SFA2: Hitboxes now available

oh yeah and bisons kick ac is golden, kick ac into throw or cc is priceless

Ken stuff:

his roll is so good, goes under fireballs and when canceled form a fierce attack leave him a even or plus frames and allows for quick throws combos or cc.

s.rh and c,mk are his pokes of choice, c.mk gives slight fame advantage

c.mp is a high priority poke that stuffs alot of thing like saks s.rh

c.fp, s.mk, s.mp, and mp dp are his best AA

cc is noted above

His super is very good and does alot of damage, you should be land alot of these off ccs

his aa cc is too buff noted above

roll cross ups are tricky and can lead to combos, ex, jump in attack, roll or c.hk xx roll, roll

basic zoning game with fireballs and dps are very effective

j.mk is a good cross up, more ken to come later

I been watching matches and some things I wanted to point out. First off if you have a chance to punish like a whiffed fp dp, please dont grab. For one they can tech, and you get no damage. Just combo, you are gonna do more damage and you gain meter. Second thing, stop getting owned and zoned by fireballs when you have a lvl 2/3. From fullscreen you can avoid them and from close you can cc thru them, this includes c.rh xx fb pokes.

I was messing with ken and seems at lvl 3 you can sweep xx mp dp, mp dp, lp dp, fp dp XD

Aggro Ken. I get overwhelmed because he seems to beat all my pokes, and he stays in thanks to his roll.

Yeah the roll is hella good, but you do have a couple option. First off pay attention to the roll, you can jump up, forward or back when he does it. Low hits knock him out of the roll, also if he does it in the corner you can go for a throw or cc cause he ends up point blank, all about the timing. another thing you can do is ac fter he rolls, ken is gonna attack 99% of the time after rolling. It is still a bitch to deal with but it gets easier the more you play ken because you can see the roll coming. As far as poking goes, I need to know what character you are using.

I really love this game. It’s a shame that there are so few people in the room, and most of them are afk,so I end up going back to ST. This is why I would like to be able to be online at both rooms at the same time.

Anyway, I play this game but not at a high level. I play Ken,Rose,Chun,Charlie and Birdie. I love Birdie, he’s the one I use to fuck around the most,can you guys talk about him?

I know he sucks, but he’s so much fun to use, and people never see him coming so you end up beating Kens and Chuns which shouldn’t happen :slight_smile:

a2 was more fun when I could practice combo movies on people. Stop helping the noobs lol.

The spikes and lags are too frustrating when actually “trying” to win.

u should start checking in the room more. theres over 20 ppl everyday now. sometimes 35+. and i make tournys daily when i can

I’d learn this game, just because Vampire is kinda dead right now, and I’m busy sucking at XvSF. =/

I’d learn Ken or Rolento if anyone can help out with either of them, even though Ken stuff has been posted.

Fight me if you see me, I will teach you how to be a dick.

I’m using Chun Li.

Anything to increase my e-dick! :pray:

Well I posted this in RSX’s “Next character 101” poll thread, but I figure it’s better off going in here so I’ll re-paste it.

Well Rolento IS pretty badass. I dunno why more people don’t use him, guess they just don’t wanna take the time to get into their own groove with him. You can x-copy some minor things, but overall every Rolento playstyle is different so you gotta do your own thing and develop him on the way, which includes taking a shit load of losses until you get it down.

-Extremely good pokes
-Decent punch AC, awesome kick AC
-90%+ Lvl 3 CC
-Great air priority
-Some okay mixup (much better in the corner)
-Not really any bad match ups (imo) since he can’t really be zoned by anyone and can run away as long as you want basically. If you get stuck in the corner Kick AC and run away some more.

Basic Rolento rundown:
C.jab/S.jab - Real good poke, walking s.jabs can get annoying real fast for them follow them up with a c.fp for a counter hit.

J.jab - Awesome air priority. Can use it for air to air or if you think someone is about to jump in just do a straight up j.jab (think j.fierce with blanka in cvs2.)

C.short/S.short - Overall I don’t really use these, but c.short does hit low. I’d rather use the jabs though.

J.short - Another awesome air to air, with a slightly upward angle compared to j.jab.

S.mp - The lovely antiair that works wonders vs almost any character’s jumpins.
Can antiair chun just fine with it. Only people that you gotta worry about are like Gief and Birdie, but I can explain how to antiair them further down.

C.mp - A pretty good poke actually, 3 little hits with his baton that hits low, comes out quick, and looks like it gives you some frame advantage. I use it mainly for mixups. Can do a c.mp then go for another jump in or if you think they’ll hit something do a c.fp after it for yet another counter hit.

J.mp - His usual 3 hit baton air move, pretty crappy air to air so you’ll probably always get beat if they jumped up too, but really awesome as a jump in since it hits 3 times, makes it a little slightly harder to AC I think. This is my main jump in when I’m looking for a hit into combo or CC.

S.mk - Kinda good antair I guess? Wouldn’t really use it much.

C.mk - Real good poke, can cancel it into any of his specials (KNIFE) or even scouter jump for some mixup.

J.mk - His yummy crossup. If you can confirm that this hit, you can land some mucho damage by doing a combo or activating CC after it hits.

S.fp - Fuck this. Never use it, learn to throw with Mp or Mk for him just for the sole reason you’ll die if you get this move out.

C.fp - Probably his best poke to me. A fierce that hits low with awesome priority, use it anytime you’re gonna end a poke string. Can even walk up and do it again, but just becareful of them jumping, be ready to s.mp

J.fp - Pretty decent jumpin and semi good air to air, has more horizontal range so sometimes you could beat out an antiair poke attempt.

S.rh - Meh, like a slower s.mk, wouldn’t use it much.

C.rh - Pretty good slide, and fairly safe if you don’t do it point blank. Can do stupid things like a meaty slide on their wakeup, then they’ll try to hit and you can Kick AC then as it crossed up go ahead and CC, or c.mk into patriot circles.


Where to start…I’m gonna assume you know how to do all the moves, just gonna list some minor uses for some of them.

Patriot Circles - Only good for comboing and you really have to be point blank for it to do that. Can combo from c.jab, c.short, or c.mk. CANNOT combo from two of them…IE, you can’t do c.short, then try to counterhit c.jab into circles. You’ll get pushed back too far.

Knife - One of the best things about Rolento. Prevents people from mashing, prevents him for being zoned well, and on counter hit does a ton of damage + dizzy. You can throw one of these baby’s off after any c.jab/s.jab or c.mk. If they hit anything they’ll be hit. Mixup with throws when you’re close, toss when far to zone them/prevent zoning. Once you get into the corner you can do sick things if they don’t have meter. C.jabs into knives, into mk, into knives, into scouter jumps into more pokes into more knives, etc. Toss in some throws/cc’s and you’ll have a frustrated opponent for sure.

Roll back - A nice way to get some back distance and stay away from them. Sometime I like to do is backroll real fast as they are waking up and make them whiff something. Gotta be careful though because some CC’s can still reach you as well as some supers. Sometimes I’ll use fierce version to get way back for some breathing room, if you think they’ll fireball while you do it, go ahead and do the flying attack to hit them.

Flying Back Move Thingie - Your main run away tool, but can also use it to mixup. Use MK version so you don’t fly forward as much then land with d.mk so you cover almost no ground and can still maneuver to avoid fireballs. This move can really annoy people. Make sure you use it to fly past them if they aren’t cornered, so you can keep running away. Sometimes it’s nice to just fly back then just go towards them with j.mp, or j.rh and start an attack.


Trip wire - Underrated as hell. Level 3 tripwire can catch someone doing a fireball full screen for an easy ass 50% or so. Level 1 can hit low instantly when you’re point blank and it’s perfectly safe if they block it, nice to do on wakeup if people are starting to smother you.

Roll back grenade silly super thing - You can kinda use it for antiair, but honestly there’s much better ways to spend the meter. If they block the grenades they get sucked to you and then you’re gonna get it. Use it for kicks I guess. (Kicks to your face that is)

Custom Combo:

This is what makes Rolento so deadly. His custom is extremely simple, no one should really mess it up. Start with an activate then sweep/c.rh, cancel that into his scouter jump forward and just piano all three kicks, multiple times. High levels get more reps in, generally level 1 is one rep, lvl 2 is two, and lvl 3 being three scouter jump reps. If you’re on pad or something and it’s hard to piano all the kicks, you can just mash j.lk for still really good damage, but its not as consistent as piano’ing all 3 kicks.

So his CC - Activate, C.rh xx [scouter jump, piano all 3 kicks] xN. If you do it right, can easily get 90%+ (My best is like 99% I think?)

Antiair custom - As RSX has stated before, easily the best antiair custom in the game. It’s the same exact shit except you start with a standing jab, to antiair them.

AA CC - Activate, s.jab xx [scouter jump, piano all 3 kicks] xN

The way I land his CC:

-Hit confirm crossover j.mk into CC.
-Try to counter a throw (People will want to throw you a lot since Rolento has no reversal without spending meter)
-CC instead of going for a throw
-PUNISHING WHIFFS. Strongest thing you can do, stop throwing people if they whiff a dp. Do his CC and just flat out kill them please.

Anyway, I think that’s all I’ll mention for now. That should be a good kick start to anyone wanting to learn him. You’re gonna need to develop your own playstyle yourself.


I think I’ll drop Adon for Rolento.

Chun can zone better than ken. Zone with slow fireballs to keep him out and if he jumps over just c.mk xx fp fireball to push him out. If he does get close her ac will do you good, and you can hcb+rh thru fireballs or df+rh over. Another way with chun to avoid roll is to df+rh. If they block df+rh you can juggle with upkicks and if they block you can pressure/super fireball/df+rh again. Her lvl 1 super fireball destrys anything and if fully invin and safe on block. Df+rh and super upon landing is safe and effective to stop them from throwing/cc, which if they try either they get blasted. Her uppkicks are good AA, along with s.fp/c.rh/s.rh. Also you can go for the throw he he rolls at you in the corner, or cc. If they cc is blocked, spam lp fireball. I hope this helps if you still have problems let me know.

You left out Sakura in the list, so now I have to ask because I have no idea what to do. I’m that scrub who CCs and just mashes fierce when I play Sakura, heh.

Sakura’s CC is just: Sweep, mk hurricane kick or RH hurricane*, fierce shoryuken
Lvl 2: Do a medium punch shoryuken, followed by a fierce shoryuken
Lvl 3: 2 medium punch srks, finish with fierce srk.

  • Since RH flies higher sometimes you can go over an AC which I’ve done before, however sometimes RH hurricane gets less damage than MK hurricane since the path goes higher.

Sakura’s CC is also good because her sweep has pretty nice range, you can punish a lot of things with her CC.

Sak just zones and pressures real good, you can just sweep into dps instead of hurricane kicks. I do a little write up on her but Dreamfire will probably be able to go more in depth.