SFA3: Character VC's Reborn

that works as a mid-screen but does little damage compared to his rave. most good v-ryu players i’ve watched always save VCs for the corner. Ryu’s roundhouse hurricane has huge dizzy potenial especially when combo’ed into after a couple of crouch cancels. sets up the rave, sets up more options. ryu and his waiting game.

This is a modified ‘valle’ mid-screen confusion vc if opponent is without meter this can be nasty.

VC1 J.forward cross-up, c.jab, c.short, c.roundhouse, f+ fierce, repeat.

this can be made unblockable with the perfect timing and spacing, after the sweep you cancel into the dashing punch and then jump for the cross-up, if done right you will cross them up as they are half way through their standing animation and hit both sides at once. On the third cross-up attempt j.forward, c.jab, c.short, roundhouse hurricane. prolly dizzy and another combo.

combine with hopkick, fireball pokes ^^


Damn it Lee get your stuff right.

Firstly, The VC has nothing to do with Valle, Secondly, it’s not a confusion combo but an unblockable VC and lastly, the actual combo you’ve listed is erroneous.

The opponent can block the first two attacks in the combo by simply standing giving them enough time to crouch and block the remaining two attacks. For a combo to be unblockable, you must have at least two attacks(one that hits high the other low) that hit the opponent simultaneously.

If you are using VC1, the VC’s shadow mimics your movement very quickly, you only are hitting the opponent from one side.

So the combo should be:
VC1: low short-> low roundhouse-> whiffed t+fierce-> [cross up forward-> low short-> low roundhouse-> whiffed t+fierce] x n
The low short and the shadow from the cross up forward should hit at the same time.

If you do this near the corner, you can cancel the low short into a red fireball then continue into his midscreen VC([fb-> hopkick] x n)
when you reach the corner, go into his whiff fb-> stand fierce sequence.

Thnx for exposing teh secret sub and mk;)

Hey can some one plz give me n e fei long or dj vc combos plz thanx!!!11

haha owned by kick on first name basis. you know the score more than me, if anything i’m just tempting you into posting if just to correct me, maybe. you’re right btw, it’s the combination of the 2nd hit of the shadow cross-up combined with a crouch jab / short. have a look at the attached screenshot for clarity.

I thought you can add a jab into your VC, giving slightly better range for the repeat cross-up attempt.

all i know is it’s unblockable, its a reset and it’s mid-screen. and not to do it if opponent has meter.

Say if you were caught in this trap, what could you do to get out of it? would reversals work, because a shadowed meaty cross-up is tricky (and risky) to work with.

I’ll work out some fei-long, deejay VCs today if i can find my DC.


Edit: ok some Deejay Vcs, basic and practical

maxout rave: VC1 corner repeat maxout 16 times then d,u +k

ground mid-screen: VC3 c.strong, {d,u +short, s.fierce} repeat brackets

or VC3 anti air: s.fierce, {d,u +short} repeat brackets 6 times finish with machine gun punch or s.roundhouse

VC3 corner confusion: {c.jab. c.short, c.fierce, maxout, whiff s.jab, j.roundhouse} repeat

some fei-long vcs:

VC3 roudhouse rekkukyaku, s.fierce, rekkaken, f+roundhouse {short Rekkukyaku} repeat brackets (does comedy 25% damage)

VC2 corner: S.fierce, rekkaken, juggle with repeated roundhouse Shienkyaku’s

VC3 midscreen, jab rekkaken’s, b+fierce, rekkakens (need to adjust timing and which rekkakens whiff depending on spacing)

Most of the high damage VCs revlove around hitting with a fierce or roundhouse and whiffing a special move to avoid neutral state and/or gain distance. Deejay and Fei-long don’t really have moves to acccomodate this and therefore lack damaging VC’;s imo.

deejays fast animation makes it impossible to juggle with s.fierce, whiff maxout in corner. and only his j.forward seems good for trying any crouch cancels VCs. *(which may be easy to set-up after d,u+ forward kick, jump VC1 and hope your j.jab wins a counter)

anyways, here’s a kawaks replay of the combo:

It’s just a jumping forward and low jab. I’ll concede that even outside of VCs, Ryu’s cross up forward is sometimes difficult to block, but the combo is still technically blockable.
In your combo: "VC1 J.forward cross-up, c.jab, c.short, c.roundhouse, f+ fierce, repeat. " there’s no simultaneous high and low activity = blockable.

Any shoto can use a strong/fierce dragon punch on wake-up to hit you cleanly(you’re still in v-mode and can’t block).
Characters with similar moves (Charlie’s rh fk, Chun’s tensho kyaku) can do the same to counter.

Does anyone have any CC’s for Guy? I know V-Ryu has one is a video, i just dont know what the hell is going on though. I know he is best in A, its just that ive driven myself crazy trying to connect jab-strong-super. Peace.

sorry that if i look a bit noobish with this post, but isnt it better to go on ur Intuition if u play SFA3? causze for me it wouldnt help to learn all those combos out of ur head… i fully trust on my instincts… doesnt anybody agree with me??:slight_smile:

Hehe nederlands. Post je al op www.drakenslag.nl , zo niet meld je dan aan :smiley: .

Learning a few of these vc’s would help you a lot. Not all vc’s are hard once you get the hang of it they pretty much all look the same. These vc’s aren’t unpractical flashy combo’s for combovids. they are essential. what do you mean by intuition and instincts

speel je sfa3 online :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

my head tells me what i must do on that moment,… its just a matter of experiance and a bit of skill…

nee… kan dat dan? ik heb em op de GBA :slight_smile:

Ja online kan je spelen via emulator. Meld je aan bij drakenslag !!!

el-diablo:thats a crazy charlie corner VC, props if you invented it, props none the less for sharing.

middlekick:hey something new to do with v-ryu nice setup/combo >=)


Some Guy VCs.

VC2:standing jab-> standing strong-> standing fierce-> standing roundhousexx qcf+short-> [standing fierce-> standing roundhousexxqcf+short ] x n-> roundhouse bushin hurricane.

VC2:df+roundhouse-> shadow df+roundhouse hits-> strong elbow drop(you may have to use a fierce elbow drop if the opponent falls too far) x 2~3-> in corner: qcb+forward x n.

VC2:df+roundhouse-> shadow df+roundhouse hits-> jump roundhouse-> cc jump roundhouse x 1~2-> stand fierce-> forward bushin hurricane kick x n.

VC2:df+roundhouse-> shadow df+roundhouse hits-> [whiffed fierce bushin leap-> close standing forward-> far standing roundhouse] x n-> close fierce-> whiffed short bushin hurricane kick-> low strong-> fierce bushin grab.

Bushin Chain: activate VC2-> low strong-> forward bushin hurricane kick x n.

Now the bad news:
Regarding VCs that start with his df+roundhouse; Unless the opponent is a large character, the second hit of Guy’s df+roundhouse will not connect on a crouching opponent, thus preventing the opponent from getting launched.
The VCs that start from a bushin chain will also whiff against the smaller crouching characters.

lol man middlekick that is indeed bad news. Im going to learn the combos anyway, ill probably be more consistent with that than with jab-strong-super. Thanks man peace.

I know it is not that good, but how about Gen?

most practical Gen VC I remember goes like: (kick style) vc3 c.sk, c.rk, c.fp, [c.rk, wall bounce kick from opposite wall, s.fp]x3, i think. haven’t done it in forever…

best other vc would of course be the infinite, but that only works on the 1p side AFAIK. And there’s a variation of the above VC that works in the corner that I think I saw in one of the BAS videos, but it uses the ceiling drop kick instead.

apologies for the poor capitalization, typing on DC controller…

What’s the longest cc VC w/Blanka, and does it work on both sides?

damn, thats a soldier right there ROFL

At least now I got the keyboard…even though it sucks…

Okay, got A3 for the DC last week…still not may Saturn version, but it’s better than nothing, which is what I have earlier. And even though stuff is hard to do on a DC controller, I spend a lot of time in training mode still, testing out combos.

So what is the 2P version of Ryu’s infinite exactly? cc j.SP, c.FK, jump back SP, crossup j.FK, j.SP, neutral jump SK, and jump SP back into the corner? Because I can’t get it to work. The jump Short will whiff 60% of the time, and it doesn’t seem to keep them high enough to get them with more Strongs.

Also, does anyone know the Rolento walk infinite? Is it just Patriot Circle, s.RK xx [sj.JP, cc walk JP]?

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, but I can’t get c.RH to f+RH to hit at all… It just goes right through him.

I’m playing the Dreamcast version if that changes anything… :confused:

TS:I used to try jump towards strong, jump towards corner crossup forward, jump back into corner strong, * jump out of corner strong, [jump straight up short > jump towards strong]. I might have had a jump straight short at the * but i don’t think so… I was only able to go from corner to corner and out again tho and then it fucked up… maybe you can play around with that?

While you’re at it, can you check if Gen’s KKK style j.forward is an infinite? I know it is on the PSX version, but everyone tells me otherwise… I don’t have DC or Saturn.