here’s a cut and paste of the old thread but with all characters VCs listed on one page. The “thanks to” parts will be omitted for now…except thanks to Slide for alphabetizing and formatting this junk
VC2: [s.strong, c.fierce, short jaguar kick] x n
VC1, Jab DP, [Fierce FB, Fierce Demon Flip->Kick, land, repeat from FB], repeat brackets until corner, then do s.Fierce, whiff FB xn.
VC2(or VC3), Strong DP, b+Roundhouse [Fierce Demon Flip->Kick, land, Fierce Demon Flip->Kick, land, s.Fierce]. When you get to the corner, and you still have meter, do one Demon Flip->Kick, land, and do another Demon Flip with nothing, land, and do b+Roundhouse again to continue the combo or you can do the s.Fierce, FB pattern.
-Above combo is for 2P side, if you’re 1P do whiff s.Fierce -> Fierce Demon Flip->Kick
Bas OTG Combo:
VC3, c.Forward, c.Roundhouse, Strong Demon Flip, OTG Fierce grab, [s.Roundhouse, Fierce Demon Flip->Kick, land, s.Roundhouse] until corner. Once in the corner, just do whiff Jab FB into s.Fierces. Once the meter runs out, you can jump foward and then Demon Flip into a punch or something. (Thanks to Raz0r)
Akuma Unblockable***
VC1: c.Short, Fierce Red FB, Fierce Demon Flip->Punch(hit late), c.Short (unblockable), Blue FB to the Demon Flip/FB combo
VC3:low short-> low strong-> jab bullhead(b,f+p)-> strong bullhead x n-> in corner stand strong-> whiff jab bullhead x n
VC3:b+fierce-> whiff jab bullhead-> [stand strong-> whiff strong bullhead] x n in corner-> [stand strong-> whiff jab bullhead] x n
jump roundhouse-> low fierce(2 hits) jab bullhead-> dizzy-> activate vc1: short bandit chain(otg)-> whiff strong bullhead-> jab murderer chain(otg)-> vc ends-> any combo.
VC3, c.Short, [Short Flashkick, s.HK, ff,n, delay knee] then when opponent is cornered, repeat Roundhouse Flashkicks until 10% meter, st. strong, cc Fierce x3, cr. strong->flash kick
For anti air, start with cr. jab or cr. strong
VC2: c.Strong, [QCF+Forward, f+Roundhouse, whiff QCF+Forward, s.Fierce], repeat brackets, when you get to corner do: s.Fierce, QCB+Jab xn (if you fall back, use QCF+Forward once instead of a Criminal Upper)
VC3: c.RH, f+RH, whiff QCF+Forward, [s.FP, whiff QCF+Forward], when you get to the corner [s.Fierce, whiff QCB+Jab] for like 2 sets, then do s.Fierce, j.Short, CC j.Shorts for his infinite.
VC1: [c.Short(slide), Jab FB]
VC2: c.Short or c.Forward slide, Fierce FB (takes em in the air), immediately hit em with s.Roundhouse, [DP+KKK, Fierce FB, DP+KKK, Fierce FB] repeat until you hit the corner, and juggle with repeated Yoga Flames (Thanks to Sabre)
VC1: b+roundhouse->whiff low roundhouse-> fierce super zutsuki(b,f+p) x n
VC1: low strong-> fierce super zutsuki x n
Corner Only
VC1/2/3: 360+P x 4
note: p1 only
VC2:standing jab-> standing strong-> standing fierce-> standing roundhousexx qcf+short-> [standing fierce-> standing roundhousexxqcf+short ] x n-> roundhouse bushin hurricane.
VC2:df+roundhouse-> shadow df+roundhouse hits-> strong elbow drop(you may have to use a fierce elbow drop if the opponent falls too far) x 2~3-> in corner: qcb+forward x n.
VC2:df+roundhouse-> shadow df+roundhouse hits-> jump roundhouse-> cc jump roundhouse x 1~2-> stand fierce-> forward bushin hurricane kick x n.
Bushin Chain: activate VC2-> low strong-> forward bushin hurricane kick x n.
Now the bad news:
Regarding VCs that start with his df+roundhouse; Unless the opponent is a large character, the second hit of Guy’s df+roundhouse will not connect on a crouching opponent, thus preventing the opponent from getting launched.
The VCs that start from a bushin chain will also whiff against the smaller crouching characters.
VC1: c.short, rh cannon spike, rh cannon drill, [s.fierce, rh cannon spike, rh cannon drill] repeat to corner, rh cannon spike x n, s.fierce, fierce hooligan combo grab
Anti Air
VC3: [s.fierce, rh cannon spike, rh cannon drill] repeat to corner, rh cannon spike x n, s.fierce, fierce hooligan combo grab
Corner OTG
VC3: c.rh, foward mach slide, fierce earth direct, short cannon drill, [s.fierce, rh cannon spike, rh cannon drill] s.fierce, fierce hooligan combo grab
50% VC Bar Corner OTG
VC3: c.rh, foward mach slide, fierce earth direct, short cannon drill, s.fierce, fierce hooligan combo grab
Mid Screen:
VC3: (Activate point blank)JP Dragonpunch, FP, (FP DragonPunch, RK) repeat until corner
VC1: (Point Blank) Hadoken, Standing Close FP, Hadoken, (F+RK, Very Early Cancel Hadoken) Repeat
VC3, [Fierce Palmstrike (QCF+Fierce), Fierce Double Elbow (whiff first hit, RDP+Fierce, Fierce)] repeat xn
OTG Combo:
VC3, OTG 360->fierce palmstrike(perform by doing hcb+p)->fierce double elbow(2nd hit only)->fierce double elbow(2nd hit only)->[fierce palmstrike->fierce double elbow]*n till corner then palmstrikes
VC2 or VC3, 360+k, double elbow (whiff the second hit), dp+HP, hp palm strike x1(whiffs), f+hp finisher, dp+HP, hp palm strike x1(whiffs), f+HP, hp palm strike x1(whiffs), f+HP, DP+ HP.
R. Mika
VC1:low jab(deep)-> roundhouse shooting peach(qcb+k)-> roundhouse shooting peach x n-> low fierce.
VC1, c.Strong, [QCB+RH], repeat xn, when meter runs out, do c.Jab, QCB+RH.
Midscreen OTG:
VC1:low short-> low forward-> low roundhouse-> whiff roundhouse shooting peach-> roundhouse daydream headlock(otg)
Standing fierce-> activate vc1, low roundhouse-> whiff roundhouse shooting peach-> daydream headlock(otg)
knock them down with low roundhouse-> activate vc1-> cross up splash(jump+d+fierce)-> low short-> low fierce-> roundhouse shooting peach.
VC3: [cr. short, cr. fwd, cr. fierce, super jump strong/fierce] x n
VC1, c.Forward, pipe twirls, [s.RH, sj.RH, land] when you get to corner do s.RH, sj.Strong, proceed to do CC j.Strong
VC2/3: c.SP, SK Soul Spiral, f+rh, [SK Soul Spiral, f+rh x2] until you reach the corner. Soul Piette is the towards+Roundhouse move,
VC2/3: Crouching SP, SK Soul Spiral, [b+FP xx SK Soul Spiral] until meter runs out or you get to the corner.
Corner VC1, [c.Forward, Fierce FB, hopkick->Fierce FB] x n until 10% meter, hopkick cancel hurricane kick, cc jump strong infinite (affectionately known as hadou rave)
Infinite is pretty much 1p exclusive, 2p should probably end with a sweep
Anti Air
VC3 3: DP+jab -> st. fierce -> short tiger knee ->
[stand fierce -> roundhouse tiger crush] until corner. [st. fierce-> whiff high tiger] until 15%, fierce->b+fierce. CC strong x n for infinite
If opponent starts to airblock, start with b+fierce->fierce tiger uppercut
for 2P, have to alternate cc j.short with cc j. strong to bounce character out of the corner during CC
VC1/2, Jab DP, b+Fierce, QCB+Forward, [b+Fierce, whiff QCB+Short], repeat brackets until corner, then do: s.Fierce, whiff Hadoken, repeat this until meter is at 5%, after the Hadoken, do a s.Strong, then CC j.Fierces.
VC2, s.Strong, Fierce Scrape, whiff Strong Scrape, Fierce Scrape, [s.Roundhouse, whiff Jab Scrape], repeat brackets until corner then do: s.Roundhouse, Fierce Scrape x2 (you should now change sides), b+Fierce, whiff Jab Scrape, [s.Roundhouse, Jab whiff Scrape], end with 360+Roundhouse
-CC infinite: VC1 requirement, keep doing the s.Roundhouse, whiff Jab Scrape, when the meter gets down at 5%, after the Jab Scrape, quickly do a s.Strong, and repeated jump forward Fierces (you can continue the CC infinite into midscreen but doing a j.Fierce, then j.Short, now you can continue to the other side).
Anti Air
VC3:low jab-> roundhouse scarlet terror(db,f+k)->[stand roundhouse-> roundhouse scarlet terror] x n -> in corner[stand fierce-> stand roundhouse-> short backslash(kkk)] x n
VC3: low short-> roundhouse scarlet terror x 2->[stand roundhouse-> roundhouse scarlet terror] x n -> in corner[stand fierce-> stand roundhouse-> short backslash(kkk)] x n
VC2:low forward-> fierce rolling crystal flash(b,f+p) x n