SF4: Dry Already?

Of course it has. Even 3s didn’t have new tricks found every day for a year. It’s a steady process.

You gotta be patient.

However, I think that the things we find out about are going to be situational at best and instead we’ll be expected to exert our playing skill instead of our trickiness.

Sf4 is anything but dry here in toronto. Our local arcade is always packed. Full of scrubs and pros I love it. Especially with T10, our Canadian fighting game championships coming up in august. Everyone is gettin prepared for that. I’m fortunate enough to have a large group of friends that play sf as much as I do so…sf iv is here to stay for a long time.

i agree, there may not be new findings everyday but look at how far some characters have come. i think Gouken is the real darkhorse of SF4 and i expect someone who puts the time into learning him to bust out some never before seen shit, and that goes for other(if not all) characters who have not yet seen their full potential.

Throwing it out is metaphor for being done with something, like when you’ve already “wrung all we can out of this game.” or tapped it “for everything it has to offer”

The point is no, I don’t think it’s dry because you can always improve.

I’d like to see a little more consistency with overall game difficulty. I mean, they put in input shortcuts for certain moves, increased input windows, and yet. . . 1 frame links. That’s a big part of what’s turning me off about it. It’s like the game can’t even make up its own mind about how accessible it wants to be.

Word. I have always thought Ultras were a bad idea because…

… it makes no sense for the winning player to have to modify their winning strategy because the losing player gets handed a BFG for free. The onus should be on the loser to step up, not to just sit back and wait for a chance to land their Ultra.


Games are more fun when you have a good chance at coming back. It sucks to feel like you’re just delaying the inevitable.

i personally like the ‘reset’ that an ultra does in an early one-sided round, whether on the good or bad side of it. the big damage for a mistake gives a sense of tension.

also, i would like to see some dlc w/ dee jay & t hawk

the more black characters the game gets the more mainstream it becomes :smiley:

W O R D !

That’s the reason why Street fighter learning curve seems to be shorter than 3s or Hd remix…

Sf4 is a good game, and even if some players split on it, it’s maybe the best Sf game by that far.

I personally think the damage scaling is fine as it is. As it protects me from being comboed to death just because I guessed wrong on one 50/50. I realize this will never happen but I wish the mechanics of Vega’s ultra could be tweaked so that there was at least one way to be comboed into.

I think we would have to at least wait a few years before we can presume this game has “dried up”. Lets try and remember that this game has only been out for like 5 monthes.

It’s been out for a year and 5 months for some.

But like I previously posted, the information we got on this game came so quick. Message boards, YouTube, and the like. We got overloaded with strategies and techniques so early. If this were 10 years ago, things would have moved slower. Some of the stuff would have took years to reach the masses. I think thats why some feel we have tapped the limit of the game.

Totally forgot about the arcade scene :sweat:. Forgiveness please.

I agree and I’m definately one of those people who feel like I have hit my ceiling for now. But I still feel that dispite all that is out there we still have at least half of the roster who have not really been explored yet… or at least I’d like to think that heh.

Is it true they are putting in DJ?

Also does anyone know when they will update the PS3/360/PC with some balance changes?

No. It’s not dry.

I see your point, and I agree to an extent… But what you’re saying boils down to is that any hit that’s landed on you is your fault (I certainly do agree with that). So why doesn’t that apply to the winner as well? If you’re losing, it’s because you screwed up. Same thing if you get hit with an ultra, no?

or maybe it wants to offer something to people with different levels of interest and skill.

and why is everyone talking about 1 frame links like it’s a completely new phenomenon?

I’m a noob so don’t jump all over me for saying this, but I don’t understand why Sagat’s health is so high while Seth’s is low. Isn’t Sagat a lot better?

I dunno, I think Seth could use a bit more HP.

Ur missing the point entirely. Ultras are meant to keep the level of tension in the game relatively high where by both players must adjust their strategies to account for them. That in itself just adds a new layer to the games metagame. You can clearly see this in play in SF videos how players start adjustiing strategies as soon as an Ultra is in play. And its not free, you still have to find away to land the ultra, accounting for start up time, invincibility frames, range, etc… Even more mind games==fun.

some character’s ultras do need tweaks but that quote sums up what ultras are aimed to do, the next iteration of SF4 with balance changes will further solidify the aim.
does that mean you have to turtle when they get ultra? no, you can, but thats not going be the most effective strategy, just the first(and most basic) one most people come up with imo. when my opponent gets their ultra charged up i never just sit there like “oh shit i guess i cant do anything except block now” but hey thats just me.
i also agree with the people talking about how much more helpful the internet is today compared to the 90s and even a few years ago, which results in more information faster. its going to take inventive players to tap into whats left of the unknown.

Doesn’t matter, this is the first time it’s ever really been known to me. I first played Street Fighter games when I was a real little kid, but it was more like a passing fancy. I was just dicking around. I still stand by my view that 1 frame links are annoying. Doesn’t mean I’m not willing to adapt, but all I’m saying is that there seems to be a giant gap of consistency when things that shouldn’t be made easier are made easier, and vice versa. It’s sort of like re-making all of the good movies and the remakes turn out shitty when they should be remaking the bad movies that everyone knows could have done so much better, even though that wouldn’t really make a lick of sense from a business standpoint.