good stuff!
Sorry if this is obvious but is this his best VC?
Because whenever I’ve seen a Charlie vid the VC always seems the same until they get to the corner and then everyone seems to do something different, in fact I have very rarely seen constant Roundhouse Flashkicks (this is what I do) what I have seen are what look like whiffed Short Flashkicks, cr. Roundhouse and st. Strong’s.
I’m not sure if they are the correct moves but i was wondering if anyone could explain the different versions and which is the best one?
Cool, this’ll help me loads, thanks!
BTW what do you mean by VC2 & VC3?
Bored, and noticed there was very little Adon stuff.
**Midscreen: **
A: VC1-> Short Rising Jaguar-> Short Jaguar Kick-> Roundhouse Jaguar Kick x n
Note: Pretty easy to do once you’re familiar with the timing. Regarding the initial short RJ, the range where all hits - including the shadow Rising Jag - connect from, is decent. The damage isn’t the greatest though. About 40%. Hmmn. From now on, I’m going to list the damage in actual points just like those fancy CVS2 players do. Yeah. Make it the standard for A3 damage recording. Anyway, another use for this VC is as an anti-projectile. From a good distance away, you can activate VC1, short Jaguar Kick-> Short Rising Jaguar-> continue into above listed VC.
B: VC2-> Short Rising Jaguar-> crouching Fierce-> whiffed Short Jaguar Kick-> [standing Fierce-> whiffed Forward Jaguar Kick x 2] x n.
Note: What’s important here, is the crouching Fierce after the Rising Jag. If you are too far to land this, then this combo won’t work. This combo works as anti-air too. However, you must have the opponent very low to the ground. Can also be modified into an anti-projectile VC: Short Jaguar Kick-> Short Rising Jaguar-> etc. Especially useful against Sakura’s spaced close standing Fierce-> Hadouken sequence.
C: VC2-> Short Rising Jaguar-> [standing Fierce-> whiffed Short Jaguar Kick] x n ->
in corner: [standing Fierce-> whiffed Roundhouse Jaguar Tooth] x n.
Note: You have to be fast! Hit standing Fierce the instant you can after the Rising Jag. And cancel the standing Fierces very quickly - but not too quickly or the the Jag Kick will actually hit the opponent - into the Short Jag Kicks. Works as anti-air too, but you must have the opponent low to the ground.
**Corner: **
VC2: Short Rising Jaguar-> standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Jaguar Tooth-> [standing Fierce-> whiffed Roundhouse Jaguar Tooth] x n.
VC2: crouching Forward-> [standing Roundhouse (2 hits)-> Short Jaguar Kick-> crouching Short] x n.
Note: The timing is pretty tight. I imagine that could probably reset this with a jumping attack and some crouching Forwards. I’ll experiment more later.
Mid-air counter hit jumping attack-> CC activate VC1, jumping Strong-> CC jumping Strong x n-> CC punch air throw.
Funny, I was just playing Adon today…
I’m not sure that combo works on all crouching characters…IIRC Adon’s standing RK whiffs vs some crouching characters. The version of that VC I use is just (VC2) crouching FK, [c.FP xx Short Jaguar Kick]xn. Standing Fierce does more damage, but also whiffs vs crouchers.
Have you tried that for 2P Adon, btw? Because I was playing on one of those Anniversary Edition ultracade machines, and whenever I do that VC I end up crossing up and cornering myself, unless I throw some crouching Shorts in before the Fierce. Didn’t happen on the Saturn version IIRC.
Random Adon notes:
Air throw (PP) is good, apparently? I had a lot of success using it as anti-air.
Crouching Jab and Fierce are both good, crouching Strong is OK, but not as good as in A2.
Short Rising Jaguar is the only one with invincibility, though they all have pretty good priority. It’s Final Round, I was down to zero health vs a Ken player and I’d been knocked down, he throws a Fierce(?) fireball from just inside sweep distance, I wakeup SK Rising Jaguar through it.
(I’d no idea that would actually work, even though I knew the SK Jaguar was the one with invincibilty. Had he been two steps back, or even just thrown a Jab fireball, I probably would have lost the round)
I cant pull off the OTG cc with akuma
On the first page its got VC3 - c.Forward, c.Roundhouse, Strong Demon Flip, OTG Fierce grab…
When I do this Akuma goes too far past the char (i am using Strong DF). He just dont seem to connect Any tips?
Yeah, that combo definitely won’t work on crouching characters. The Short Jaguar Kick doesn’t even put them into a standing reeling animation. I thought it would.
I tried VC2) crouching FK, [c.FP xx Short Jaguar Kick] x n, and found that easier to do than the one I originally listed, which, by the way, can be modified with a more damaging starter and easier sequence: VC2: standing Fierce-> crouching Fierce-> Short Jaguar Kick-> [standing Roundhouse (2 hits)-> Short Jaguar Kick] x n.
Short Rising Jaguar is the only one with invincibility, though they all have pretty good priority. It’s Final Round, I was down to zero health vs a Ken player and I’d been knocked down, he throws a Fierce(?) fireball from just inside sweep distance, I wakeup SK Rising Jaguar through it.
Another point of note about the Short Rising Jag, is its speed. In the good book, I seem remember it having an extremely short start-up time; short enough to make it very difficult to attack Adon with a deep jump-in attack when he’s waking up.
V-Adon’s back+Roundhouse doesn’t have the same priority as its A2 equivalent, df+Forward. It’s not bad though, and can beat the Splash… if your timing’s good. Standing Fierce and standing Strong/Standing Jab-> Roundhouse Rising Jaguar seem to be okay for anti-air. His crouching Fierce has good - though a little inconsistent - anti-air priority when used from a distance.
His crouching Forward is pretty quick, and I was able to do fairly easy meaty attacks with early crouching Forward-> crouching Forward for a 2-hit combo.
Some more VCs:
VC2: Short or Forward Rising Jaguar-> crouching Fierce-> Short Jaguar Kick-> [whiffed short Rising Jaguar-> crouching fierce-> Short Jaguar Kick] x n -> in corner: standing Fierce-> whiffed Roundhouse Jaguar Tooth x n.
Good damage, about 67 out of 144. Also easier to time and a lot more consistent than the previously listed ones. I crown this the Standard Adon Midscreen.
VC1: Short Rising Jaguar-> [Short Jaguar Kick-> Forward Rising Jaguar-> crouching Fierce] n -> in corner [whiffed standing Fierce-> Short Jaguar Kick] x n.
Still can’t find a whiffed normal-> jump to cc set up though.
Corner, VC1: Short Rising Jaguar-> [back+Roundhouse-> Roundhouse Jaguar Tooth] x n.
Can be used as an altternative corner variation to the above. Though the damage won’t be great because the shadow back+Roundhouse does all the hitting.
Found a page with movies of several V-Ryu combos. Nothing new, but at least they’re here - in movie form.
The indifferent way in which V-Cammy was treated in this thread is saddening.
-Cammy Variable Combo Chart-
(A) Ground
A1: VC1/3-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> [far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow] x n
A2: VC3-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce] x n
A3: VC1-> far standing Fierce-> [Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Roundhouse-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n
A4: VC1/3-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Jab-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> [Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n
A5: VC3-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Jab-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> [far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n
A6: VC2-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Strong-> Forward Cannon Spike-> [Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n. Long- distance VC; also an anti-Sonic Boom, Psycho Shot VC.
When further away, omit the initial standing Fierce and start immediately with the appropiate strength Spiral Arrow. When at the furthest distance, e.g after blocking Blanka’s Rolling Attack (activate while Blanka is still airborne) use a Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> Forward Spiral Arrow sequence to start the VC.
If the combo is started from a close Roundhouse Spiral Arrow, it is possible to continue the combo in the opposite direction. Useful if you are cornered, where you can go into her corner variation that much sooner.
[A1,2,3,4,5-> H1,2]
[A3-> any H except 6 or 7]
[A2-> H1,2]
[A6-> H1,2,7]
(B) Anti-air
B1: VC1/3-> [far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow] x n
B2: VC1-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> [Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Roundhouse-> Roundhouse cannon spike] x n
B3: VC3-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> [far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow] x n
It is possible to use either any version of the standing Jab, a far standing Strong, or a close standing Fierce to start the combo.
[B1,2-> any H except 6 or 7]
[B3-> H1,2]
© Anti-air against low-height jumping attacks
C1: VC1-> crouching Roundhouse-> [far standing Roundhouse-> roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow] x n
C2: VC3-> crouching Roundhouse-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> [far standing Strong-> whiffed Forward Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow] x n
[C1-> any H except 6 or 7]
[C2-> H1,2]
(D) Air-to-ground
D1: VC3-> Roundhouse Cannon Strike-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Jab-> Roundhouse cannon spike-> [Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon spike] x n
D2: Counter-hit Jumping Roundhouse-> activate VC3-> Spiral Arrow etc.
[D1,2-> H1,2]
(E) Crouch-cancel
E1: Air-to-air counter-hit jumping attack-> crouch cancelled jump activate VC1, jumping Fierce-> crouch-cancelled jumping Fierce x n
E2: Air-to-air counter-hit jumping attack-> crouch cancelled jump activate VC3, jumping Roundhouse-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> [Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n
E3: Air-to-air counter-hit jumping attack-> crouch cancelled jump activate VC1, Short Cannon Strike-> Short Cannon Spike->
[Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Roundhouse-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n
E4: Air-to-air counter-hit jumping attack-> crouch cancelled jump activate VC3, Short Cannon Strike-> Short Cannon Spike->
[Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n
[E1,3-> any H except 6 or 7]
[E2,E4-> H1,2]
(F) Air-to-air
F1: VC1-> air-to-air jumping Fierce-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce] x n
F2: VC2/3-> air-to-air jumping Fierce-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce] x n
[F1-> any H except 6 or 7]
[F2-> H1,2,7]
Can be used against Rolento’s stinger, or as an anti-air air-throw VC.
(G) Linking
G1: Crouching Strong-> activate VC3-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far standing Strong (quick cancel)-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Jab/far standing Fierce-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n
G2: Crouching Strong-> activate VC3-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> [far standing Fierce (delayed cancel)-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow] x n
G3: Crouching Strong-> activate VC3-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike x n-> close standing Fierce-> Hooligan Combination-> Cross Scissor Pressure. Corner; also possible afer a counter hit crouching Strong.
G4: Counter-hit crouching Strong-> activate VC3-> far standing Fierce-> [Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n Corner only.
G5: Counter-hit crouching Strong-> VC2/3 Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Jab-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce] x n
G6: Counter-hit crouching Jab-> activate VC3-> far standing Fierce-> [Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike] x n
G7: Counter-hit crouching Jab-> activate VC3-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Jab/far standing Fierce-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce] x n
[G1,2,3,4,6,7-> H1,2]
[G5-> H1,2,7]
(H) Corner
H1: VC1/3-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Standing Roundhouse] x n -> close standing Fierce-> Fierce Hooligan Combination-> Cross Scissor Pressure
H2: VC1/3-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike x n -> close standing Fierce-> Hooligan Combination-> Cross Scissor Pressure
H3: VC1-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike x n -> far standing Roundhouse-> whiffed close standing Fierce-> shadow Fierce hits-> jumping Fierce-> crouch-cancelled jumping Roundhouse x 4-> crouching Strong-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike
H4: VC1-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike x n -> far standing Roundhouse (delayed cancel)-> Forward Spiral Arrow-> whiffed close standing Fierce-> shadow Fierce hits-> jumping Fierce-> crouch-cancelled jumping Roundhouse x 4-> crouching Strong-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike
H5: VC1-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike x n-> whiffed far standing Short-> shadow Short hits-> jumping Fierce-> crouch-cancelled jumping Roundhouse x 4-> crouching Strong-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike. For player 2, use neutral jumping Roundhouse x 3-> crouching Strong-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike.
H6: VC1/2/3-> anti-air against high jumping attacks Jab Cannon Revenge-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike x n
H7: VC2 -> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> whiffed Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far Standing Fierce-> Fierce Hooligan Combination-> Cross Scissor Pressure. Useful for player 2, who is unable to finish the VC with the Hooligan Combination when in the corner. This VC will take the opponent out of the corner.
(I) Un-blockable
I1: After a corner knock-down, e.g kick throw-> VC2-> whiffed crouching Short x 5-> jumping Roundhouse-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike etc.
I2: VC1-> cross-up jumping Short-> crouching Short-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> [far standing Roundhouse-> Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow] x n
[I1-> H1,2,7]
[I2-> any H except 6 or 7]
Two More Cammy VCs
If you want an easier VC to link into after a counter-hit crouching Strong, try these:
VC3: Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far Standing Strong-> whiffed far standing Roundhouse/crouching Roundhouse-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce] x n
VC3: Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far Standing Strong-> whiffed far standing Roundhouse/crouching Roundhouse-> Roundhouse Spiral Arrow-> [Roundhouse Cannon Spike-> far standing Strong-> whiffed Short Spiral Arrow-> far standing Fierce] x n
What’s the set up/different ways to get into the V-Ryu infinite?
What does V-Sodom have as far as anti air VCs?
Also, if someone blocks the ground VC, do I have better options than just repeated jab scrapes? I’m assuming so.
Thanks in advance.
edit… Sorry, srk timed out and it double posted
theres 3 different types of vc’s, all of which determin how late the shadows hit after you do.
vc1 is the fastest, and vc3 is the slowest
Are there some simpler Karin cc’s i didnt get the ones on the first page…
And is there guard crush combo for karin?
Karin’s Guard Crush is pretty slick but requires some REALLY quick fingers.
It requires a little trick which I don’t think most people realize:
[VC2] cr. lk->[st.rh] x N
For some reason the initial cr. lk keeps the opponent from being pushed away
i’m really confused on karin’s vcs.
first of all, which one is palmstrike? is it dp or qcf?
second, i can get the OTG grab down, but i’m always confused afterwards. the combo says to do hcb+p, but which direction do i do it from? say i’m on the left, and i do the 360+k, so the opponent moves to the left. do i do right, down-right, down, down-left, left + hp or do i start from left?
preety much the same one ryu1999 posted but it’s VC1 fierce scrape, strong scrape, whiff fierce scrape, [s.Roundhouse, whiff Jab Scrape] xN to corner, then the rest is the same.
when a vc gets blocked so d.fp, fierce scrape xN or, fierce scrape xN or hell just fierce scrape but itself. the first one eats up guard meter very quickly.