I’m focusing more on learning base mechanics, I’ll look into combos later, tho I did figure out one by myself. I have some questions for example, can I do a while running move from point blank? I can get it with a small gap between me and the dummy but not at point blank.
and I can do that while literally being in their face.
How do I make the CPU do what I want? I wanted to practice throw breaks so set Jin to three throws but he is not doing them.
You can definitely do em’ point blank. Should be noted it’s not easy and even pros mess it up sometimes.
It’s in the recording stuff. Don’t have it up in front of me at the moment. But which arm extends tell you the break, if you see their right arm extending to grab you, it’s a 2 break, if their left extends instead, it’s a 1 break, if both arms extend to grab you, it’s 1+2.