SF5 Lounge: Idom Wins. Only Poison is Woman enough for Capcom Cup

you know whats a cool thing about doa and vf

when you backdash you just backdash, no bullshit needed


I will need to invest time to learn 3S.
It felt like that if I knew what I was doing and how the defensive mechanics of the game work, I could have walled and lamed people hard with Hugo there.


Saw some GGStrive footage now.
The game might actually be fun, but it’s very clear this won’t play like past GGs.
My man Ky looks amazing though, both from the obvious costume / stance change and a lot of other small details. That’s definitely something.

DoA has KBDs iirc.

Besides, when people are starting out it’s more beneficial to just learn single backdashes and sidesteps.
@ZioSerpe, this video probably explains how to combine movement and pokes better than any other resource I’ve seen:

Also if you wanted to play Julia:

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I will die from cuteness overload.


Fucking hell, 5 Rashids in Capcom Cup


I’ll give the movement thing a look, so far I have been following a playlist called “learn Tekken in a reasonable and appropriate order” as per the Julia Breakdown I have watched it 2 or 3 times already as I am aware of that blasted salami’s channel.
Thank you for the tips


This new Street Fighter mobile game in China is ripping of Persona 5 so hard I fucking can’t


Even in a Persona style SF game, Sakura still ain’t gettin that Ryu dick.




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She needs to get over that stupid teenager crush of hers and find herself a real Man, with capital M.
Someone who showers and can keep a stable job so she can fulfil her dream of raising a family.


Sidenote - Futaba is for normies


This statement is too tame. It’s not just 5 Rashid, it’s ALL 5 pro players that use Rashid. Shit JB is a good player but there are players missing capcup that are considered better

I was thinking of this lately color and the other mono one earlier, I kinda feel it’s just meh.

The color would had been interesting if it had some sort of vibe and effect that can change the way some game is played.

I mean they could have made the color pallete have flavorful and sensible appeal to the gameplay exprience not just visual appeal but it’s too late now for technical development.

Like turning it to some Twelve or Eleven army mimicking a street fighter in the character intro and defeat.

Like something SFEX 2’s did with Special/Extra Random Select that change your character every round randomly.


Or how the Vampire Savior 3 add flavor with Marrionette that imitates the current character it fights or the Shadow that imitates the last opponent you defeated.

Then turn them into a special select not a character to give a new breath to play the current game modes available, than just colors.

It doesn’t make the game unblanced and complicated also because it just either random, copy the current opponent character or copy the last beaten opponent. It just create another variation to play the existing current modes.

Uhhhh…M. Bison?


Running LCQs for SFV and T7, then season finals for both games. SFV is up first.

I’m already in the SFV season finals and top 8 losers for the T7 LCQ. Expecting to get beaten up.


I’ll watch in a bit. Getting tilted to shit and back by @Rice_Eater’s Akuma.

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After going Han solo Sagat I’ve decided it’s just not possible to main him in a tourney environment so I’m picking up a sub.

Cammy and G are my choices. I think I might go G. I want to taste that bullshit.


Play Akuma.

I’ve tried Akuma, I don’t like his mid range. It feels like you should main Akuma , where as I think you can sub either of those I mentioned.

It’s a valid point since I do “shoto” well. I just think I need a POD that’s not fireball/dp