SFA3: Character VC's Reborn

That’s tight.

Let’s find:

I’ll do my part and modify this post, with content on shortcuts and buffers for VCs and things of that nature, that appear in this thread.

Soul Spark: HCF+p
Soul Reflect: QCB+P
Soul Spiral: QCF+K

VC1/2/3) Crouching SP, SK Soul Spiral [B+FP, whiff SK Soul Spiral]x8 or until you reach the corner. Also works in the corner if you replace the Soul Spiral with a whiffed Soul Spiral with a Soul Spark or Soul Reflect. Depending on the VC shadows you probably want to use a Jab Spark and probably always a Jab Reflect.

VC2) Crouching Strong, [SK Soul Spiral, Soul Piede]x4, or until you get to the corner, same as above, does a bit less damage, but gets them across the screen quicker.

VC2) SK Soul Spiral, b+RK, ( d/f+FK, Short Soul Spiral, [Soul Piede, Short Soul Spiral, Soul Piede]x2 )until corner. Also works as [Spiral, b+RK, slide] looped until they reach the corner. Can be used vs fireballs and pokes since the Short Soul Spiral has good range (but is so far that you will have to you close standing Roundhouse or the Soul Piede, since she’s short on moves which will allow you to continue the VC at that range.

VC1) Crouching SP, SK Soul Spiral, [Standing Roundhouse]x9. Credit for this one goes to Gdawson, (aka noswad?) Corner only.

VC1) [JP Soul Spark, crouching Forward slide], repeat until VC ends. Only works on Dhalsim(?) and Birdie, and possibly Balrog T.Hawk and Zangief. Corner only. Works OK as a guard crush VC if blocked, and you can change the Soul Sparks to strong ones, as it may make some Alpha Counters whiff.

VC2) Crouching Strong, SK Soul Spiral, [b+FP, Jab Soul Reflect]x6, b+RK, Jab Soul Reflect, cc jumping Strong x15, jumping V-ISM activation… Infinite setup #1. Timing is pretty hard. You can substitute the last canceled Reflect for a crouching Roundhouse if you feel it makes the timing easier. You can also hit them with a standing Jab or Strong instead of the b+RK xx Soul Reflect, which acts as a reset if they air recover.

VC1) Crouching Strong, SK Soul Spiral, [b+FP, Jab Soul Spark]x5, whiff standing or crouching Strong, jumping Fierce, [cc jumping Strong…] Infinite setup #2. (assumed as a corner VC, though works from points at midscreen).

VC2) Jab or Strong Soul Reflect, [whiff SK Soul Spiral, b+FP]x8. Anti-air VC.

VC1)[Crossup jumping Forward, crouching Forward, crouching Strong, crouching Roundhouse]x3 …or something like that. I haven’t done this one in a long time, but I think that’s how it goes. I remember there was one with a whiff slide in it, but I abandoned that one IIRC. Confusion VC.

These are the more relevant ones, there’s more in my old FAQ … click “_V-ISM~E.TXT,” but those are the main ones… Do open it in Word/Notepad, I always have trouble with the margins…

Edit: ah, updated.


You can get Xenozip.'s Guy Exhibition here.

Any idea of V-Vega’s “new” VCs? The one’s i’ve see on a-cho aren’t the ones listed and seem to rely on fierce->roll. Also, what’s the transition to infinite?

Guys don’t forget to add a nice little corner VC for my homeboy Ken.^^ This is pretty good to blow through some stuff, if your opponent wants to get out of the corner.

VC3 dp+JP, (FP, qcf+FP) repeat until meter runs out then dp+FP

Incidentally, RH is stronger for both Juni and Cammy. And FK drills are stronger than RH drills because of the 2-hit factor that applies only to the RH drills. The damage increase adequate enough to merit special note of it.

(VC2) FP, [qcf+FK, RH, dp+RH]xN
-> corner: dp+RHxN
-> meter ends: back+FP (or c.FP), hcf,uf+FP->kick grab

  • The hooligan combination finisher (cross scissors pressure) breaks damage scaling rules as it’s a slam through. For Juni, replace the qcf and dp moves with her respective charge moves (duh). Anti-air is exactly the same, just a different start.
    (VC2) HP*, dp+HK, [etc]
    *HP start is optional, the spike hits fast enough that it will continue the juggle.
    -She has others, but who cares.

Guy’s oc.RH only whiffs crouching: Bison, Karin, and Sakura.

If spaced properly, it can hit everyone else while they are crouching. In some cases it needs to be spaced very close and in other cases it needs to be spaced at about max c.JP range, but the point is it CAN hit. The opponent can NOT tech flip AT ALL after the second hit of Guy’s oc.RH. The second hit can hit people out of the air.

The opponent also can NOT tech flip after the last hit of Guy’s bushin chain. Cancelling the last hit of Guy’s bushin chain during a VC resets the trigger on Guy’s bushin chain, which makes the next FP he does the “elbow” (third hit of the chain). And that enables him to loop FP->RH->qcf+SK during a VC.

Guy’s strongest finisher is his SP Bushin Flip because it breaks damage scaling rules (it’s a slam throw). If he is juggling his opponent out of the corner, he can end with back+FP->qcf+SP->grab. Player 2 can do this in and out of the corner.

(VC2) JP, SP, [FP, RH xx qcf+SK]xN
-> meter ends: back+HP xx qcf+SP->grab

-And many many different variations there-of.

Karin has tons of ways to set up her OTG nonsense. <3

(VC2) c.RH xx tk+FK (whiff) xx 360+SK -> etc*
Air Punch throw (tech) -> VC
Air Punch throw (no tech) -> VC
Air Kick throw (tech) -> VC
Air Kick throw (no tech) -> VC
Ground Punch throw (no tech) -> VC
qcf+MP -> MP -> down+K finisher -> VC
corner/near corner only:
qcf+SP -> SP -> df+SP -> df+SP -> VC
qcf+SP -> SP -> SP -> VC
dp+P -> VC
rdp+P -> P -> VC
c.RH -> VC

where “VC” = (VC2) OTG 360+SK, *rdp+JP, P (whiff), dp+P, [qcf+P (whiff), toward+P]xN
-> corner: [dp+P]xN
-> meter low: instant j.JP (inescapable), walk cancel, shadow hits, [j.RH]xN (infinite)
-> end with: Punch air throw.
*the rdp motion for the elbow rekka can actually be done with a half circle motion.

(VC2/3) 3xK Lariat, [FP, dp+P (whiff)]xN
-> Corner: [HK]xN
-> Corner finisher: 3xP (whiff), OTG 360+P/K

-His kattobi VC’s are beast.


Gen’s kick form (3 kicks) vertical jumping SK or vertical jumping FK are both VC CC infinites, and can be used on P1 or P2 side. Gen’s Kick air throw breaks damage scaling rules (slam), as is a good CC finisher.

Kick-Form Mid-screens:

(VC2) c.SK, [c.RK, c.FP]x3, c.RK, RK-Ouga opposite wall (charge down, up+toward+RK), FP, c.RK, RK (1st hit whiffs), FP-Jasen (charge back, toward+FP).

(VC2) c.SK, c.RK, RK-Ouga opposite wall far kick (charge down, up+toward+RK, hold back), shadow hits, FP, c.RK, [c.FP]x5, whiff c.JP or c.FK, shadow of c.FP hits, jump toward FK, CC [jump vertical FK or SK]xN – infinite, end with kick throw

(VC1) c.SK, [c.RK, c.FP]xN untill corner, [c.FP]xN untill meter is 10%, whiff c.JP, shadow from c.JP hits, jump toward FK, CC [vertical jump FK or SK]xN – infinite, end with kick throw

Note: For this VC to work, none of your shadows should hit the opponent untill the very end (the c.JP shadow).

Kick-Form Corners:

(VC1) c.SK, c.RK, [c.FP]x8, whiff c.JP, jump toward FK, CC [vertical jumping FK or SK]xN – infinite, end with kick throw

(VC2) c.SK, c.RK, [RK-Ouga off far wall - far kick (charge down, up+back+RK, hold toward), FP]x4

(VC2) c.SK, RK (2nd hit whiffs), RK-Ouga off far wall - ceiling bounce, toward drop kick (charge down, back+up+RK, hold up, hold toward), RK-Ouga off close wall, ceiling bounce, feint drop (charge down, toward+up+RK, hold up untill falling), RK (2nd hit whiffs), c.FK, shadow hits, CC [vertical jumping FK or SK]xN – infinite, end with kick throw

Corner: Super jump (VC2) [super jump SP, c.SK, c.SK, c.SK]x4, qcf+FPx3, RH, sj.SP, [CC jump toward SP]xN

Corner: (VC2) [c.SK, c.JP, c.JP, c.FP, whiff FP-Blanka Ball (charge back, toward+FP)]x5, c.SK, c.JP, c.RK (or oc.FP)

I’m too lazy to format Gen’s crap.

can u make more vids?

BTW in the guy vid in the ending where u give thanks,who is the g-product guy?

I wouldn’t know what to make more vidoes of. If I did another video it’d have to be some sort of collaboration with some one like TS or Middlekick.

In the Guy vid everyone on the thanks screen was just people who submitted artwork that I could use for the video. Except Gandido, who might have sorta/kinda/maybe submitted a combo or something.

<3 <3 <3

V-Gouki confussion/unblockable (dunno… it just works)

c.Roundhouse, VC1, (blocked)Fierce Red Hadouken XX Fierce Demon Flip > Grab, s.Roundhouse XX Fierce Demon Flip > Kick… etc etc.

damn, I forget to mention Ken’s Tatsumaki corner VC … --> VC2 qcb+RH until meter runs low, then dp+FP

You say a 2nd player Ryu should end in a sweep? I think that is one good option, but not what I do. It is also not what Daigo does. I like to do what he does… he tends to end in an rh tatsumaki and then jump straight up (your in corner and they are behind you and this mixes a lot of people up). If they land before you (which they do) they are back in the corner and your comin down on them.

Take this with a grain of salt b/c I haven’t tested it, but i THINK the hurricane kick will whiff if you started the VC while the opponent was in a crouching state…not sure.

I’m sure it will whiff. You can still cancel the hopkick into a hurricaine and CC, or go for an air throw, etc. 2p Ryu supposedly has an infinite as well, but it’s one of those things I’ve never really gotten around to testing out, as I don’t have console A3 anymore.

2P Ryu does have an infinite. Just watch #7 of the Ultimate Direction Tournament on ComboVideos. Sexiest combo ever seen, according to one unnamed source :slight_smile:

Yea I guess it would whiff if they were ducking, unless it was Sagat or Zanhief (I guess). But it is still a good option if they are not ducking =)

Yea the 2p infinite is slick

Thanks for the head’s up…good vids, didn’t know about those or the Tokyo team tournament ones at combovideos…

That’s not an infinite, though. You can’t even get them across the screen all the way, AFAIK, using neutral-jump FK. SK works better, but that doesn’t seem to work either, and Ryu doesn’t seem to build enough meter for a re-activation.

It would work if he can juggle them back in and out of the corner, but I haven’t seen that done yet.

Even so…god God that combo was vicious, and totally unnecessary… :rofl:

should these all work on the dreamcast version? i’m having trouble with the timing on a lot of them…

I’ve never played the DC version so I wouldn’t be able to guarantee that these work, but they SHOULD. The timing is a little differnet from what I hear. Don’t even bother with DC if you have a PC and a DC->PC usb adapter

Supposedly DC V-ISM has slight delay.