SF4: Here's my problem

Learn how to rely on other options besides ultras and supers. Zoning and mixups are more important.

I hate this game. I can’t do BnB combos to save my life. I’ll I keep doing is c.jab c.jab into whatever. Driving me nuts because I’m losing to other players by beating myself.

Somebody please tell me with practice I can get better.

Keep it simple. Instead of doing cr. jabx2 into cr. forward or into SRK do a true BnB like cr. forward into fireball. IMO the best advice in this thread came from Mariodood: “Street Fighter isn’t about landing combos. You need to learn how the game (and your character) are played. Read up in your character’s forums about what you should actually do in a match.”

Combos should be the icing on the cake, but you need an actual cake before you start to spread the icing. As Ryu, the most important skill to possess is the ability to control spacing and the momentum of the match.

You know how I can spot a bad Ryu? If they try to rush me down by jumping in and pull flashy combos the whole match, even if it’s unsafe to do so.

The good ones are the ones who limit my options, who stop my own momentum to a grinding halt and push me to do what they want me to do, instead of me forcing them to do what I want them to do.

If you are really interested in getting better, I suggest you read all the articles found here, specially the ones dealing with footsies (the Street Fighter Footsies handbook).

Forget about the flashy links and FADCs for the time being. Learn some easy to land BnBs, master them, perfect your spacing, your zoning and your pressure game. Learn the match-ups. You can’t fight Blanka the same way you fight Balrog. After you lose a match, ask yourself: “what did I do wrong that made me lose?” If you have particular difficulties against a certain strategy, go into training mode and program a dummy to do what’s causing you trouble. Find out what’s the best way to beat it and equally importantly, what the best way to punish it is. Online players tend to be very gimmicky and abuse certain strategies that might seem very powerful, but are actually easy to defeat if you know how to. Punishing them for their shenanigans will make them very afraid to do anything, and you’ll be surprised to see how their gameplan falls apart before your eyes.

Learning combos is all fine and dandy, but learning when to use them is how to win. If you’re too close to do a good jumping kick combo, then try a poke (a long reaching normal like chun li’s kicks) to hit them. Once you get the hand of the balance between blocking and attacking you’ll learn how a human plays. Pretend you’re fighting yourself, if that makes sense.

His walldives are insanely easy to counter, especially if you main Ryu, his in-air hits can just about tell Vega to piss off as he’s flying.

Do you have Xbox 360?
We can play, and you will beat me.

What bnb combo are you trying to do? doing just c.jab chained c.jab into SRK is bnb for newbies imo, don’t bother with C.HP xx SRK part if you struggling with just SRK alone. For a newbie i hate to say it but execution wise it’s probably necessary to do :df: :d: :df: as your SRK motion but continually practice the proper motion, that way you get the timing down for it until you successfully do a SRK motion on demand. Everything takes practice, make sure you give yourself breaks(day or two if you don’t already) so that practice can soak in(you’re gonna be rusty when you come back but everything you practiced will be remembered better), otherwise i think you’re overloading yourself in that aspect.

Doing combos is about maximizing the damage you do. If you can’t do a combo, then you aren’t maximizing the damage. You either play to improve or play to win depending on the situation, do combos if you just want to improve, do reliable combos if you want to win, Ryu’s reliable combo is MK xx Hado or C.HP xx Hado or S.HP xx Hado, these are safe on block and do semi-decent damage if they didn’t block it, SRK is a knockdown move low degree of timing difficulty but the motion itself is hard for newer players when linking(C.LP chain C.LP link HP.DP).

Depending on what exactly you do in this combo may be making it harder/easier to combo without you realizing it. Ryu’s BnB sadly can be done wrong making life harder on yourself, or maybe this was just me where i linked C.LPs into each other then cancelled the SRk or something since i was new.

^this, seriously. It is great to know how to combo into Ultras and Supers, but you will only get 1 a round, maybe. Learn every other way to land damage; pokes, punishes, baits, tick throws… then when you have Ultra or Super stocked it means so much more because you don’t need to immediately look for a way to spend it.

go into training mode and practice cr mk xx hadoken going both ways. do it until you can do it 20 times in a row both directions. there’s your bread and butter. when they walk forward, hit them with it.

when you get the hang of that one, learn forward+HP into dragon punch, then. cr lp xx cr lp, cr fp xx tatsu

those are pretty much all the combos you’re going to need to play decently.

I think training mode should have a menu where you can make, for instance Sagat only shoot fireballs or you could make him do certain moves and combos on you. This will give you an advantage to see what you could do and plan for yourself. Of course depends on character you use and tips you can get from others, but a training mode that allow you to select any move the other character does would be more helpful. For instance you select Light punch and see what moves could counter it. Select fireball etc. Or chain combos to a super or ultra and learn what you could do to get out of it.

if you’ve got 360 add me. bjk00.

i don’t think i’m any better than you OP so i want to practice with you and see what our skill levels are.

Add me on Live if you got it, only if you live up north though.

I was like you about 4 months ago. Then I was banned off Live, so I just played off-line computer for 4 months on the Hardest Difficulty. And Today, I am slightly better then you. Anyways, seems like your still a bit too careless. All you really need is Focus and Relax, also never ask people you play online serious questions, unless you guys were either very close at winning, or very, very far.

Also play offline for a while, it’ll help you alot

basically if u want to win in sf keep it basic until you finally have a good feeling of executing a move in practice. and try to keep this mindset, if you think your going to lose “your damned if you and your damned if you don’t” like i use that attitude in a match sometimes just to motivate myself to try new things that i would be scared of doing to boost my chances of winning a match ya cant win em all and sometimes it takes losses to gain the feel of what you should bring from practice to a real match. If you feel that you cant do anything it could also be that your not comfortable with the match up so it wouldn’t hurt to look up match ups too see how your opponent fights there’s not that many styles out there for all the characters so it shouldn’t be too hard to take advantage of that knowledge

/\ This.

Playing offline doesn’t help. I can beat the game on the hardest difficulty without a continue no problem. The computer patterns are pathetic. Seth is a cake walk once you know what distance you have to be at to counter everything he does.

You don’t need to beat Offline, you need to get used to the game, I use Offline as more of a more accessible version of training mode. And hey, you probably gained some match-up info from those Off-line matches.

Seriously though, You can gain some skills if you play enough of the game. Getting stuck in one place only means you should change your Path. (Change Characters to get a new perspective)

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve learned a lot playing offline. But I can beat the game on hardest without losing a round in 17 minutes. Once you know what the computers going to do every time, you start to develope bad habits and that hurts my real game.

thought this is annoying as hell… im so down with this (Y)

If you need yet another practice partner, add me :stuck_out_tongue:

PSN - IllusionofSafety
Live - Lord Vorkosigan

I’m not brilliant, but I’m fairly good at fundamentals and helping noob players. Taught a half dozen of my friends how to play SF competently.

Sonfoa - Double post.