Thanks TS i knew she was deadly in A2. I think capcom tone her down a little in A3. If it has not been mention what are some of her best pokes and anti-air. What special are worth using and what kind of proirity does her super have.
What are some good VC’s for rose?
Specifically, what are good anti-ait VC’s if she has any.
Any thing would help.
Sorry for the lateness…
Most damaging midscreen for Rose is VC3, crouching Strong, Short Soul Spiral, [b+FP, whiff Short Spiral]xn until meter runs out, and then you can let them flip and get them with a Soul Throw for more damage, if you want. If they hit the corner before the VC ends, just do [b+FP, whiff Jab Soul Reflect (or whiff Soul Spark)] until meter runs out. You may not want to Soul Throw them there, as it may not be worth the damage to be cornered. Better off going for an air throw (which is flippable), or letting them flip and trying to get a crouch cancel.
Corner VCs would be the one I listed after the midscreen (does most damage in VC1, I think), and also VC2, [crouching Strong, Short Soul Spiral] until V-ISM runs out. All Spirals after the first will usually whiff. VC is not so great (only does like 40% damage), but Dhalsim can’t recover out of it, and it looks sorta pretty since the Strongs hit twice. Doesn’t work vs characters who are too normal-sized…ARK, Dan, Rose, Guy, and Rolento(?). You can also whiff Jab Soul Reflects after the second Strong, and I think that works vs everyone (but again, not the most damaging thing you can do in the corner).
She has some other random VCs, but I guess I’ll just go to anti-air. Anti-air VCs are
VC1/2, Jab Soul Reflect, [whiff Short Soul Spiral, b+Fierce]xn…same as the midscreen. VC should only be used if you can blow through the opponent’s attack with the VC activation, as Jab Soul Reflect isn’t quite crazy with the priority. So if something is going to hit late or deep (ie Charlie’s jumping Roundhouse), you don’t get to use this one.
VC1/2/3, Strong Soul Reflect, same as above. Strong Reflect has better priority (though it’s still not perfect), so you do this VC ahead of time, to hit them out of whatever they’re doing.
Okay, ONE random VC, just because it looks pretty.
VC1, Crouching Strong, Short Soul Spiral, [standing Fierce (neutral), whiff Short Soul Spiral)xn. So cute… Less damage though.
HELLO ALL! im back:)
if you want, i can make a technical video for lot of character (when start OC, how to escape OC, etc…). then, there will be post on
please, tell me what kind of strategy you want in it. (i already have some idea. but tell me what you think about).
ps: there were too much post…i couldnt read them all T.T
Ill post this message on all character’s thread.
ps2: maybe it would be good to create a new thread “A3 technical idea” with all your ideas. then, i wont have to check every thread to see what you wrote;)
Random update.
Wow, old thread. Um, just wanted to make note that Rose’s t+RK move in A/V-ISM is actually called the Soul Piede, and not the Piette. Piette is a mistranslation which showed up in the late Kao Megura’s SFA3 FAQ, and was stolen and even shows up in the DC version of SFA3 under Rose’s movelist. Piede is Italian for “foot” or I guess sometimes “kick.” Been meaning to get around to mentioning that like forever. I’m still gonna call the DP+P move the Soul Throw, even though the translation is Soul Thru, because Soul Thru (Through) doesn’t make any god damn sense.
Some A-Rose stuff here:
and Xenozip’s combo here
V-Rose FAQ still not updated for a while but can be found at and is whichever file is the most recently updated- in this case it’s named “V-ISM_~4.TXT” Working on misc. things for next update, like some damage figures, win quotes etc. Should probably give the VS section a looking-over also, but considering how long it’s been since I’ve played anyone (When was NorCal regionals 2? February?), it’s probably best that I don’t.
i believed that rose should be a defensive player… i’ve been playing with rose for who knows when, and i think that defensive play is the best. her moves are pretty laggy in a sense that opponents can chop her. eg her HK drill… very laggy. so yeah…
defence is the way to go
Yeah I remember Omar’s Rose- damn scary stuff. a lot of the NC crew played Rose for a bit in A2 and A3 after he did some ownage on a lot of the NC players, including myself.
Those were my newb days also.
I remember at least two or three tourney finals were him vs Jason.
Two year old thread. :o
I’m so glad you mentioned that, though. I’ve been wondering WTF “piette” was for the longest time. Soul Foot, hahaha, awesome.
I think I slightly modified that cross-up string, BTW. And there are several variations to the A-ism CC/dizzy combo.
Also, I dunno if this post has any use:
lvl.1 Soul Illusion - where the magic happens …
Damn, this topic is old … and still too short
Since there’s not much to find here about soul illusion, i will post some things i know about it. It’s awesome, that’s for sure :tup: don’t hate it because the super doesn’t work like in A2, it’s still pretty dangerous.
[general link combos]
Rose can link a lot of stuff while the illusions are activated, here are some of the most useful ones …
c.short -> c.forward xx qcf roundhouse (13 hits, 31 damage, 7 chip)
c.short -> c.strong xx qcf roundhouse (13 hits, 32 damage, 7 chip)
=> linking into the strong does a bit more damage, c.forward has more range though -
crossup j.forward, c.short -> c.strong xx qcf roundhouse (16 hits, 39 damage, 7 chip)
c.strong xx qcf x2 short -> c.roundhouse, crossup j.forward, c.short -> c.strong xx qcf roundhouse
(2 hits + 16 hits, 24 + 39 = 63 damage, 7 chip)
=> you can cut the recovery of the strong and link into the sweep, a perfect setup for her illusion crossup madness (it’s very hard to escape that combo, even with a reversal super, the illusions are like a shield)
[lvl.2 Aura Soul Spark]
(corner) meaty c.strong -> c.strong xx qcb x2 strong (14 hits, 36 damage, 10 chip)
=> flashy, but not worth it -
c.short -> c.strong xx qcb x2 strong (16 hits, 47 damage, 10 chip)
c.short xx qcb strong (16 hits, 56 damage, 13 chip)
=> it does more damage if you don’t link into the strong and cancel the super directly from the short -
crossup j.forward, c.short xx qcb x2 strong (19 hits, 60 damage, 13 chip)
=> easy hit confirm into the super, damage is not the best so only do it if it wins you the round
[corner madness, feat. lvl.2 Aura Soul Throw]
NOW we’re talking :karate: this is why it is one of Rose’s main goals to get the opponent into the corner, she can deal good damage in many ways, is safe while pressuring the opponent (illusion gives you advantage on pretty much all of her pokes) and can deal a lot of guard damage.
(corner) c.strong xx qcb fierce (opponent flips), instant j.fierce (catches them), (land) c.strong xx qcb strong/fierce
(6 hits + 7/8 hits, 27+40 = 67 damage) -
(corner) c.strong xx qcb fierce (opponent does not flip), instant j.fierce, (land) c.strong xx qcb strong
(14 hits, 60 damage)
=> this combo is HARD to escape even if they flip, when the oppenent performs a back flip you sometimes switch sides when you come down from the j.fierce, so keep that in mind -
(corner) c.strong xx qcb fierce, instant j.fierce, (land) c.strong xx qcb strong, (otg) qcf x2 strong
(14 hits + throw, 74 damage)
=> this looks funny, the throw part of the super otg’s, it’s a combo [console versions only] -
(corner) c.strong xx qcb fierce, instant j.fierce, (land) c.strong xx qcf x2 strong
(17/18 hits + throw, 81/80 damage, 70/69 if they KK ground roll escape the throw [console versions only] ) -
(corner) c.strong xx qcb fierce (blocked), df forward slide, …
–> (walk forward a little bit) c.forward xx qcf roundhouse (~ 50% guard damage, ~ 7 chip)
–> j.forward, c.strong xx qcf roundhouse (~60% guard damage, ~ 7 chip)
–> (…)
=> if they block your attempt to launch them keep the pressure going, Rose can do some really good guard damage (even more than she usually does) with the illusions activated, and things like the slide are much safer
AFAIK the Level 2 Aura Soul Throw only OTGs on the console versions. You can option select it, IIRC, even without a Soul Illusion before hand- in the corner, crouching Strong xx FP Soul Reflect, crouching Jab xx super.
Another option select is with the Soul Reflect is doing it 3 times…ie Jumping Fierce, [crouching Strong xx FP Soul Reflect]x2, Crouching strong (whiff or connect) xx FP or SP Soul Reflect. They can’t do a neutral air recovery after the first one, so they may be hit by the second crouching Strong into reflect…they CAN do a neutral air recover after the second one, so sometimes they get themselves caught. I’m pretty sure if they air recover toward you, you can still catch them with whiff crouhcing Strong into the Reflect, or maybe even hit them with the crouching Strong…the forward PP flip is quicker than the backwards and neutral ones. The combo at the start of the paragraph does about 32 points of dizzy, and most characters dizzy after 40 points, so they’re pretty close to being dizzy after that after a few more random hits. Also, Counter Hits do 25% more stun, so if the jumping Fierce is a counter hit or you can hit them out of moves with pokes before/afterward, they’re in pretty bad shape.
You may be able to just do crouching Jab or Strong xx Strong Reflect, as the SP version of the move does the same dizzy and has a higher attack box, but is slower. Also, you can just wait to see if they air recover after the second Reflect and do an Aura Soul Throw, of course. That’s pretty much always an option. Or you can do crouching Strong xx Lvl 1 Illusion after the first Reflect, and if they air recover you can super, unblockable if not. Or, just Illusion right after the FP Reflect and do c.SP xx whatever if they don’t air recover, and super on reaction or option select C.SP or S.JP xx super if they do. You can option select the Level 2 Aura Soul Throw OTG on the console versions (-Saturn, I think) after…an OTG isn’t a juggle, and therefore you can OTG even after the juggle limiter is active.
And then, no matter how they’re hit, you can do an unblockable (and hit confirm) if they don’t do a ground recovery (KK roll). Even then, you can hit them out of it if they do. I should mention that the SP Reflect is mostly for juggling only, and you can’t really combo afterwards most of the time. So c.SP xx FP Reflect, c.JP xx SP Reflect is somewhat more guaranteed, but cuts down on your damage/dizzy potential, because they have less time to flip afterwards, and you’d think they’d be less likely to, but that depends. s/c.JP cancels work better to SP Reflct, since it’s slower.
About the Soul Illusion, two crossup things I like…c.SP xx Illusion, crossup jumping FK, crouching Jab, Crouching SP, slide. Safe, but they can Alpha Counter out of it, I’m sure. After the slide (and I’m assuming this is blocked), you can do Level 2 Aura Soul Spark/Throw if they try to do anything, or continue to poke…I think you can get another Soul Illusion going, too, but I really haven’t worked that out (would be something like walk forward, crouching Jab, crouhcing Strong xx Illusion, slide or whatever)…you don’t get frame advantage after the slide anyway, you just recover at about the same time. Secondly, there’s Soul Illusion, crossup j.FK, crouching JPx3 xx Level 2 Aura Soul Reflect…does about 20 hits IIRC, and close to 50% damage…and looks nice. I don’t know if it works on smaller characters (I’d guess not), but I remember it works on Blanka.
3 more quick notes about the Soul Illusion: a normal attack (far standing Strong works best, followed by crouching Strong) will interrupt any VC that doesn’t start with an invulnerable special move/quick command throw. Even so, if it’s an invulnerable attack which hits more than once or slows down after a hit (ie Akuma Dp, Ken FP DP, Sagat SP/FP Dps, etc), they get hit out of it by the shadow o the Illusion, so keep that in mind. If you think they’re going to burn the meter, you can do far standing Strong as they’re getting up or something, and let them reversal it. I think it also works vs single-hit DPs, but I honestly don’t remember, so I can’t say. The exception is vs Sakura- if she activates and then does a Jab DP as soon as possible, it will get through because her activation time is shorter than most characters’ (somewhat little-known fact: VC xx Jab DP with Sakura is actually unblockable after the screen pause from close range with the correct timing). Never tested vs Vega, Guy or Charlie.
Secondly, if frame data means anything here, Soul Illusion (regardless of level) has two frames of recovery, and is vulnerable for exactly one frame. Also, it lasts for 264 frames at level 1, 384 at level 2, and 564 at level 3, or about 4.5, 6.5, and 9 seconds, respectively. At the start of the super, the shadows come out after 8 and 16 frames after an attack…I think. That sounds about right, anyway. Anyway, there’s only two shadows toward the end of the move, So I’m guessing that’s those, and during the start, there’s another at the end…or, in the middle. Who knows…maybe the last image comes at either 8 or 16 frames? 8 sounds a little slow, actually…seems more like 4, doesn’t it?
Also, if you do Soul Illusion, and then use a Level 1 Aura Soul Throw to win the round, you get cool red and blue shadows like in SFA1. Ie, counter hit crouching SP as anti-air xx Level 1 Illusion, Level 1 Aura Soul Throw. This works on the arcade version, dunno about the various console ones.
Also, and this post is longer than I’d thought it would be already, I’ll just add that you can juggle after the Level 2 Aura Soul Spark with a far standing Roundhouse…I’ve done it before, but I don’t remember if I had Soul Illusion activated or not. I think it’s a link…I don’t think it’s a cancel like Ryu’s hopkick. Anyway, if so, it can be air-recovered out of…but, even better, really.
You’re right, I#ve tested it a minute ago in the arcarde version and it didn’t worked (edited my post).
Well i guess that it otg’s is the tradeoff for also being KK ground roll escapable
I totally love the slide when the illusions are activated :tup: you can easily start the pressure (or even punish) from half screen away. If they jump forward you can punish from behind (c.strong xx dp fierce), if they stick something ou tthe slide will most likely beat it.
If you play against somebody who uses an X-ism chara (i play against an X-Chun every now and then) and they’re low on health, a slide -> c.short xx qcf roundhouse will do as much chip damage as a fierce attack with the illusion if blocked.
Some random shit that happened in a match:
I slided under my opponents jump with illusions activated, and while i was sticking out a c.short from the other side the last shadow from the slide was hitting from the other side :wow: it said 4 hits before i linked the c.strong xx spiral afterwards. That’s pretty funky, dunno if it’s unblockable or not, i will check up on that :karate:
good thread. TS’ v-Rose knowlege = beasting when he gets his practice on.
TS, hurry up and get a car. Me and my buddies still want to practice with you at my pad. DagNabit!
I like Rose’s Soul Illusion super more and more the longer i play her :lovin: In fact, i use it almost exclusively now, since she gains so much from it for just a little use of meter.
Her ways to build meter fast are:
- whiffing c.MP at a safe distance
- hcf P soul spark (i use it as a meaty when i’m outside of sweep range, or at the end of a block string)
- a lot of max range c.MP/c.MK xx qcf LK (blocked or not)
2 setups for the Soul Illusion unblockable:
[1] sweep distance
Rose has a great sweep, because it outranges a lot of stuff and sets up her unblockable. Everytime you bait your opponent or make him whiff something, punish with the sweep:
- c.HK, instant qcf x2 LK, walk forward a tiny bit and whiff c.HK (the last illusion should hit them for an unblockable knockdown), crossup j.MK, (unblockable) c.LK -> c.MP xx qcf HK
[2] anti air / anti flip
If they jump in at you, activate a lvl.1 soul illusion and c.HP them, that way you can do the c.HP very early and it will still hit them most of the times. If they air flip after they eat the c.HP, you can either jump after them and c.MP/c.HP/whatever to get them into the corner as fast as possible, or you can make them land on a soul illusion powered unblockable c.HK (where only the last illusion hits them). After that you can also go for the unblockable crossup (illusion time should be barely enough to finish the combo):
- instant qcf x2 LK -> anti air c.HP, (they flip) make them land on c.HK illusion, crossup j.MK, (unblockable) c.LK -> c.MP xx qcf HK
resurrecting old ass threads is a no go but i’ll merge it into the a3 thread
Recipe: VC3: crouching Short-> Sliding-> Short Soul Spiral-> Sliding-> instant jump up Short-> shadow Soul Spiral hits-> falling Short-> CC walk backwards-> [vertical jumping Strong x 15~16 -> CC activate VC2, jumping Short-> CC vertical jumping Fierce-> CC vertical jumping Strong-> CC walk-> vertical jumping Strong] x N
Expect more Rose updates in the future.
Wow thread necromancy taken to a whole new level. I didn’t even know you could resurrect threads originally from 2002 with their last post in 2006.
That is not to say that that unblockable setup wasn’t worth resurrecting this thread for. But still!