SF5 Lounge: Idom Wins. Only Poison is Woman enough for Capcom Cup

Look at that input lag on stadia. 279 ms =
16.8 frames of lag.



I wondered if it played like an older GG… Pre Xrd. I guess not.

I’m in that camp you mentioned. I’m intrigued by it for what many would consider the wrong reasons. No gatlings, less emphasis on air combos, looks like more hit stun/block stun etc…

Basically i like what i see because its less like Guilty Gear. If i was a fan I’d be pissed.

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so it’s just like your run of the mill UNIST online match.


Still watching it, but I don’t think I’ve ever hated an UI this much.

Pot did an 11 hit combo and the counter literally took half the screen. Like, this is no exaggeration at all.

Sol landed Fafnir into 2K, 5K, Revolver, Tyrant Rave. The Revolver got to the corner and wall-splatted. TR broke the wall.

Guess that’s the kind of combo you’ll see from now on. Maybe Fafnir ender for a meterless combo because the scaling murdered the TR.

It’s really weird to not see a relaunch combo off this. Or anything really. If I’m getting uncanny valley, I can only imagine how the real GG heads are feeling about this game.

All will be well as long as they free my man That Man tho.

For me it will be a huge dissapointment if they add chars that people are asking for in such a subpar game.

And you have to BUY Destiny 2 to play it.

The games F2P.


TastySteve said him and some other old players think it feels like Guilty Gear XX

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I’m really interested in how Samurai Shodown is performing on stadia with the huge input lag PLUS the crappy netcode SNK is using. Sounds like fun.

Should have priotised the pc version first.


Dunno how he can say that, most people that played it say it doesnt feel like GG at all

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Was that on the og Xbox?

That was probably the last one i played before Xrd.

God knows, I wasn’t playing FGs around that time. I think one GG made it’s way to original Xbox cause it was on the XBL marketplace for 360 as a classic.

Now I can say with 100% certainty that this is bullshit blazing. I actually played a fair bit of Reload and that game looks nothing like Strive.

Its like when Sf5 came out and all the old school players said it was a return to old school footsies and fundamentals.


you Know how to play 2d fighting games right? It like that with sidestepping and all you need to learn is 10 or 20 moves and you good. Try Jin or Lars they good for newbies or Leo or eddy he really for newbie all you got to do is spam his low attacks!!! Oh yeah footies and movement come in handily in tekken and it really important to learn how to back dash without that you going to lose a lot and always time your moves no matter what I don’t care if player going ham😤


In the sense that it’s absolutely batshit crazy and you can die in one hit like ST, yes. Just lacking the oppressive zoning tbh.

The problem is that in the case of this new GG, it isnt.
It is not a return to fundamentals or anything because it is scraping everything.
It almost feels that they are doing this based on the usually wrong stereotypical opinion about games like GG, where people complain about having too much focus on combos, aerial combos and lack of spacing game.
When GG has never been like that.

So they are now gutting the openess of the combo system, neutering the options of the characters, killing the corner game, removing any agency from the player when doing stuff on the air, killing oki, etc, etc.


Right now, GGSTD feels more like the bastard child of The Rumble Fish, Samurai Shodown and Street Fighter V.
In a not good way.

Its a weird play.

Why not a new IP with this style to test the waters? Or an ‘Alpha’ style spin off.


Terry is a trolling from way back 2k lol

What the

Edit: instead of posting new It edit my recent comment.


you know going up in ranks made me surprised at how there are some players that managed to get to where I’m now… I have wonder if they got lucky or something because even in the rank I am it just seems weird.