**Fuck Super Turbo. (yeah I said it)
I agree with the rest…**
**Fuck Super Turbo. (yeah I said it)
I agree with the rest…**
**Damn is T. Hawk really that popular?
Dee Jay I understand but T. Hawk?
T. Hawk???
I never knew he had so many fans…**
You are joking, right? :wtf:
T. Hawk is a great character, you must really hate the natives.
I agree with him, Twelve and Q? WTF? Even Oro and Elena were stupid. I would much rather have silly SFII characters like Blanka and Dee Jay. :rock:
**He’s right.
Third Strike has a very specific fanbase, and casual players were either turned of by it, or didn’t give a shit.
It’s lack of popularity is what almost killed the Street Fighter series (psst they weren’t going to make another Street Fighter)**
I never got very deep into 3s but whenever I played it I enjoyed it very much. Although I was disappointed that certain classic characters weren’t included, I didn’t really mind the new characters.
Anyways, like I said before, as time goes on we’ll see the lesser used (console) characters rise in rank. And hopefully before that gets old, the next SF4 version will introduce even more characters for us to use.
I’m hoping that they add several new characters, as opposed to just Dee Jay and T. Hawk. I heard that there were rumors of Ibuki and Cody? Either way, I’d welcome any new characters to the cast, as long as they’re nice and balanced. But no more shotos. Any more shotos and I’ll nerd rage so hard.
Online could be better (lag) and less Ryu’s.
stop typing in caps. Secondly, sf3 wasn’t the reason, the steady decline of the arcade culture in north america and the fighting game genre in general is what did it. Why do you think 3s was successful in japan?
I like this guy. I’m all for CC>Ultra with Sagat.
That doesn’t prove anything. I mean have you seen Japanese TV? They have no problem with strange characters.
At any rate I know for me I didn’t like third strike as much just because of the style as well as the characters. I still played it, but I never got into it like I did with SF2 and SF4.
As a quick example I haven’t even seen a Fei Long used to 50% of his potential, I can imagine whats possible putting together what I’ve seen on some match videos and challenge mode but nobody does it yet, or does it well, and theres even more beyond that. Definitely not dry.
Saw a lot of interesting stuff in the EVO finals, those who say the game is dead don’t look close enough. And I bet I missed half of the innovation in those matches because I didn’t understand the metagame about the moves.
That aside, I would like an update. New characters, smaller stages, better netcode, and maybe some better scaling for FADC combos so they are rewarded better. Updates are always fun to play with, as long as they dont break the original of course.
2 reasons. The Internet and YouTube.
The Internet is more widely available now then say when 3rd Strike came out 10 years ago. A lot more information and strategies can be shared easily. That cuts down time on learning a character since most have already done the work for you.
Then YouTube. You get everything from scrub matches to EVO championship matches. Watch, learn, copy. You’ve taken a lot of time away from learning a character that way.
I think that’s why some feel the game has “dried” up. We used to have to actually use trial and error back in the day to learn stuff. Now its all available for us, already done.
**Your halfway making my point.
Third strike was one of the contributions to the decline of the fighting game genre
Shit all of the fighing games released around that period were irrelevant outside of the base because casual gamers were bored with them. Marvel is the only exception.
And Japan doesn’t count because they clearly love fighting games more than Americans do.
If it weren’t for Street Fighter 4, the genre would still be unpopular and know one would give a shit about Blazbulue, just like they didn’t give a shit about the Guilty Gear Games.
And I like typing in bold, so I’m not stopping…**
Would :lovin: that, but impossible, since Lee’s dead, Geki was supposedly killed by Gen, We already know about Ryu/Sagat/Ken/Adon/Gen(Though I think Retsu/Eagle are still alive and kickin)
but WAIT, Gouken’s back to life after having been written as dead in every SF iteration up to 4, so I’m sure they could come up with a contrived plot no jutsu for them all to come back, either that, or just have them appear in the game with no story modes, which is how FG’s used to do hidden chars. :annoy:
@Merk: Yeah I agree with you on the Final Fight chars, people want to play as Cody/Guy/Sodom, there’s three sf alpha’s to play.
in all honesty, your bold typing is very distracting to read.
I don’t throw out a game when I’ve finished learning about it.
I throw it out when I’m finished learning about myself.
You’re done when you stop getting better.
This game isn’t even close to being “dry” people.
The console characters have a ridiculous amount of potential that hasn’t been looked at. Between the Cammy, Gen and Sakura play we saw at EVO, I think it’s safe to say that we have a lot to learn about the console characters.
As with every other fighting game, we’re going to see a lot of changes with the tiers and the way we play over the course of the years. New iterations of SF4 will certainly help, just as they did with every other SF game. I wouldn’t be worried.
Though, a few new characters couldn’t hurt.
When did I say anything about throwing the game out? Please go back and reread the post. I only said the deluge of new finds has already slowed to a trickle in half a year. Nothing more, nothing less.
Wow, CC to Ultra with Sagat would be ridiculous. :looney: