SF5 Lounge: Idom Wins. Only Poison is Woman enough for Capcom Cup

Funny thing is Daisuke mentioned that he wants visual clarity on the UI, however in I think the same interview he said he didn’t want new players to focus on the risc gauge, so they made it less of a priority on screen.

This is a heavily conflicting statement to go alongside their design aim. And also, undermining the intelligence of the average player really annoys me.

What would annoy a new player more -

Having a bar they have to manage visible on screen


Not knowing why the fuck they just got counter-hit for 80% because said bar is invisible


I too didn’t know where the Risc gauge was until Ves told me. It is INCREDIBLY hard to see. Especially because the fucking portrait moves alongside it.


All the chars so far have already changed, losing moves and getting their normals gimped


What did Pot lose, his flying headbutt?

Did this cracker just parrot what I told in reply to him?

I didn’t read your response before responding to Volt, I go down the list of replies. Again, you are not the priority all the time Zio.

Looks like Capcom didn’t showcase the vskill 2 the second day in a row.

They’re inconsistent as fuck and need to have a plan and stick to it.


I think it techs just like a normal throw. You go into that DBZ punchy punchy animation and then they break apart back to neutral

Shit someone already answered it. Sorry, distracted by football :woman_shrugging:t2:


Smash bros dev says he’s surprised smash is labeled as a “top selling fighting game” as Japan describes smash as an “action fighting game”, also believes sf2 is still the king of fighting games despite smash taking its record of sales away. Guy looks classy.


Are you really thinking Frost played GG for more than 20 minutes.

Guy wants to talk, he doesn’t play these games nor cares for them.

It’ll be neat to see Jam older instead of that deaging that happened in Xrd. :joy:

He lost YRC ICPM, aka the most fun shit the character ever had, Trishula (the flame pillar that comboed into Heavenly Buster) and maybe something else? Can’t remember.

At any rate, the command grab damage is honestly disgusting. 50% on Sol is just vomit-inducing. Speaking of him, Wild Throw is some bullshit too.

Like, one mistake is pretty much all it takes in this game for you to get absolutely fucked. I don’t like that as a design.

What game are you watching?

She is super hot in Xrd tho.
But yeah if they redisign her… Maybe short hair

You magically went from “I don’t know” to I know, dickhead

I can finally play wired again. Thank god.


Ohio State/Penn State. First time all season Ohio State’s really been tested, it was a good game

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I said I don’t understand why the risc gauge is so subtle, because it’s a bad design choice. I did not say I haven’t read the interview with Daisuke.

Neymar > college football.

image https://media1.tenor.com/images/a0211dfd2a397b6abd327a5f72d1fccb/tenor.gif?itemid=12098476


I think it can do more than 50% at full risc too, and Pot seems to do really solid risc gauge damage with his general poke. Definitely a scary character.

Somebody mentioned that if your RC after a Wild Throw you can actually OTG. So it’s damage potential is absolutely nuts.

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Neymar is trash and an embarrassment to my country.

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