Sfa 3 rose thread

i’ve been playing rose for a while and think she is highly underestimated and she can hang with mostly all the top tiers anyone thats plays rose post something up ill post some stuff if im wrong just let me know

dhalsim: this is a good match for rose because she can low strong all of his pokes i think not 2 sure she can either down fierce his drills or lv1 air throw it and reflect his fireballs it doesnt seem like dhalsim can do much in this match

against v gouki this match is kind of hard because of akuma’s dive kick but other than that it’s fairly easy when he dive kick’s just lv 1 air throw and you will floor him which creates a chance to gc a good amount of his bar stay within her standing rh range and just abuse it pretty much just try to keep him on the ground and you should be able to win if he tries to chip you with his custom just alpha counter it and you should escape and be able to hit him im not 2 sure how her alpha counter works

i dont really play any other roses just a so help from a v rose player would be good

heres some advice, learn to use periods “.” so i can breathe when reading. <----

perhaps 1 day

I use rose a lot in A3, and I’m sorry to say she is kind of one dimensional. I think she has a really bad match against V-Sak because c.strong doesn’t have enough range.

She is solid, but loses to V-Sak and V-Aku very badly in my opinion.


I wonder how long it’ll be until TS posts on here. :smiley:

He’s got the best Rose I’ve seen since Japan, and the best US Rose I’ve seen since Omar Daloney…

I think Rose has to be very agressive in A3 to stand a chance. IMO, she can’t turtle too well. Her only good AA’s are only available if you have meter or if you have a V-ism charged. Her cr fierce is not very reliable for AA; neither is the Soul Throw. She is a great chracter, but she is not as good as she once was:
Soul Illusion is rather weak now
Can’t combo of cr roundhouse (from A1 days)
Slide isnt the best in the world (again, A1 slide was better)
Cr fierce has virtually no horizontal range
Lv3 Aura Soul Throw can be escaped from or damage reduced

her virtues are:
Lv1 Aura Soul throw is a very good anti air
cr. strong :smiley:
Far Fierce and roundhouse are decent long distance pokes
Very good cross up forward
Best dressed in the game :lol:

I don’t know too much about her V-Ism combos, but they cant be too bad. Anybody have any good strats for her? Please post them!
Anybody know where you can find good Rose tourney (or combo) footage?


  • i’ve heard Rose’s slide in A1 was pretty abusable, and being one of the top 4 in A2, i don’t think comparing her to her previous versions is fair…
  • Aura Soul Throw only escapable on PS version. everything can be damage reduced.


  • c.FP is not bad. i think everyone hates it coz they think it should smack jump ins like a DP. just like with shotos, anti crossup and early walk-under anti-air. mix it up with stand jab or stand strong xx soul throw, and c.SP to screw with the depth of the air attacks.
  • soul throw is unrealistic as anti-air by itself. anti air is JP (or SP) xx soul throw, or c.FP xx soul throw.
  • did anyone mention her crouch cancel corner combos? like j.JP (counterhit) > ccj.FP > c.SP > FP.reflect > c.JP > FP.soul throw.
  • cross up is VERY good. range on c.SP is amazing too. i think crossup FK, c.JP, c.SK, c.SP xx SK.drill is pretty safe GC…

btw, what’s Rose’s optimum range…?

abuse her cr rh and slide a lot against v sak its not that hard of a match up

Max range crouching MP xx LK Soul Spiral is safe. If crouching MP is blocked up close, do a standing LK xx LK Soul Spiral to safely tick and bait the sweep. Sets up for Level 3 Aura Soul Throw very nicely.

Jesus. :o Thanks, but I’m all scrubby in A3 now…guess I have to get good again, so people can understand what you’re talking about. Nuts.


Would’ve responded sooner but was away from the net during the weekend…
Lv.32 Z-Ism Rose and ballpoint covered pretty much everything. So random things:

[]You REALLY could have posted this on the A3 thread that’s already up. :slight_smile: Nah, just messing with ya…
]As for good tourney footage of Rose, it’s a rule that whenever I’m at a tourney with cameras, and am doing well, nobody will be taping me. I believe it has something to do with the Devil, I’m not sure. But for combo stuff, you might wanna try and track down one of James Chen’s A3 videos, or the old Fighters.net A3 Rose video, or the BAS’ V-ISM stuff.
[]Even if you can’t crouch cancel, Rose gets stupid combos…counter hit jump Jab (or Strong, or Forward, or Fierce, etc), they flip, and you get to Soul Throw or Aura Soul Throw them.
]X, A, and V-ISM Rose are all COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHARACTERS. A-ISM likes her various levels of supers quite a bit, X-ISM just does damage, and V-ISM is as different a character as you can possibly be while having all of the same normals.
[]I like standing far Strong (xx Soul Throw) for anti-air, or standing Jab if I can’t get that to work. Crouching Fierce is okay, but I’m too lazy to find out what it beats and what it doesn’t, so neh.
]Vs some characters you can get a repeated crossup pattern…deep Short Soul Spiral, crossup jump forward, crouching Strong, repeat. Only works on a couple people though
[]Rose can jump in empty with her Fierce, and it’s a nice move to have. What you do is knock them down, and then jump at them with Fierce to bait anti air, or a VC. If you hit Fierce late enough, it won’t hit…so if timed correctly, their DP or anti-air VC will be wasted, and they will have left themselves open, because tripguard will have saved you, and you can block, even if you were in the air during the freeze frame. If they catch on and do nothing, you can throw them.
]Standing far Forward is a good move. Goes over sweeps and stuff. Nice priority also. Also, if you do two in a row, it changes color. Ditto with her Strong and Fierce Soul Reflects, and a few of her other moves. Just thought I’d throw that in there for no reason…
[]Other good moves are crouching Short, crouching Forward, and standing close Roundhouse…used as anti air to hit them on their way up. Not TERRIBLY useful, but nice to have around. Slide is good for when people try to cross you up without having knocked you down first, like Chun Li and Sakura will sometimes try to do. Sweep has helluva range, but is a little slow. Jump Short can be good…think CvS Vice, only with regular throws instead of supers. Also the only jumpin she has that beats Chun Li’s crouching Roundhouse (not counting V-ISM activation). Jumping neutral Forward is NICE, ditto that with Fierce. I need to use standing far Fierce more often, I remember it having nice priority…
]This is A3, so most people Alpha Counters suck… Rose’s are okay, I guess. A-ISM one is basically only good for getting out of the corner. Of course it is not the ideal use of meter. For stopping VCs, also. V-ISM one, being her crouching Roundhouse, has crazy range, and you can get a crossup off of it, depending on distance. It can be PP flipped out of though (backwards flip), but you can Soul Throw them if they do flip. You have to know they’re gonna flip though, because otherwise it’s just sort of a waste of a crossup opportunity.
[]Soul Throw is indeed unrealistic as anti-air by itself. You can only really use it by itself, if you know what’s going to happen…Vega likes to jump, and has one of the biggest ones in the game, so durr, use it when you know he’s going to jump. You just hit someone with a counter hit crouching Fierce or jumping Forward, and you know they’re going to flip, so…etc. Also can be used after VCs…after the last hit, let them flip, and you get to Soul Throw them.
]Speaking of which, Soul Throw gets stopped by most characters jumping Short, but they don’t know that, so you get to use it anyway. Or you can just use a super, or combo into it anyway.
[]As for Rose’s optimum range… I think V-ISM likes to be about crouching Forward range, give or take. A-ISM a little further (at least sometimes), so you can see those jumpins coming, and super them if you can’t beat their jumpins with any of your normals (like vs Chun Li or Sakura). God I wish Soul Illusion was good like in A2. I love that super… :depress: In A3, it’s really only any good if you have them either knocked down, or in the corner. Anyway, X I think has to be a little more agressive, since she has to force a mistake sometimes. Though it’s not that hard, considering how great her super is. A and V both have okay games from her sweep range (like a Zangief sized character or so) and a little further, but I think ideal range is that or a little closer. Sort of depends on the match, too.
]You can be swept after a Short Soul Spiral, from most ranges, by Sakura, Chun Li, and I think Gief and a few other characters. You can certainly be reversal supered by anything that moves toward you fast enough…Senretsu Kyaku, Guy’s kick super, Honda headbut super, etc. A majority of the time though, it’s a good move to follow up a crouching Strong or other poke with.
[]VS people who’s jumpins you can’t beat like Sak or Chun Li, and if you don’t want to spend your meter, you can either try to hit them with an early close Roundhouse (obviously much easier in V-ISM), or you can try to jump throw them. The throw thing sort of applies to everyone in A3, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.
]Fierce Soul Reflect actually does more damage to the GC meter than the Soul Spirals will, so if you ever get a blocked crossup, keep in mind that crouching Strong, Fierce Reflect is safe if you’re close enough.
[]Towards+Roundhouse (“Soul Piette”) seems to have a lot of priority (especially vs jumpins which seem otherwise unbeatable), but you have to make sure not to get crossed up, because it moves her forward after you do the move.
]Match vs V-Sak isn’t that bad, you just have to not get rushed down (ie watch for throws, and the subsequent crossups that come from being thrown by Sak). It’s a little rougher for A-Rose than V IMO, but it’s not so bad. You can land the super(s) on her, and Crouching Strong will beat most of Sak’s ground stuff, you just have to be careful, and use your supers wisely (I think the sooner you use the Level 3 Aura Soul Throw, the more likely you are to get hit with the VC, but that’s just sort of theory fighter on my part. If you keep having to block her jumpins, you’re going to keep having to block her standing Fierce, and you’re eventually going to get Guard Crushed…). You want to use that empty jump Fierce when possible, to bait her into blowing her meter on a blocked anti-air VC. I don’t have enough info on the match vs V-Akuma, but it’s hard to call since most V-Akuma players aren’t so great…they’ll fall for the empty jump fierce, and get VCd or supered, and the chances of them knowing that Akuma/Rose gets crossed up if grabbed with the demon flip (punch) is basically zero…in practical terms, not a horrible fight, but not one Rose is expected to win. Not her worst fight, I don’t think…I think that would be Sodom…or maybe Chun Li, though that one’s not un-winnable either… If anyone wants to talk about specific matchups, I’d like to hear your thoughts, so feel free to respond…
[]Also, learn how to cancel moves on reaction to Stop Time (when the screen freezes before a super/VC). For example, you’re poking at Chun Li with Crouching Strong, she supers (Senrestu Kyaku, the old super), and you can cancel into Soul throw, and take like one hit from a level 3/X-ISM super, and not have to flip. I believe you can also Soul Throw out of some crossups but you have to be careful with that, and be sure which direction to try it vs what crossups and when.
]There’s an unblockable glitch thing I was working on at one time for V-ISM Rose…her VC startup time is 1 frame on the ground, which is the shortest in the game, and so it’s sort of randomly unblockable (ie you hit people out of their walking backwards animation like in the 1-frame supers in the VS games, if they weren’t holding away BEFORE the screen freezes). Seriously, I will cheat my ass off if I find a way to do this consistently, so everyone wish me luck (or not, depending). And just as a bit of trivia, her VC activation time in the air is HORRIBLE. Entirely too long. I guess that’s the tradeoff…

Whoo…that post was a little longer than I thought it’d be…

I love this thread…


How reliable is her strong/fierce soul spark in terms of pushing somebody away from you? It always seems to push them a good distance away whether blocked or hit, but I wasnt sure if it had any major uses because of that.

I’m not sure how reliable it is…

But I’v been having trouble connecting c.forward into jab soul spark… any tips? It just doesn’t seem to connect for me.

Also, anti air jab xx fierce soul throw is good. I like it more than c. fierce now. I think that will make me switch to v-ism.

I’m also having trouble connect c.strong xx fierce soul reflect, c.strong/s.strong xx soul throw. The soul throw seems to miss half of the time, but I can’t figure out why. I think if I switch the second strong for c.fierce then it connects more consistently, but c.fierce has so little horizontal range that it becomes harder to connect that. Any tips?

My 2 cents on Rose is that she is good at getting that guard meter down. I was looking at the All About Zero 3 book (if only I could read Japanese) but it seems that they have a sequence with Rose that goes … c.strong, c.foward, roundhouse (the far reaching one). It works for me to some extent, but sometimes people can jump out. Maybe s.forward would work better? Any thoughts?

On a similar note, how useful is s.forward?


wasn’t rose top tier at one point??

thanks a lot for the insightful post does stand jab really work for anti air? down fierce is really good for aa it stops chun jumping short and vega jump rh do you have any use for her soul illlusion suiper?

Rose’s crouching fierce beating Chun’s jumping short? Ha, I think you’re confusing SFA2 with SFA3.


Comboing the soul spark is pretty unpredictable, not to mention flat-out dangerous against a cornered opponent. It’s simply not worth it. Try using spiral instead for combos.

Comboing a soul throw from a crouching FP is really more reliable than SP, not because of any special properties on crouching FP’s part, but because in order to use it poperly your positioning was better than when you’d use a crouching SP (er, did that make sense?). To put it another way: you’re using crouching SP from further away than you’d use crouching FP, so naturally the sould throw (which also has almost 0 horizontal range) would miss.

Yup, Rose can wear a guard meter down. All of it’s good (ending with RK and whatnot) – varying the sequence all has uses.

Standing FK is useful if your opponent likes footsies with crouching kicks (such as Ryu’s crouching FK). However, Rose’s optimal range is a bit outside the standing FK range, so unless your opponent is so dense that he keeps on persisting on doing crouching FK you won’t get much mileage from this move.

In A2 she was a GODDESS Omar Daloney out of Va played her. Sick man very sick in A3 she is decent character to use but read the TS stuff. Some very interesting things about ROSE i did not know. My question is what Ism should be use in to very effective or does it all depend on the player.

2 more of my cents:

Combos into Soul Spark are generally not worth it. As a matter of fact, the only use I can think of for Soul Spark at all is tossing it out in projectile wars from across the screen, to stop any mind games someone may be trying to play by throwing slow projectiles (expecting you to reflect them).

As for the actual combo though, Soul Sparks have a lot startup time, so you either need a counter hit low forward, or need to be closer than you are.

At first I though you meant you were having trouble connecting crouching/standing Strong xx Soul Throw, which has never missed for me as anti air, so I wasn’t sure what you were talking about…then I realized you meant the whole combo.

First of all, that combo is flippable (after the Soul Reflect), but that’s okay, since if you know they’re gonna flip, you can just Soul Throw them and get them anyway. Also, they probably won’t flip, as you have to flip backwards to get out of it, and most people tend to flip neutral for some reason I can’t figure out.

Anyhow, depends on the character and the timing, mostly. For example, it’s harder to land on shotos than on Gief, because he’s bigger. The timing part is that you need to have that Strong (crouching Jab is actually the easiest way to do it, though it also works with close standing Fierce, which is hard for A/X Rose to do) come out ASAP. Other combo that I was messing around with at one point was [crouching Strong, FP Reflect]x2. Soul Reflect does more dizzy, and a tiny bit more damge than Roundhouse Soul Spiral, which is what I used at first, and does close to the same damage as combo into Soul Throw, which is what I moved onto from the Spiral. Good thing about that combo is also that they can neutral flip from it, so you get to Soul Throw them when they do, or just hit them with close standing Roundhouse, or standing Forward, or standing Strong into Soul Throw, etc.

Yes, Rose does pretty well at breaking that Guard meter. That’s actually the only thing I’ve found Soul Illusion to be useful for, actually…crouching Strong xx Level 1 Soul Illusion, Crouching Roundhouse, crossup, poke away. Can’t figure out why that links…I guess instead of just stopping time, Soul Illusion actually gives you a frame advantage, or something. Even though it obviously doesn’t…hm.


Well the thing there is that if you push them away, they’re out of of crouching Strong range, and also you can’t super them or anything for mistakes they might make. Then agian, I suppose a lot of people would jump after being pushed away, so that’s something.

Not in Alpha 3, now. X-Rose was considered pretty good, because she does nice damage, and has a good priority and a great super. Then V-ISM came along (and used in conjunction with better characters than Honda) and she was sorta forgotten.

Thanks, and yes, standing Jab is good anti-air. Crouching Fierce works better, depending on the situation. Vs Gief, it’s not such a great idea, for example. Both lose to Chun Li’s jumping Short in most situations, at least in the arcade/Saturn versions. Soul Illusion super is not so great. Good for a little extra whittling down of the GC guage, but not much else. Some small confusion stuff, I guess. Sweep them, and do crossup Forward that allows you to land without being anti-aired. The last image from the Soul Illusion will hit them if they try to do anything. You can do the same thing with pokes as they get up…sort of like her A2 unblockables, only much, much less useful. Or you could do crossup Forward as they get up (or just do a jumpin) and then do low Short or Forward when you land, and hope they guess wrong. Either way, you get some GC damage, which is nice. Man, I really wish that super was better…

gotta go…

bison812- X-ISM is probably the easiest, just because of the super and the damage. I like V best, just because I’ve never seen anyone else use it, aside from the CPU. Have to see some of those Japan vids one day… A-ISM is probably the second easiest, if you can manage your meter well. Level 1 supers at the right time and all that…