SFA3: Character VC's Reborn

What about some Dhalsim strats?

I’m impatient, so I just came up with a Cody VC on my own.
Someone tell me if it’s flippable:

c. MP > QCF+MK > (Whiff) QCF+MK > c. MP > (Whiff) QCF+MK > FP > QCF+MK > FP > QCF+MK > FP > QCF+MK > RH > QCF+MK until corner (FP > QCB+LP x N)

It goes from one side of the screen all the way to the other, so I’m praying that it works.
If the opponent’s only about a half screen from the corner, I’ll just use RH > QCF+MK instead of FP.

Any T. Hawk Vc’s?? Havent really found anything that was worthwhile:(

Best Kind Boxer had a vid clip up on YouTube with some V-Hawk combos that seemed pretty good.

What would be Cody’s best VC, and how do you that VC that starts with c.rh then f+rh they just dont hit at all!! …help please

It doesn’t start with c. RH.
You do c. MP > QCF+MK > F+RH > QCF+MK THEN c. RH > F+RH

ok thanks so what is your favorite Cody VC ?
and how do you setup his CC is it when your about 5% you hit him with standing fierce then jump short or CC jump short
any help would be great

I use standing MP since it seems to knock them up higher, but yeah, CC jumping LK after that.
Is that Roland in your avatar? Lol.

hehe lol yea its Roland lol he is such a tool
And uh I am really having a hard time with Dhalsims midscreen VC

I believe it goes like…c.short or forward ,fierce FB,s.roundhouse,DP+KKK,(this is where i have a hard time )you do FB then wiff b+roundhouse then c.forward wiff FB( all must be wiffed except for the b+roundhouse) then in corner you do repeated yoga blasts

Does he have any better mid screen VC’s ? and is he worth it in A or V?
any tips would be cool thanks

umm does this work with Cody ?
just do (QCF+Mk,wiff c.MK,QCF+MK)…until corner??
can someone clarify this


Anybody gave any good stylish VC’s? Damage doesn’t really matter but just to get some “ooo’s” and “ahhh’s”

Why does some of Cammy’s (maybe others, but I havent tried them) VC’s that in the corner sometimes cross you up? I have done the repeated Cannon Spike in the corner, but when it comes time for the fierce->holligan combo, the hooligan just flies behind them. If it makes any difference, I play on player 2 side, pushing them to the player 2 corner. I have seen the vid with the cross up Cannon Spikes, but havent learned it yet. Is there any reason this happens?

I guess some characters hit boxes just arent the same. I tried the standard antiair VC1 (st fierce->rh cannon spike->cannon drill, etc etc) on Cody, but for some reason the Cannon Drill misses completely. His sprite falls on the Drill, but there is no hit whatsoever. On some characters, point blank range VC1 Cannon Spike only hits once (Gief, Charlie)…

Actually that’s exactly why. Uneven sides. Player 2 crosses up during corner juggles, which makes CC infinites harder for player 2 (but not impossible).

Does anyone have a transcript for the Sakura crossup VC? Is it unblockable, or is the side it hits random, or was I just blocking wrong?

Rose corner transition in VC3-
Crouching SP xx c.FP xx neutral standing RK, jump and cc shennanigans.

Standing Roundhouse has to be done super-late, like the last couple of frames (frames in terms of time, not just animation) before they can air-recover. There’s a period where you can’t cancel it into a normal anymore, and they get to flip…as late as possible before that.

Fei stuff:

VC2/VC3 Rekkas(FPx3), [b+RK Rekkas (JPx2, FPx1)] to corner

Can be done in VC1 also, but you need to use far standing Roundhouse IIRC, and I think only the shadow hits them. Does less damage.

Confusion and high/low sutff:
VC1 c.RK xx f+RK, overhead (f+FK), c.SK…Rekkas to transition into midscreen.

VC1 c.RK x2, [FK chicken wing (Tiger Knee motion+K) to crossup, c.SK, c.SP, c.RKx2]

VC1 c.RK xx whiff JP or SP Rekka (x1), crossup j.FK, c.SKx2, repeat. You can also use crouching Forward, or even crouching Forwardx2, but that seemed harder (at least on Juni, whom I was trying it on at the time).

VC2 C.RKx2 Crossup FK chicken wing, c.JP, c.SK. Doesn’t work on Zangief, but did work on Bison and I’m assuming all characters his size and smaller (also worked on Ryu). The chicken wing is both an overhead and a crossup.

All of those can either transition into the mdiscreen, or repeat, though the VC2 one has a gap in it. I think you might be able to do [FK chicken wing, c.SK, c.FK]xn vs someone in the corner…also has a gap in it, but should be a bitch to block since the chicken wing hits multiple times and will even hit crouching Juni.

corner stuff:

Rekkas, [s.FP xx FK dragon kick] (b, d, db+K) for VC2, use the Short version of the kick for VC1. Sometimes you may need to use b+FP. VC2 version does more damage.

Didn’t think to look for any anti-air VCs.

For anti-air you can start with 1st wrekka whif 2nd, hit 3rd. I think standing rh does more damage than b+rh? blah, all his VCs do shit damage.

Corner blocked: VC2, rekkas, d.lk, lk-twisty kick, guard break… whatever.

I have a bison vc on the ground for 40%

Activate standing forward kick
2 in 1 into RH sissor kicks
Hit Standing FP whiff sk sissor kick and repeat until the end and stomp and dive to standing RH.

Any other cc for him or blanka? Anti air for bison? Anyone know Blanka unblockable cc?

So uh… Ive been practicing sakuras cc ender to her corner vc, and it seems to me that people can escape it by teching in the air then blocking. What im doing for reference is jp.dp -> (st.fp xx fp.fireball) x 6 -> quick st.sp while the fireballs coming out -> jp.sp -> walk cancel -> jp.fp x 3 -> cr.fp xx fk.dp … if i set the opponent to do nothing but stand this works great, if i set the opponent to tech and then block it doesnt work. So i ask you fellow srkrs, do you have to anticipate the tech and do a diff combo or what?

any good corner combo with V-Fei long, after breaking their guard?

BTW his VCs are REALLY hard to pull, but well.