SF4CMM - Street Fighter IV PC Costume Mod Manager

Great tool, you did a really great job!
But unfortunately it isn’t working for me, but I’m sure you will fix it soon.

What happens is the following:

I open the program, it recognizes the sf4.exe file, I can import/manage my costumes, it backup the original files and launches the game.

When I enter the character selection screen I can use the key to cycle through the costumes, the synth voice announces the selected costume (costume 1 - original - selected for abel or costume 1 - beast selected for blanka, etc) and then the program crashes with no messages. The game continues to run.

I noticed that sometimes characters without extra costumes imported don’t crash at the first try. I also tried to use only color 01 mods to assure the compatibility with the file but nothing changed.

My system is a XP 32 bit
Framework 3.5
I was at SP2 and updated to SP3 (same results)
At first tries there was a windows error message stating that the program caused an error and it asked if I wanted to continue or not to run the program.

Sometimes I can cycle through some costumes before it crashes, and I managed to select and apply a cammy outfit once (but the program crashed later), however, I couldn’t find any relation between the occurrences.

It also occurred a sound bug once, the program crashed, but sf4 continued run with no sounds (windows remained with sounds). Could the problem be related to this? I also noticed the program crashes even if I don’t run the game.

Also, I noticed a problem in the default keys - “A” is assigned to Abel, but it is also the default key of the game to select things. I removed all keyboard mapping, but the “A” always remain as the key for selecting things. So I think it is important to:

A) somehow block the keyboard from being used by sf4 when the program is running (for gamepad users)
B) block those default keys (A, B, and maybe there are more) so they cannot be assigned AND establish another default mapping

And I have a suggestion - can you improve the selection by adding a shift functionality? I mean, if you hold “shift” and press a key assigned to a character the program cycles through the previous costumes.

Congratulations for the good work, and please keep working on it. This tool is amazing and essential for me. I would love to see it working perfectly!

hey man I love the addon and I actually started a 2nd install so I could use it exclusively. But and there is always a but, I seem to be bhaving the same problems as the other are.

  1. I can successfully add colors and costumes. And hot keys.
  2. Launch game.
  3. Now this is where the problem start. At character select the voice mod will announce the default color, then the program closes and I loss sound for the game. No Errors. Shouts down offline sometimes.

I am running a completly differnt system from the others
Windows 7 64 bit build 7100
everything is set to run as admin.

so it seesm to be a similar problem across many system set ups. I was thinking maybe it is because I have mods already in there, I am currently using the retail version, but I’m also gonna try it on a steam versiojn as soon as the D/L finishes. If I can do anything to help let me know I want to use your great proggie.

Thank you for the quick reply;) That’s weird… I’ll have to intall XP 32 bit to see if I can replicate the error. Damn nasty bug… :stuck_out_tongue:

Just one more question, do you have the .NET framework updated to v3.5?

Wow, Gorecorpse, that is some pretty good feedback;) Thanks;)

Now for some answers that I can provide:

That’s strange… I’m going to install XP 32 bit and try to catch this nasty bug… It’s working fine in Windows 7 and Vista.

Hmmmmmm, maybe something to do with file backups, then… I only force backups when there are keys selected to some character.

By the way, don’t worry about the color mods, you can use any slot (01 through 10) and any costume mod (01 or 02). The tool unzips every EMZ file, rewrites the binary to force it to go to slot 01 with costume 01, then it gzips it (to occupy less disk space) and finally imports it to the SF4CMM directory for usage.

If it causes an error, DON’T continue to run it. But when it did, a windows with a “Details” button usually appears. If it does, please copy and paste its content here, will you?

But has the costume been applied successfully?

That is not a sound bug. What happens is that in order for you guys to be able to hear the voice synth changing costumes and applying them, I had to force SF4 to temporarily shut off its sound, and turn it on once it finishes talking. Since the program crashed in between, it never gets the opportunity to turn the sound back on again;)

The default selection key is Space, not A. If you delete your SF4CMM.cfg file, it will produce a new one, and you will see Space as the default key. Maybe what happened was you selected A for the selection key and it crashed, leaving the keys in an inconsistent state.

Regarding your A): I do a similar thing, with the Right Control key, the On/Off key. Have you noticed it? It enables you to turn on or off keyboard listening for SF4CMM. That way, when you want to write a text message in SF4, you won’t be conflicting with SF4CMM.

Regarding your B): I don’t think that locking them will be necessary. Try to delete your config file, to see the real default mapping;) Unless Windows XP is interpreting keystrokes in a different way that Vista and 7 do. I’ll try it too on Windows XP.

That is a good suggestion;) Yes I can;) Another TODO list item;)

Will do;) Thank you for using it and providing me with all this useful feedback;)

Hi, mcbiggins;)

Now that is strange… You have the same exactly setup as I do… Windows 7 64 bit build 7100…

Read the previous post, where I reply to Gorecorpse, for the sound issue explanation.

Well, I only tried the program in a fresh SF4 install, with no modded files whatsoever. But the only files you have to guarantee that are the original ones, like I said in the FAQ at the top of the page, are the ones necessary to the tool:

  • for example, for RYU, you must have RYU_01.cos.emz, RYU_02.cos.emz, and RYU_01_01.col.emz, all in their original format.

Other than these, you’re good to go, unless the game file dependency extends further, in which case I can only target my app for clean SF4 installs at this time. The final objective is to mod the game through the app, thus saving the game user from all of the mod applying hassle.

By the way, try it on steam too. I still don’t know if SF4 program memory areas are the same (they should be), so I would really like a heads up on this;)

Yes, I have v3.5 installed.

I had exactly the same thing happening. And as Gorecorpse, I observed that with colors based on original costumes, the soft seems to (I emphasize on the “seems to”) work more steadily than with colors based on imported costumes…

If you need me to test something else on my system, don’t hesitate to ask, Leogansky! And good bug hunt :wink:

New SF4CMM => v0.3a

Ok, v0.3a is up.

Let’s see if Windows XP users can benefit from it this time;)

By the way, when you do run into a problem, please link or upload the costume mod that gave you problems, so I can try to replicate the bug in order to fix it.

I’m having the same problem as this user. Can someone point me in the right direction for changing admin settings? I’m trying to play it on my roommates PC that has Vista on it. He only has one profile so I figured it would be the admin one, anyways.

Here it is - http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=bac929664e9b48d9aaca48175a79d1c3e04e75f6e8ebb871

Unfortunately the log is written in portuguese (I’m from Brazil), but I’m pretty sure you will be able to extract the useful info from the txt. Otherwise, I’d be glad to help you.

Yes, it did!

Ops, that is not what I meant… Sorry, it was my fault, I didn’t explained very well the issue.

What happens is the following:

1 - The GAME uses the “A” key for selecting things (i.e. menus and characters). Even if you enter the options and remove all keyboard mapping (the “A” key is assigned for weak punch) the key will still be used for selecting things.

2 - SF4CMM uses “A” as the default key for Abel.

3 - So, if you press the “A” button in the selection screen you will not only cycle through Abel’s costume, but also select the highlighted character.

My log error mention memory areas… But I don’t have the knowledge to understand what exactly it means.

Thanks for the reply.

Vista x64 should not be a problem at all, but I need an explicit error declaration, or at least a description of what’s going on before I can help. Can you describe me the best you can what is the error?

No problem;) I’m portuguese myself, so it’s all good:P Um abrao aqui de Portugal;)

That’s what I thought… I think I did manage to replicate the error, and it was due to one of two possible things: (1) the voice synthesizer (already fixed with v0.3a) and (2) memory leakage resulted from calling native Win32 apis. Have you tried the new v0.3a to see if it has stopped? If it did, it was the Voice Synth, if not, I’ll have to continue to look for the leakage…

Point taken;) Already moved the ASDF row to SDFG by default in version v0.4;) Will upload it in a few minutes;)

Is your version a steam one?

Don’t mention it;) Thank you for the feedback;)

It works now! Thanks a lot!

Great improvement with the synth, it was really talkative before, hehe. Also, the left ctrl works perfectly.

I have to go out, but when I get back I give you a full report.

SF4CMM v0.4

SF4CMM 0.4 is out;) Grab it, test it, feedback me;)

I’ve added preliminary VFX support;)

after update everything seems to be A ok… now to orginize everything… great work man… total props dude

Ok, since now the tool works fine, let’s talk about improvements! Some are easy to do, others may be arguable, others will require a lot work, but none are really essential.

Edit: Por favor, no leve a mal esses comentrios. Tenho idia do tempo, esforo e dedicao necessrios para fazer o programa e j estou mais do que contente com a ferramenta do jeito que ela . Se tu simplesmente no quiser mais mexer com isso e no ser mais incomodado, entenderei perfeitamente. Digo isso pq sei que muitas vezes a comunidade no reconhece o esforo e s quer exigir mais, mais e mais, mas quero deixar claro que no o meu caso. Estou admirado com o teu trabalho e s tenho tanto a dizer sobre o programa justamente pq estou usando-o constantemente, estou praticamente apaixonado por ele, hehe. Novamente, parabns!

  • The program always shut down with an error. Although a harmless occurrence, you could be interested in take a look at it.

  • Management

What about a “Edit Costume/Color/VFX” next to the “Remove Costume/Color/VFX” button? Sometimes I just want to change the name or add a preview picture, but I have to remove the mod and import it again to do that.

  • Restore original costumes

I think this option could be added as a button in the costume mode switcher, because people may want (I would!) to have their original color 01 back for every characters once in a while.

This is what i mean: right now I have finished testing costumes for Cammy, Blanka, Chun Li, Abel, Balrog and Fei Long. Since I want the original costumes back for all these characters when I start my next session, pressing a “restore default costumes” button would be better than replacing manually the chara folder.

It looks like an easy implementation and very helpful too.

I have other idea similar to that - a “original costume” key, which could work like the left ctrl.
If you have lots of costumes imported but want to select he original color, just press the character key and then press the original color key to select you original costume. I’m guessing that this is an easy implementation and that people might want to restore their original costumes frequently, but I might be wrong about both.

  • Check Sound Button

Sometimes even simple names like “kratos” are hard to understand. The synth pronunciation frequently mess it up, so it would be great to have the possibility of checking how names will sound during the color import. One way to do that is to create a “Check Sound” next to the “check name” button in the color file manager.

  • Color 2 management

This feature would be great, since we cannot have the same characters fighting with custom skins. Of course it is possible to replace manually the color 2, but it would be a lot better to use the SF4CMM to manage it. In other words, we can’t set a fishnet cammy vs a morrigan cammy using the program, because it only handles color 01.

The usage could work like this - after pressins a key (i.e. alt) the program replaces costumes for color 02.

However, adding this feature is no as easy as it looks, because mods that uses different .cos files would conflit with each other, resulting in a modded character vs a gray character. For now I can only imagine this feature working for mods that use the same .col file, but maybe someone can think about a way to overcome this obstacle.

It is a good idea, although impossible for now, but I think it is important to give this kind of suggestions. You never know what people are capable of…

  • An important question

Have you noticed that the program creates a copy of the SF4CMM.cfg in the directory of imported costumes? Is this really necessary? Did you expect that to happen? I’m touching this subject cause it can lead to crashes in the future. Lets say that you have costumes in a dvd and try to import them. Since the program cannot write a copy of the cfg file in the dvd it will probably crash. This might need a workaround.

Valeu mesmo! Um abrao!

Thanks, but already discivered that the memory leakage has shrunk, but is not gone! Just found out that the key grabbing may be responsible for the remaining leakage.

I’m going to try an aggressive approach and remake all the key grabbing API calls for next update. Meanwhile, if the program crashes, just restart it, even while the game is running, it will work just fine;)

See you in a couple of hours for the next installment;)

Wow! Now THIS is some feedback! Thank you! Obrigado;)

Now let’s try to dissect this step by step;)

Let’s get started then;)

PS: Obrigado pelo edit;) bom ver que o nosso esforo reconhecido, especialmente por pessoas que no esto s a mandar bocas para o ar, mas que usam regularmente as coisas que deram tanto trabalho a fazer, e que se esforam por ajudar na sua melhoria, como o teu caso! Um abrao;)

Are you saying that it sometimes crashes, or that when you close it normally, an error appears?

If it is the latter, this might be that memory leakage I found. I think this is due to the key grabbing mechanism. Like I said in the previous post, today will be all about trying to eradicate this leakage from SF4CMM.

Until then, when it crashes, just re-launch it again, even when the game is already running, it will work just fine;)

A great suggestion;) The first prototype had this feature, but it was taking too long for me to complete it, and I just wanted to put a working tool out there first, so I scratched it from the early releases. Now that the tool is beginning to stabilize, I can add this feature again to the TODO list;)

This one is an excellent suggestion! I had already thought about it last night, and it was already added to my TODO list. Haven’t thought of the in-game version, though, but it’s a great add-on to the original idea;) Definetly a TODO item;)

Another great suggestion, and a very easy one at that => TODO;) Next version is beginning to shape up with lots of improvements;)

This one is a little trickier, because it envolves byte manipulation for *.cos.emz and for *.col.emz, but I already do it to make the costumes work on color slot 1, so I can do it too in order to make them work on color slot alternate 1, in order for you to be able to fight with two modded costumes of the same character.

But for this, you would have to use a trainer that changes the normal color to alternate color in-game. I can try to incorporate this feature too, by accessing SF4’s memory to force it to alternate costume, just like I do when I turn the sound temporarily off so that the voice synth can be heard.

As for the conflicts, there won’t be any, because normal color slots and alternate color ones don’t share dependencies, so it’s all good;)

It’s definetly a TODO, but this one will take a little longer. Not sure if I can do it all for next version, but I’ll try;)

Now this one puzzles me… I can’t replicate this! It is only suppose to create one SF4CMM.cfg right next to the tool’s .exe file. I don’t have any SF4CMM.cfg created inside the Chara***\SF4CMM dirs… At least, this is what I think happens to you, right?

Obrigado;) Outro[]

When I close it an error appears. Probably it is caused by the leakage you mentioned. I’ve spent the whole night testing costumes and the tool crashed sometimes, but I just reopened it and everything works fine again. Not a problem at all. Probably it was the memory again. Good luck with that evil memory bug.

WOW! That’s exactly what I meant with “You never know what people are capable of…”. You definitely rox! But go easy on that. Take your time, play some rounds and think about it later. I don’t want my favorite developer stressed.

i’m really sorry about that. I made a mistake. One of the old versions was creating this cfg copies. I deleted all of them and imported all my costumes again, and nothing happened this time. However, these copies weren’t created inside “Chara***\SF4CMM”. If you still want to know what happened, here it is:

The cfg copies was being created in the dirs in which I store my downloaded mods. Let’s suppose the following - I run SF4CMM, go to the “color file manager”, “add new color” and browse to “D:/downloads/sf4mods/abel eagles”. When I finish to import the costume, a sf4cmm.cfg file is created in the “D:/downloads/sf4mods/abel eagles” directory.

Fortunately, this is not happening anymore.

During the marathon of importing my 226 mods I noticed a few things again… Here they are:

  • Improvement - Click for bigger size preview pic

Pretty self explanatory. It would be nice to click in the preview picture and see it in a bigger window. There are many preview pics composed of several screenshots, and sometimes you can’t see the mods very well. I have no idea how hard it can be to implement this.

  • Little Problem - Refresh of preview pics

EdIt: It is not happening anymore… Don’ know why

When you finish importing a costume the preview image appears by selecting the costume name. However, if you change the character and import another costume, the preview pic won’t appear until you close the color manager and open it again. No big deal, but I thought it would be interesting for you to know that.

  • Insignificant problem - Remove color scroll

If you have more than eight costumes assigned to a character and is managing them, you need to scroll down. So, let’s suppose you want to remove the tenth and eleventh costumes shown in the manager. After removing the tenth, the costume from the top is highlighted and you have to scroll down again to remove the eleventh (which now is the tenth).

Believe me, this is really annoying, hehe, but don’t waste your time on this though, cause most people won’t even notice this problem. This only happens with people who manages a lot of mods (like me). Make it a todo when you have nothing to do at all. This could be solved if you set the program to highlight after a removal the previous or next costume listed in the manager.

  • Spelling of character’s names

I noticed a way to make the synth pronounce better some character names. However, this can lead to headaches and bigger problems, since I don’t know how changing the names pronounced by the synth can alter characters references
for colors, files, etc. Anyway, here it is.

Gen - the synth pronounces general
Ge n - sound more like it

Guy le

Crimson Viper
Crimson Vi per

  • Skip the costume announcement

Is it possible to accelerate the process of selecting costumes? I mean, in the current version if I press a key assigned to a character I cant go on with the cycling until the synth finishes the announcement.

Let’s suppose I want costume 05. Until I get there I have to listen to all other 04 costumes. It would be great to just hit the key five times and go where I want.

Well, let’s call it a day. Now I have real work to do. See ya.

Memory Leakage finally gone?

Ok, I think I got something;)

Just redid all the key grabbing mechanism (it took me forever…), but it seems to be paying off;)

I’m going to start on the improvements, but I wanted you to have the stablest version possible, that’s why I’m posting it right away;)

So go get v0.4a;)

Wow, I see you have been quite busy since my last post! A really big thank you for what you’ve done and what you’re doing with SF4CMM, Leogansky! I’m going to test the 0.4a version tonight and will report any occasional bug.

Since you seem quite open to suggestions, I was wondering whether the fact of having one key for each character (25 in total) was very user-friendly. Would’nt it be possible to have just:

  • 1 key (or 2 to go backward) to cycle through characters
  • 1 (or 2) key(s) to cycle through the costumes of the selected character
  • 1 key to select the character (when cycling through characters) or the costume (when cycling through costumes)
    I am just tossing an idea here and it may be a stupid one, please don’t blame me :stuck_out_tongue: