SF4 Tournament 6/16 Single player 2v2: The second coming

Think of it like this… team 1 is ryu and ken… team 2 is gief and sim.

Ryu beats gief in the first fight, so team 2 has to play sim. Second fight is then Ryu vs. Sim. If the sim wins team one plays Ken. Whoever wins from that fight wins.

Double elimination best of 3.

AWESOME it worked, okay so I’m in again. and my stick finally game in so I’m gonna go with Blanka and guile
just let me know what channel to log into before the tourny

I’m in, Cammy/Abel.

just to reassure, channel will be on efnet right?

yeah you got it.

Make’s me with I played on ps3

im down. Chun / Boxer for me.

So when I go to type in a challel I will enter “efnet” correct?
sorry totaly lost with the irc thing.



i’m in abel/dhalsim

3 more spots left and still no sign of Sagat. woot!

there are more than 3 spots available… i just wanted to make sure I would have 16 filled first lol.

also first sagat to sign up gets gozhard350 in first round!!! lol

HAHAHA good ol Karma,
side note what channel do I log onto when I go to use the mirc chat? still new to this. sorry to be a burdon.

that’s fucked up. :bluu:


I just hope PSN wont decide to fuck up and randomly disconnect ppls matches this time.

i’m in


uhhh you need a second character man.

I guess i will try and play again.

Cammy/Sa…kura? LoL sorry no it will be Sagat sorry Gozhard

good… you get gozhard350 in first round match lol

is it required i be in IRC the whole time? I have IRC, but, I have disconnect my ethernet from my computer to my ps3 to go online, so i’d have to be logging out and in after all my matches :C

if that’s acceptable, i’ll enter, if not that’s cool.