SF4CMM - Street Fighter IV PC Costume Mod Manager

[NEW] => UPDATED VIDEO TUTORIAL => [media=youtube]b1Lvax8pbQE[/media]

UPDATE => v0.7 pre-alpha 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JK2WY9TE
MIRROR: http://www.zshare.net/download/64903071a252f803/

**IMPORTANT: Versions beggining on v0.6 are NOT COMPATIBLE with earlier versions. Make sure your *01.cos.emz, *02.cos.emz, *01_01.col.emz, *02_01.col.emz and *.vfx.emz are the original ones and delete the old SF4CMM dir inside each Chara character dir.

IMPORTANT 2: config file in v0.6d is not compatible with previous versions. If you have a config file from a previous version, DELETE IT!

Video Tutorial (with annotations)
Part 1 : [media=youtube]d-OeVQDJOoo[/media]
Part 2 : [media=youtube]61gon3n8Hkk[/media]


SF4CMM v0.7 pre-alpha 2 - 31.08.2009

  • Street Fighter IV Custom Mod Manager *


Q: Do we have to have all the original costumes and colors in the chara folders?
A: No, you just have to make sure your *01.cos.emz, *02.cos.emz, *01_01.col.emz, *02_01.col.emz and *.vfx.emz for every character are the original ones.

Q: I get an error saying that the application cannot access the SF4CMM directory inside the Chara folder. What now?
A: You must run the application with admin privileges so it can modify your SF4 Chara directory.

Q: Which files compose a costume mod?
A: In SF4CMM, a costume mod is now composed of three entities:
- color file (.col.emz) - mandatory, the most important one
- costume file (.cos.emz) - optional
- vfx file (.vfx.emz) - optional

 You can also add a preview file for your mod in JPEG format (.jpg)


. Update History: .

v0.7 pre-alpha 2 - 31.08.2009

Changes / Improvements:

01 - improvement: added global random costume apply

v0.7 pre-alpha - 23.08.2009

I’m releasing this pre-alpha version primarily to address the Vega costume mod bug, so that you won’t have to wait
until v0.7 comes out to be able to use your Vega mods;)

Changes / Improvements:

01 - improvement: added voice/sfx mod support
02 - change: changed the tool’s name to Custom Mod Manager (v0.7 will manage more than just costume mods).

Bug Fixes:

01 - bugfix: fixed a bug that was preventing the correct usage of Vega costume mods
02 - bugfix: voice synth didn’t spoke some character’s names
03 - bugfix: other small bugs corrected

v0.6d - 11.08.2009

IMPORTANT: Due to the addition of two new funcion keys (random key and global mode key), SF4CMM config is not compatible
with previous versions. Please delete your SF4CMM config file and allow the program to create a new one.

Changes / Improvements:

01 - improvement: zip import no longer overwrites other costume mods. If a costume mod with a certain name already
exists in your SF4CMM library, SF4CMM will rename the file automatically when importing so it
won’t overwrite the previous costume.

		      This feature also applies to internally repeated directory names inside a multi-costume zip file 
		      (read improvement 05). On import, SF4CMM will import all of them, preventing the name clashes automatically.
		      Finally, using the "recurse subdirectories" feature is also name-clash safe. 
		      Several name clashing situations could arise, due to the almost endless possibilities of directory 
		      structure and single/multi costume zip organization you can have from now on, so this is 
		      a crucial improvement.

02 - change: all global keys are now mandatory
03 - improvement: added “Random Selection Key”, that allows you to randomly assign a costume to a give character,
to normal or alternate slots (depending on which is selected at the moment).

04 - improvement: added “Global Mode Key”, that will allow the user to change between 3 new management modes for
the upcoming versions of SF4CMM:

				1 - Costume Management Mode (the actual SF4CMM)
				2 - Voice/SE (Sound Effects) Management Mode (this will allow the management of Voice/SE mods)
				3 - Stage Management Mode (this will allow the management of Stage mods)
				4 - Stage Music Management Mode (this will allow the management of Stage Music mods)

05 - improvement: support for multi-costume zip files (organized by internal directories)

A zip file can now contain several costume mods, given that each one has its own dedicated directory.
The internal zip structure is also more flexible, since you can have any directory organization you see fit.

The costume naming is given:
 - by the zip filename, is the costume files are not inside a directory in the zip
 - by the directory name, if they are inside one in the zip file

Here is an example of a multi-costume zip file:
Ex1: costume1.zip
		|- xpto.col.emz
		|- xpto.jpg
		|- SuperCostume (dir)
				-----|- sc.col.emz
				-----|- sc.cos.emz
This zip will produce the import of 2 costumes: xpto (under the name "costume1" given by the zip file,
and sc (under the name SuperCostume give by the directory that holds the "sc" files whithin the zip.

You can have as many subdirs as you want. SF4CMM will take care of them for you.

You can also combine multi-costume and single-costume zip files within any directory structure, and
use the "recurse subdirectories" function already present in SF4CMM in earlier versions. The total import
number of costumes will be sum between all zip artifacts, multi and single-costume.

So, if you have a multi-costume zip file with 5 costumes and 2 single-costume files, the total import count
will be of 7.

Bug Fixes:

01 - bugfix: wasn’t importing files with CAPS in the extension (.EMZ) in zip bulk import.
02 - bugfix: small bug in key assignment (user could pick “none” on a mandatory key right before launching SF4)

v0.6c - 05.08.2009


01 - improvement: added a mini-report for import/export functions.

Bug Fixes:

01 - bugfix: small bug with preview pictures in the color manager.

v0.6b - 03.08.2009

Bug Fixes:

01 - bugfix: original alternate costume could not be applied to normal slot.
02 - bugfix: zip import wasn’t handling compressed emb files (emz).

v0.6a - 03.08.2009:


01 - improvement: new character key mapping due to the absense of Ctrl+Shift keys.
02 - improvement: you can now move back and forth between Mod Manager and Mod Switcher without ending the program.
03 - improvement: new “Save Keys” button.

New character key mapping:

    5678 - fei long, cammy, akuma, gouken
    tyui - dhalsim, blanka, chun li, ryu
    ghjk - honda, zangief, guile, ken

  • SETH
    Ctrl+V - seth

    1234 - bison, sagat, vega, balrog
    qwer - abel, c. viper, rufus, el fuerte
    asdf - sakura, rose, dan, gen

f1 - apply costumes
f2 - back cycle
f3 - select original costumes
f4 - normal/alternate
f5 - on/off

Bug Fixes:

01 - bugfix: fixed the bug with voice synth in XP. I am now using System.Speech from .NET for all OSs.
Looks like the bug from the keys was the only thing that was causing the crashes, and not the
voice synth.

		 Because of this, the tool no longer need Interop.SpeechLib.dll, so it has been removed from the package
		 New Package Contents:
			- SFIV Costume Mod Manager.exe
			- ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
			- Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary.dll
			- Readme.txt (this file)

02 - bugfix: when importing zip files, they wouldn’t get converted to the correct slot (01 - normal costume).
03 - bugfix: Ctrl+Shift keys were not working, so they were filtered out of the selectable keys.

v0.6 - 02.08.2009:


01 - improvement: select single zip file to import
02 - improvement: assigning costumes to Alternate costume slot
(in order to enable a vs battle between two costume mods with the same character)

              This was a major update. Everything related to one single costume file had to be
              reprogramed in order to deal with two from now on.
              NOTE: In order to make use of mods in the alternate costume slot, you must use
              an external alternate costume toggler, or buy the alternate costume DLC.

Bug Fixes:

01 - bugfix: “check voice syntheziser” button was not reading the actual description that will be played.
02 - bugfix: fixed a small bug in costume and vfx name editing

v0.5b - 02.08.2009:


01 - improvement: color coding on start screen
02 - improvement: changed default keying (thank you SRK’s Gorecorpse ;))

Bug Fixes:

01 - bugfix: while the synth announcer was talking, the music would turn back on.

v0.5a - 01.08.2009:


Added ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll to the package handle zip files:

  • SFIV Costume Mod Manager.exe
  • Interop.SpeechLib.dll
  • Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary.dll
  • ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll

Bug Fixes:

01 - bugfix: the tool would crash when a wrongly named vfx file was selected for import
02 - bugfix: editing color/costume/vfx: fixed several bugs
03 - bugfix: various bugfixes that appeared due to the increased tool complexity


01 - improvement: fixed combo box refresh after adding and editing
02 - improvement: added support for original costume previews
03 - improvement: changed the design of the startup screen
04 - improvement: single/bulk (directory recursive) costume import and export functions (zip format)

 One zip file per costume.
 Make a zip file with the following contents:
	- a color file (.col.emz) - mandatory
	- a costume file (.cos.emz) - optional
	- a vfx file (.vfx.emz) - optional
	- a jpeg preview file (.jpg) - optional
The name given to the costume will be based on the zip file name.

v0.5 - 01.08.2009:

Bug Fix:

01 - bugfix: the tool crashed sometimes when exiting the program. This was caused by the wrongful clean-up of the temp dir (C:\Temp)
02 - bugfix: sometimes the preview image stopped showing


01 - improvement: remove a color/costume/vfx and the previous list item is now selected instead of selecting the first item on the list.
02 - improvement: tried to improve character name pronunciation with the voice synthesizer
03 - improvement: skip costume announcement - now you don’t have to wait for the announcer to end what he is saying in order to select the next costume
04 - improvement: added suffixes Boxer/Claw/Dictator to Balrog/Vega/M. Bison, so they won’t be confused when using SF4CMM with the alternate Japanese version
05 - improvement: double click for bigger size preview picture
06 - improvement: edit button (edit costume, edit vfx, edit color)
07 - improvement: remove the nagging “StreetFighterIV.exe” starting popup
08 - improvement: redid the start screen for a more user-friendly experience
09 - improvement: apply costume offline interface (per character)
10 - improvement: globally restore original costumes - offline
11 - improvement: two new keys - “select original costume key” and "normal/alternate toggle key"
12 - improvement: all keys are now assignable
13 - improvement: voice synth check button (in order to hear what our costume description will sound like)

v0.4a - 29.07.2009:

  • bug fix: Redid the whole key grabbing mechanism to try to stop the memory leakage. Preliminary testing even on low
    memory machines that used to crash revealed successful.

v0.4 - 28.07.2009:

  • bug fix: default key for Abel (A) was colliding with SF4’s default action key (A).
    Changed the ASDF row of keys to SDFG. Thank you to Gorecorpse for the tip (Valeu, cara!:P)

  • improvement: changed the access to some Win32 APIs in order to better manage memory leaks and stabilize the tool.

  • improvement: support for preview image files (jpg) for the costume mods

      	   You can now add a JPEG image file related to the costume you're adding to your SF4CMM "database"
      	   The preview file is associated with the color file, that represents the entire mod
  • improvement: preliminary support to VFX-modded costumes (e.g., Hornyyoshi’s Dark Hadou FX pack)

      	   A costume mod is now composed of three files, one mandatory and two optional
      	   - a color file (e.g., RYU_01_01.col.emz) -> mandatory
      	   - a costume file (e.g., RYU_01.cos.emz) -> optional
      	   - a VFX file (e.g., RYU.vfx.emz) -> optional
      	   Using a VFX is just like using a costume file, and both have to be uploaded before
      	   the respective color file that makes use of both of them.

v0.3a - 28.07.2009:

  • bug fix: Voice Synth was making the tool crash under Windows XP
    Added Interop.SpeechLib.dll because of this.

  • bug fix: minor bug in color and costume manager forms

  • improvement: Back Cycle Key to cycle backwards in a character’s costumes
    (Thank you to Gorecorpse from SRK for the suggestion)

  • improvement: tweaked the voice synth with simpler text directions

v0.3 - 26.07.2009:

  • bug fix: didn’t execute properly on Windows XP machines

  • bug fix: crashed when selecting a character without mod
    costumes installed AGAIN!!! (other reason than the previous:P)

  • improvement: “Clear All Keys” and “Apply Default Keys” funcionalities added

  • improvement: On/Off Key to activate/deactivate keyboard listening
    (very useful for typing messages in-game without changing costumes)

  • improvement: tweaked the voice synth a little bit more (more calm now:P), for
    better understanding its directions

v0.2a - 26.07.2009:

  • bug fix: didn’t load properly the root dir saved in the config file

v0.2 - 26.07.2009:

  • improvement: config file that saves user preferences, namely path for sf4 root dir and key assignments
  • improvement: default key assignments
    => the logic of the default key assignment is related to character disposition on the selection screen.
    the lowest of the 6 rows (seth’s does not count) is represented by ZXCV (from left to right)
    upwards, we have ASDF (second row from the bottom), etc. etc. Seth gets the Tab Key.

Row 6: F5 F6 F7 F8 ( Fei Long -> Gouken )
Row 5: F1 F2 F3 F4 ( Dhalsim -> Ryu )
Seth: Tab Row 4: 1 2 3 4 ( E. Honda -> Ken )
Row 3: Q W E R ( M. Bison -> Balrog )
Row 2: A S D F ( Abel -> El Fuerte )
Row 1: Z X C V ( Sakura -> Gen )

  • improvement: cut out bgm, sound effects and voice during synth voice direction. Easier to understand;)
    => Thank you to HawkinsT from SRK for the BGM memory address.
    => A special thank you to JovemEngenheiro for helping me find the
    memory addresses for Voice and Sound Effects.

BGM mem address (HawkinsT): 00A4A700
Sound Effects address: 00A4A704
Voice address : 00A4A708

  • improvement: key assign feature is now more user-friendly
  • improvement: slowed the voice synth down a bit, to better understand what it is saying

v0.1c - 25.07.2009:

  • bug fix: crashed when selecting a character without mod costumes installed

  • bug fix: wasn’t always backing up color files

  • bug fix: costume mod switcher was allowed to run without SFIV root directory defined

  • improvement: “add costume” and “add color” buttons are now visually non-contextual

v0.1b - 25.07.2009:

  • bug fix: tool would crash unless you ran it in the SF4 root directory.

v0.1 - 24.07.2009: Original Release


SF4CMM v0.1b - 25.07.2009

  • Street Fighter IV Costume Mod Manager *

This little tool allows you to manage your costume mod collection,
while allowing you to utilize them in-game, performing on-the-fly file swapping.

I did my best for an early version, but there are bound to be some bugs,
so your feedback will be much appreciated.

Comments on how to improve the tool are also welcome;)


  • SFIV Costume Mod Manager.exe
  • Interop.IWshRuntimeLibrary.dll
  • ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll
  • Readme.txt (this file)


This tool requires .NET 3.0 installed (I don’t think it requires 3.5, but I can be wrong…)

Thank yous:

I use offzip to unzip the emz’s before changing them internally, so
a big thank you to Luigi Auriemma for this great tool;)

To all of the SF4 Community, to keep on fighting and having fun on this great game;)

  • BASICs: *

The tool is composed of two main sections: (1) Costume Manager and (2) Costume Switcher.

Costume Manager is the management tool that allows you to import new costumes to your
"SF4 costume database". It also allows you to remove those costumes.

Each costume is composed by one or two files:

  • a “costume” file: for example, RYU_01.cos.emz. This one is optional (I’ll explain why)

=> it represents the “normal” or “alternate” costumes. The “01” refers to normal,
while “02” refers to alternate.

  • a “color” file: for example, RYU_01_05.col.emz. This one is mandatory.

=> it represents one of the ten color slots for each one (normal and alternate)
The “01” refers to the costume file it uses (normal in this case), and "05"
to the color slot in which it will be available.

So, you cannot use RYU_02_05.col.emz alongside RYU_01.cos.emz. These two are
not “compatible”, since the color file was designed to use the costume
file “02”, or alternate, and not “01”, the normal one.

I think these files represent the bump maps, but I’m not sure. Anyway, these ones are
often optional, since most of the costume mods I see out there are based on the original
"costume" files from the game. But there are some mods that include both the “color” file
and the “costume” file.

Either way, every Color file must be associated with a Costume file in order to be used.

So, basically, in short, when you download a costume mod, it will either be composed of only
a color file (to be used with an original costume file), or both color and costume modded files.

. Costume and Color Manager .

The Costume Manager allows you to add Costume files and Color files. And for that it has
the Costume File Manager button, and the Color File Manager button.

Both are pretty straight forward (I hope!), and self-explanatory.
The Costume Manager will automatically backup the original files it will need to replace,
and so will Color Manager.

Basically, you’ll start off with every character with two costume files (normal and alternate),
and one color file (slot 1).

The reason why it backs up slot 1 is because that is the slot that is used to switch through
every costume mod. I chose it for a matter of simplicity.

Now, take your costume mods and add them to SF4CMM “database”. If you only have a color file,
you will need to indicate which original costume file to use with it, normal (01) or
alternate (02). SF4CMM looks inside the color file and suggests the appropriate original costume
file. If you have a custom modded costume file, you will have to add it BEFORE you add the color
file, so you can select it from the costume file list when inserting the color file to pair
them up.

You can add as many costume mods as you want. Your hard disk space is the limit;)

. Costume Mod Switcher .

Now that you have imported all of your costume mods, it’s time to take them for a spin;)

The Costume Mod Switcher allows you to assign a costume cycle key per character, and a select
key to activate the chosen costume. I thought this would be a rather simple way of selecting the
costumes, but if you have better ideas, please do share;)

Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to make a save file to keep the keyboard layout, but I will
shortly. Right now I just wanted to put this thing in the world and to allow people to play
with it and have fun;)

After you have assigned keys to your favorite characters (you don’t need to assign all of them!),
you can press the Launch SF4 button to launch the game.

NOTE: If you copy SF4CMM to your SF4 root dir, next to SF4Launcher.exe, you won’t need to define
the startup directory all the time, it will be done for you;)

Once inside the game, if you press the key you assigned to a player, you will hear a synth voice
telling you the name of the currently selected costume. If you press it again, it will cycle
through all the available costumes you have imported using the costume manager earlier.

When you are satisfied with the current choice, press the Select Key to activate the costume in
Normal Slot 01. The voice will then tell you the procedure is complete, and the you only have to
select the character in question, and select Slot 01, normal costume, and bingo, it’s done;)

IMPORTANT NOTE!!! => When activating the costume, DO NOT HAVE THE CHARACTER SELECTED or
HIGHLIGHTED with the selection square. By some reason, it makes the file system lock the file
or it caches it, so you will not see the new costume if you let the selection square stand on
top of your char. Just point it to the character right next to it during the costume activation,
then go back to your char and select slot 01. You’ll be fine;)

. Last Notes .

I’ll be making a youtube video to better demonstrate the tool, because some doubts may arise,
and nothing like a video to clear that up;)

Last minute note: remember, this is a first draft, possibly with some bugs, but it was made
with your fun in mind, so cut me some slack;) And, like I said, suggestions and bug reports
are always welcome;)

That all, folks;) Enjoy!


So when we first start using the thing, do we have to have all the original costumes and colors in the chara folders? or doesnt that matter?

yeah i was wondering this too.

That’s a good question;)

No, you just have to make sure your *01.cos.emz, *02.cos.emz and *01_01.col.emz for every character are the original ones.

I’ve updated the videos with annotations, enjoy;)

I keep getting error messages, I use vista x64 could that be a problem?

Also it might be worth keeping note of these questions and build up an FAQ. Great work man :tup:

Hmmm, that seems to be lack of administrator privileges. You must run the app with admin privileges so it can modify your SF4 Chara dir.

The FAQ is a very nice idea;)

While sitting at work last week I actually thought about writing something much like this, but it looks like I don’t have to come out of coding retirement just yet.
I’ll give this a try once I get home, nice one.

anyone know OpenGL? It would be great to be able to preview your texture on a 3D model without having to load the game :wink:


Unfortunately, I don’t know sh*t about 3D programming. I tried to use a D3D overlay in order to have a visual menu for selecting the costumes, but I couldn’t make any example work. Then I thought about the voice synth, and it did the trick, once I discovered the memory codes for controlling voice and sound effects volume;)

That previewer would be great. Instead, my short term solution can be to add a jpg as a preview file, but it isn’t the same…

Can u also modify fireball’s skins? Or just the clothing?

thanks very much leoganksky! gonna try this out! on Sakura first ofc :wink:

also ty for all the help in PMs :wink: this is one helpful person! Gonna have to get premium to rep!

This version is only for clothing, but if the mechanics of the thing are simillar, I can extend my tool to add fireball skins, backgrounds, music and sounds. I’ll look into it later on;)

Thank you;) Please do try it out;) User feedback is always welcome!

Jpeg preview would still be extremely useful! :tup:


I have just tried to use the costume mod manager but there seems to be a problem with the costume mod switcher on my PC: when I hit the key to change a character costume, it seems ok, but when I try to cycle or when I come back to character selection (to change to another costume), the mod switcher does not work anymore. This might be caused by a unwanted shutdown, since the SF4CMM is not visible in the task bar anymore…

For the record, I run SF4 on Windows XP , with a quite new system (Core2Duo E8500, 2Gb PC8500 RAM, ATI 4870 with 1Gb Ram)

Anyway, thank you for your software and keep up the good work! :slight_smile:

Hmmmm… Tell me something, can you use the SF4CMM offline (i.e., without actually running the game)?

Your windows XP, is it the 32 or 64 bit version?

Is there an error window? If so, what does it say?

Are you running the application as an administrator?

What version of SF4 are you using, Steam or Retail?

If you would be so kind to answer these questions, I can try to help you get SF4CMM working on your machine, and possibly help other users as well;)

Ok, I can add that to my TODO list for next version;)

So, answers to your questions:

  1. I manage to use the SF4CMM offline BUT it may sometimes shut down like it does during the game…
  2. XP 32bit
  3. No error window, the SF4CMM window just shuts down
  4. I guess, my user account has administrator privileges, is that what you wanted to know?
  5. SF4 retail version

Since the problem is also happening outside the game, I guess it does not come from a weird interaction with the game itself…

Thanks for the quick reaction, I hope my problem will help you to spot some little nasty bug :slight_smile:

Great tool, great thread :tup: