Ill see how soon i can get to this.
Good stuff RSX. I saw you did that kara cancel before but i was doing it wrong doing the roll first. That helps alot! The only thing i didnt like about the Kick throw is they take no damage if they tech it which really sucks, but thats better than a free CC i admit.
Thanks for some good tips.
I have a very bad Ken everyone in here can beat up on. Just been playing ST mostly but always looking to try something else.
Well you are already half good, that fucker is top tier as hell lol Im off to work when I come back Ill do a quick little ken and Bison starter guide.
Yeah I was playing DS and he told me his combo is sweep, acouple of hurricane kicks then dp. I just cant activate worth shit on a pad without macroing, which I wont do.
Press all buttons to activate, instead of just 2p 1 k. His cc is c.rh xx hurricane kick then at lvl 1 fp dp, lvl 2 lp dp, fp dp, lvl 3 lp dp, lp dp, fp dp. Basically just adding a lp dp per lvl. When close you can use lp dp instead of hurricane kick.
I play Adon and I really need to level up. I have a hard time mastering his Jaguar kicks(QCF+K) since short/forward are punishable ON HIT(not sure about RH Jaguar Kick).
I used to do
-short JK vs crouch attacks
-Forward JK vs projectiles.
-No RH JK since there’s a chance I can actually go over my opponent leaving me open.
As for Jaguar Tooth(HCB+K); I’m supposed to use this vs projectiles. Problem is vs Charlie who has Sonic Boom and the recovery isn’t shit so it’s rather hard to pick the correct Jaguar Tooth and counter. Should I stop using Jaguar Tooth and uses Jaguar Kick only instead since I have more success with that anyway but JK is punishable on hit…
And how do I deal with people like Chun Li and Guy both I have trouble with because they’re so mobile.
What’s Adon’s strongest CC? The only one I know is sweep>JKxNxJaguar Knee(dp+K).
I’d rarely do his Jaguar Tooth at all, honestly. They can easily CC before it hits (maybe not lk version) if you happened to do it when they didn’t throw a projectile. I dunno, I’d say the best thing about Adon is people don’t play him much, but after a while when people start catching on he loses out since he’s so linear. Aside from just using s.rh as his main far poke, c.jab/c.short/ as his crouching pokes, and df+mk/his dp for antiair…there isn’t a whole lot else to really do besides random gimmicks and just making your footsie game more solid.
Dunno if you use it or not, but his cross up is pretty darn good and I don’t see many Adons really using it. If you can hit confirm that they were standing while they got hit you can just, c.short, into his dp for a quick crossup combo. Might even get away with not being hit even if they blocked since lk dp is pretty quick and sometimes you’ll wind up on the other side, which can throw them off.
As for his CC, that’s his strongest one, just make sure you’re doing LK Jaguar kicks. Can do a far antiair CC with s.rh into LK jaguars, and for a close antiair CC…I’m not sure actually. Standing jab seems pretty unreliable, I was gonna mess around and test his df+mk and even his lk dp as starters, I guess I’ll let you know if they work.
I would like to know how come in Japan Adon is considered top tier only under chun. It was something like 1st Chun, 2nd Adon, 3rd Ken, 4th rolento. How and Why? He looks as dangerous as Gen and Guy to me, Hard to face, but nothing to say “wow, wtf”, like Rose, Ken and Chun.
And one thing I didn’t catch.
On Evil Ryu’s 101, the link to Endy’s video, why is he activating and crouching in the end. What is he showing?
The description says it shows some bugs, all I see is the juggle extended after the CC, as tatsumaki and shinku hadouken juggles, the juggle is extended in a CC finished with tatsumaki.
Another thing I wanna know is, what do I do after the counter with rose? c.MP x drill what strenght? No matter what I do, it doesn’t connect to the drill. Or is it c.jab? I cant connect c. jab to anything either.
Does it combo after walking and c.hp? Or will the opponent block, so this goes only for block damage?
In the first, cc with Soul illusion does more damage, or is it just a way to get in with cc?
In the second, what is this soul spark? 2xqcf or 2xhcb super? and the same doubt of above: Soul illusion activated makes the super does more damage? The shadows are still there in the next super?
Even more reason why I won’t be using Jaguar Tooth. On Gamefaqs the writer says to counter projectiles with Jaguar Tooth. Rather difficult seeing as far back Adon goes with it. That’s why I opted to use Jaguar Kick.
I agree he’s linear. His mixup IMO is pretty weak. I started using more throws since he can IMO get in his opponents face rather quickly(save for Chun and Guy).
Thanks, I already got some knowledge on his pokes. It’s his mixup potential that kills me. He is so damn limited. His range isn’t bad at all but his overhead is the slowest in the game. I’ve been repeatedly punished for using it. I rarely have success with it.
Actually I haven’t been using it. I spend most of my time trying to stay in my opponents face and the only time I get a knockdown is with his throw. I’ll start using it though.
Gotta try that. Thanks.
Adon is top tier in A2?!
Basically, when I play him (not serious, usually just messing around) I just kinda try to counterpoke, and add little gimmicks in here and there. The thing is most of the gimmicks aren’t safe Just, simple things I do is like…On their wakeup I’ll just do a canceled into jaguar tooth HK and if they do hit anything they’ll get hit, but if they don’t it’s easy CC bait or dp or even AC.
If you really want to counter a fireball you can use his super, I personally never remember it and I’m bad at hitting 2-3 buttons for the supers anyway. It should work pretty good though.
I have no idea why Adon would be considered that high.
Ok Imma try to cover this stuff best I can. With Adon his mk jag kick is the best version to use vs projectiles cause it will hit the tip of their hand and you are safe, other versions are all punishable when used for anything other reason. As far as his jag tooth is concerned, use lk when you are cornered to switch the momentum in your favor and other versions for mind games, very rarely actually hitting them, that way they dont know when it is coming. His strongest ccs are:
c.rh, lk jag kick x4, mk jag kick, dp+hk
and if they are standing
[ xx lk jag kick]x5, xx dp+hk
if they jump: xx hk dp x2
higher lvl aa cc into regular lk jag cc
IMO Adon is not a mix up character at all, more of zone/turtle with his long high priority pokes, forcing the opponent to jump or make a mistake into his cc. Landing his cc is really what you should focus on, or connecting c.lp x2 into lvl 3 super. His kick super is real good anti air and anti fireball, you can use his super at any lvl to go thru c.rh xx fireball pokes strings.
To answer azis question, yeah the walk forward c.fp after a xx sould illusion combos, and soul illusion into cc does not give more damage, just allows the combo. Ill write up the Ken/Bison stuff a bit later, bout to grub.
And on Evil Ryu’s 101, the link to Endy’s video, why is he activating and crouching in the end. What is he showing?
Look at the combo count
I play Chun for my main, but also like using Bison, Sagat, Sakura, and I’m interested in Rose. I suck and have the most problems with shotos.
My biggest problem is Ken right now. Against him I use fireballs a lot, just a basic zoning game. When I feel frisky and I get close to play footsies, but his roll gets me everytime. I know beats it but damned if I can get it out quickly enough. Also, whiffing pokes that seem safe works against me because he(and Rose to I’ve noticed) can punish even a whiffed with a sweep.
Video link of some of the ccs:
Here is everyones ccs:
any lvl- c.rh xx hk dp xN, full dp ender
any lvl- c.rh xx lk hurricane xN, Hp dp ender
aa cc- or into above cc
any lvl- c.rh xx lp dp xN, hp dp ender (if close you can lp dp after c.rh instead of hurricane)
aa cc- xx lp dp xN, hp dp
lvl 1- c.rh xx lp dp, red fb, hp dp
c.rh xx hk hurricane, hp dp (far cc)
lvl 2- c.rh xx hk hurricane, lk hurricane, red fb, hp dp
lvl 3- c.rh xx fp dp, lp dp, lk hurricane, red fb, hp dp
c.rh xx hk hurricane, lk hurricane x3, red fb, hp dp
c.rh xx lp dp, red fb, lp dp, red fb, hp dp (dreamfire cc)
AA CC- xx red fb xN
any lvl standing or on anyone who cant duck mp scrape: xx mp scrape xN, c.fp xx 360+hk
On anyone who can duck it use lp scrape but dont use c.fp, go straight into 360+hk
Any lvl- c.rh xx hk up flame xN
AA cc- s.lp cc hk upflame xN
Chun “fucking I hope she dies what a whore” li
lvl 1- c.rh xx up kick x2
c.rh xx lightning legs, up kicks when meter is almost out
lvl 2- c.rh xx lightning legs longer, up kicks when meter is almost out
lvl 3- c.rh xx up kicks x2, hold db a split second, upkicks
c.rh xx lightning legs, up kicks x2
aa cc- s.lp xx up kicks xN
Lvl 3- c.rh xx rh gale kick, lp dp, lp dp, rh gale kick (thx Gunter)
Lvl 3 (close)- c.rh xx lp dpx4, hk gale
lvl 1/2- c.rh xx SK xN, sweep xx headstomp, p. Land and unblockable sweep
lvl 3- c.rh xx SK x4, xx headstomp, p. Land and unblockable sweep
lvl 1- c.rh x hk drill x2, hp soul throw
lvl 2- c.rh x hk drill x3, hp soul throw
lvl 3- c.rh x hk drill x4, hp soul throw
lvl 1- c.rh xx hl dp x2
c.rh xx lk jag kick x2, hk dp
lvl 2- c.rh xx lk jag kick xN, hk dp
lvl 3- c.rh xx [hk jag kick, hk dp]x2
c.rh xx lk jag kick x4, mk jag kick, hk dp xx lk jag kick x5, or in hk dp (must be standing)
lvl 1-, xN, 360+hk xx final x2
lvl 2- xx final x3
lvl 3- xx final x4 (can add a red headbutt at the end but is hard
lvl 1- c.rh xx hp tiger uppercut x2
c.rh xx hk tiger knee, hp tiger uppercut
lvl 2/3 c.rh xx hk tiger knee xN, hp tiger uppercut
lvl 1- c.rh xx lk fk, hp sb, hk fk
c.rh xx hk fk x2
lvl 2- c.rh xx hk fk x3
lvl 3- c.rh xx hk fk x2, lk fk, hk fk
c.rh xx lk fk x3, mk fk, hk fk
lvl 1- xx hp shoulder x2, hk hurricane
lvl 2- xx hp shoulder x3, hk hurricane xx hp shoulder, hk hurricane x2
lvl 3- xx hp shoulder x4, hk hurricane xx hp shoulder x3, hk hurricane x2
df+rh xx hp shoulder x5, hk hurricane
AA cc:
s.lp xx hk hurricane xN
lvl 3 special:
AA cc
s.lp xx qcf+hp,p, hp shoulder x 3, hk hurricane
Near corner on standing tall opponent- c.fp xx qcf+p, grab, mk hurricane, hk hurricane
Any lvl- c.rh xx [scouter jump piano mash all kicks or mash lk]xN
AA cc- s.lp instead of c.rh into above combo
any lvl: df+rh xx lp gloves xN, ppp
any lvl: xx fp gloves xN, 360
aa cc: kkk, lp gloves xN, ppp
Ok some quick bison stuff: is very good up close giving a hefty amount of frame advantage, you can link a after is a very good meaty
After a hp throw, a teleport will cross up and allow for a meaty
You can combo into SK with s.rh
Headstomp/skull diver mix up is 2 good, if bison gets hit in recovery he is counted as being in the air. punch follow up is prefect cc bait/set up, ac set up.
c.fp is meaty as hell up close is hella good to poke with
c.fp and are good aa, as well as in alot of situations
Slow fireball is SOOO gay, abuse it, be careful vs shotos cause they can air hurricane. If you have a lvl 3, try to bait a air hurricane and combo into lvl 3 pyscho crusher to make them shit their pants. is his best air to air, as well as air grab.
More later, ken soon
I agree Adon isn’t a mixup character. I read he’s a great AA character.
Thanks for the CCs. I needed them.
Ok. How do I beat Ken. Seriously.
Depends ken can play differently, what is the ken doing. Some kens are aggressive, others turtle and ac all day.