SFA3: Character VC's Reborn

This VC is exactly what the SFAA guide says to do, but i’m having crazy trouble successfully doing it.

I can get c.lk, [flashkick (lk), s.hk, dash, knee bazooka (whiff)]

but i can’t get the next flashkick (lk) to connect after i whiff knee bazooka. i’ve tried different timing variations. what is the “secret”?

Two things that might help; 1: cancel the far standing Roundhouse very quickly into the dash. This ensures that Charlie will be close enough to connect with a deep Somersault Shell after the whiffed Knee Bazooka. 2: when you do dash, try to cancel into the Knee Bazooka as late as you can, also enabling you to keep close to the opponent.

I believe what you’re refering to is whiffed normals during the Flash Kicks. To get the most damage in the corner you need to hit them as deep as you can, what they do if the oponent is too high is cancel the recovery of a Flash Kick with say crouching forward, to allow them to fall further down deeper into your combo. Since they can only tech flip when you reach a neutral state, you have to make sure you cancel each move properly, otherwise you will screw it up.

Charlie can do b+Fierce xx c.Fierce xx Short Flash Kick as a corner VC, but I don’t remember if it was VC2 or VC3.

kainzero- you probably don’t care or have figured it out already, since you asked 4 months ago…but the palm strike being refered to was most likely dp+P. About doing things after the OTG with Karin- in the arcade and Saturn versions of A3, you were crossed-up after you did the 360+K with Karin, so you need to input commands in the opposite direction. So if you wannted the qcf move, you would do qcb in those versions to get it.

From an old a-cho vid:
Vega (claw)
(VC3) c.FK, FK Scarelet Terror (flipkick), s.FP xx [SP Rolling Crystal Flash(claw roll), whiff SP Rolling Crystal Flash xx s.FP xx SP Rolling Crystal Flash] to corner.

I think. Not overly familiar with what Vega’s moves look like, so I’m unsure which strength button was used with the specials. It appears from another vid that he can also do [standing FP xx whiff JP claw roll]xn for at least 3 reps, if you’re close enough to the corner. which got them to the corner from mid-stage.

Corner VC I saw was VC3, flipkick, s.FP xx s.RK xx backflip (3K), c.FP xx [s.FP xx whiff claw roll xx 3K backflip]xn, I think. It looks like the part in the brackets can be repeated.

Another variation was VC3, flipkick, s.FP, 3K backflip x2, and then [standing Fierce xx whiff Jab claw roll]x2 to get close again.

Worth noting that the Vega in the vids (usually Romii) often lets them flip after a while- the shadow of the flipkick seems to hit them right after, and you can jump after with Forward and try to start the infinite. He does standing Jab ->j.SK sometimes too, so that even if they don’t flip, they get hit by something.

I think you might actually need to be wearing the claw to have these combos work right, if you’re not really close (particularly the s.FP xx whiff Jab claw roll).

Any way we can merge this thread with this one?

This one is a bit more complete.

Just to add to this, far standing RH does a point more damage when it hits at the tip (instead of the knee) than far FP and I find it a bit easier to use than far FP. And her combo does a lot more damage if you can minimize the use of far SP.

Fortunately, you can also switch between combos, mid-combo.

Also, FK Spiral Arrow (Cannon Drill) does more damage than RH. You always want to use FK arrows and RH spikes.

An example of what I mean would be :

VC2: RH Cannon Spike, far SP, whiff far RH, FK Spiral Arrow, RH Cannon Spike, -> [FK Spiral Arrow, far RH, RH Cannon Spike]xN

Meter ends: back+FP, FP Hooligan Combination -> Cross Scissors Pressure

Which of corse can also be used as midscreen anti-air or midscreen on the ground.

Also note that if you accidentally cross-up in the corner, because you over-shot yourself into the corner with an arrow (so to speak), you can do a RH Cannon Spike in the opposite direction to cross back over to the other side, then continue the combo or just do repeated cross-up spikes.

Also, I wanted to take the time to correct myself on the functionality of a CC setup.

With the exception of Chun-Li (who has a “true” unflippable set-up), the opponent is actually “supposed” to flip from your set-up. The idea is to punish their flip with an attack that hits them immediately after the flip-flash, during their recovery state. This is because there is a short time immediately following the flip-flash that the opponent can not air block. If hit during this period, they for some reason will return to a jugglable state, which means air normals will put them in an unflippable juggleable state.

“Ideal” set-ups will work weather the opponent techs or not.

An easy example of what I mean would be to use Karin and place your opponent in the corner :

(VC2), [dp+LP]x2, jump LP, walk cancel, [jump HP, CC]xN

The opponent should flip after the dp+LP, but if the jump LP is timed quickly enough, it should not be blockable, and the opponent will then get hit by the shadow of the jumping LP, setting up for an infinite CC.

This is probably old news to everyone, but I don’t recall the last time I’ve seen it in text.

On a side note, you don’t have to mash buttons in order to air-tech (air-flip/air-recovery) in A3. You just need to hold the buttons+direction mid-combo and the game will auto-tech you at the first possible opening. This is also old news but whatever.

There HAVE to be more VC’s for Sakura or Ryu. Nobody has any more?

(wait, why this thread and not the other ?) …

More on Cammy:

If you’re too far away from the corner the generic ender (back+FP, Hooligan Combination) might not connect.

For example, even if you have 100% meter, if you start out with your back to the corner you’re probably going to run out of meter while still mid screen, which means the back+HP will most likely whiff at the end of the combo (assuming the end of the combo was a Cannon Spike).

But, fortunately she has a few tricks to compensate for this:

(VC2), dp+RH, far SP, whiff far RH, qcf+FK, qcf+RH, [dp+RH]xN
-> ender, back+FP, tigerknee+FP -> RH grab

  • The interesting thing about this combo is that the dp+RH will hit the opponent from the back, and Cammy will cross the opponent up. This means that you have to input the next DP in the opposite direction. And the great thing is, the next DP will also cross up again. And that means you can repeatedly do mid-screen DP’s untill your meter runs out, and then you will be at point-blank range, which will allow you to hit with back+FP, tigerknee FP (hooligan combination)

Note that in order to do a back+FP at the end, you have to press toward the opponent’s direction, not away. Which means you’ll be doing something like (toward+FP, hcf, uf+FP), which can be kind of weird.

Alternately, because the repeated DP’s can be kind of hard to time, you can loop it for a little bit, then set up the multi-cross :

(VC2), [dp+RH, far SP, whiff far RH, qcf+FK]x2, qcf+RH, [dp+RH]x2
-> ender, back+FP, tigerknee+FP -> RH grab

  • Starting with 100% meter, this combo lets you do two cross-up DP’s before meter runs out.

And the other trick she has up her sleeve is to just make sure the last move you do while you have meter is qcf+SK instead of dp+RH. As such:

(VC2), dp+RH, far SP, whiff far RH, qcf+FK, dp+RH, qcf+FK, far RH, dp+RH, qcf+FK, qcf+SK, back+FP, tigerknee+FP -> RH grab

  • The downside to this is it’s not as flexible. The timing is pretty strict.

This is news to me… And I’m sure not many people know these things. Thanks for the tip, and great vids by the way.

A quick note on Juni and Juli. They both also have the repeated midscreen cross-up DP’s. Which incidentally, also works in the corner. Though in Juli’s case the setup is slightly different, of course.

On the ground you can start with (FP) qcf+RH, [dp+RH]xN

And it’s also possible to start it as anti-air, though the timing for the loop is fairly difficult. But, you can do dp+RH, c.HP, qcf+FK, dp+RH, late dp+SK, [dp+RH]xN

Though Juli lacks the hooligan combination and earth direct, and her kick air throw is unsafe if teched. So her finisher is rather weak. Ideally you would go for a CC setup to rebuild meter. But you need to be in the corner for that so looping mid-screen DP’s is less useful to her, AFAIK. Not that it matters anyway since Juli is garbage (pick Juni or Cammy instead).

Juni has all of Cammy’s VC’s, so the ones listed for her will work for Juni as well. The only thing you have to change for Juni is far SP, since she lacks that move. Fortunately, c.HP reaches, so just replace far SP with c.HP. She also has a rack of her own, since she also comes equipped with the Mach Slide and Earth Direct, but I think those were already listed (somewhere).


Oh, so now it should be obvious why you don’t see people tech flipping from a lot of CC setups in videos. They rather take the scaled damage, since if they flip and get guard broke they risk taking non-scaled damage.

i may sound like kinda a noob when i ask this question but can any1 tell me how to do a bison v-ism juggle

RE (Claw) Vega notes…

You’re probably thinking of his toward+RH (flying kick) move, which does more damage and is more comboable than his neutral RH (hop axe kick). Also, mid-screen you can start off with his RH Scarlet Terror (flip kick) instead of FK. It does a few more points of damage. Though in the corner I think it’s better to use FK.

c.SP and the last hit of the Rolling Crystal Flash (claw roll) do the same damage. And FP and c.FP do a few points more damage (than c.SP/roll). And toward+RH does a few points more (than FP).

So, the point of doing standing FP xx whiff LP claw roll, FP is just for the extra (minor) damage you get from FP instead of the claw roll ender. And you can switch the combo after a few reps, you don’t really have to be anywhere near the corner for it. If you start to get out of range you can just switch to SP claw rolls and let the ender hit. Technically you’re able to do SP claw rolls all the way to the end of the screen, starting from the corner, but it does pathetic damage. So like:

(VC2/3), c.FK, RH Scarlet Terror, FP, [whiff LP Rolling Crystal Flash, FP]x2, [SP Rolling Crystal Flash]xN

As far as corner combos go, I’ve been toying with this one:

(VC2), c.FK, FH Scarlet Terror, FP, [toward+RH, K-backflip (3K)]xN
(VC2), c.FK, FH Scarlet Terror, FP, [toward+RH, whiff JP Rolling Crystal Flash]xN

The shadow of the toward+RH hits between hits.

I can’t really seem to get any good damage out of it but it’s pretty easy to execute.

Though, incidentally you can do:
c.FK, FK Scarlet Terror, HP, neutral RH, k-backflip(3K), [c.FP, neutral RH, K-backflip(3k)]xN

Right, looked like you could do that, and I think I’v e seen something like that before. The guy in the a-cho videos used regular standing Roundhouse instead of the towards+RK, I guess he didn’t realize about the damage.

Vega’s pre-CvS2 normals I’m familiar with, but less so with his specials. The flipkick, for example- I didn’t know which version I saw in the vids, because it only hit once, and I wasn’t sure which versions of the move would only hit a standing opponent once.

A very random V-Vega note would be that the flipkick seems to whiff vs Akuma’s over head, and kicks over him without connecting.

Actually it may do more damage because it doesn’t involve shadow hits. Meaning, with c.FP and neutral RH you don’t hit with your shadow, as apposed to using toward+RH you do. But I’m too lazy to test which does more damage right now.

I just know using toward+RH is easier for whatever reason.

Personally, I don’t think it really matters what VC you do since all his combos do crap damage. The important thing for him is the CC set-up, IMO.

some dan vcs

(VC3): dp+JP, FP(or FK), [whiff qcf+P, RH]xN

(VC3): dp+JP, FK(or RH), qcb+RH, RH, whiff qcb+SK, FP, whiff qcb+SK, FP, qcb+SK (hits), whiff qcf+P, FP, whiff qcf+P, RH, whiff qcf+P – meter ends, c.FP, dp+FP

Alternately, you can end with c.FP, qcb+SK and try to hit them on their way down or AA them if they tech flip.

Dan’s VC’s aren’t very strong. But he has a goddamn pushblock in V-ism.

anyone know how to do that big leap that zangief does , its in the zangief video the last few combos
Xenozip. can u tell me how u do that plz

f+mp, quick V activation.

I prefer to use :mp: > :qcf::hp: with Dan. You have to be spaced a certain way to use :hk:.
Also, for changing sides in the corner with Sodom, when I try it, they flip as well.