SF4: Dry Already?

If it feels boring start learning a new character.

I’ve learned 4 characters inside and out because I’ve been switching every time I master a character. I’ve also noticed that I gradually move lower on the tier-list every time I move from 1 character to the next.

I started off with Zangief, moved to Sagat, then to Dictator, Rufus, Balrog and now I’m learning Dhalsim.

Keeps it celery fresh.

Fuck number 4, worst fucking idea ever.

Its a mass market casual game, its meant to bring people in that haven’t played many beat-em-ups and earn Capcom a load of cash in the process and you can’t make a game accessible without sacrificing a little depth

Still a pretty deep game nether the less, might not have much in the way of fancy combo’s but there is fair amount of strategy and variation, I think we’ll still some interesting ways of using old moves

jo mama is dry lewlpewl

No it wouldn’t - nobody gave a shit about 3s because it was very ‘weird’, had hardly any of the classic favorites from SF2, and had stupid alien characters.

Part of SF4’s success was it’s nostalgia - having Ryu and Ken plastered everywhere with screenshots of the game (which was a lot like SF2) is what got tons of casuals to buy SF4.

whoops I was thinking of sodom the katana dude.

Go play BB or some shit if you want big dumb combo matches.

Alien characters?:rofl:

Haha guys, there is a crapton left of stuff to figure out in this game, and once we figure out everything that means all the rules are finally established and maybe we can finally start just playing this strategy game. This is especially true for the console characters, whose lids have barely even been peeked into, let alone torn off. My favorite game is still ST, and not a little bit because everyone knows everything and games are more about you and the other guy than about who knows what new thing the other guy hasn’t seen before. That’s the kind of atmosphere where strategy really grows, and like Sosage says, the tiers and strategies really are still changing.

As for 4, I’m just about to come out with some pretty crazy crap for Zangief’s meaty games that I guarantee is gonna change how Gief plays and how people play against Gief.

I have yet to find a fighting game that has hit its expiration date…well except for maybe Brawl. It hit its date 3 months before it was released.

got a theory here. the most popular types of games on consoles are FPS’es, and they release new content every 6 months or so. being that sf4 got most of us back into fighting games, the majority of new users are probraby used to the way FPS developers handle things. DLC and a new version within 1.5 years

just a theory, i dont need something new and shiny, personally, but thats my thoughts

I don’t think there will be much more to ‘discover’, just mastery of the tools which are there. Which isn’t too exciting to the non-obsessive gamer.

I think with the level of interest they have built with this game, they will have to release a new version every 2 years at least to get that Madden/Fifa/Pro Evo/CoD type of following.

You know what I mean - Oro, Twelve, etc. They didn’t jive with a lot of fans of SF2.

I guarantee you most of the fans of SF4 don’t give a shit about those characters either, and I’d be surprised if any of them made it up there on a poll (esp ahead of T.Hawk and Dee Jay)

I was talking about the rate at which the game is being dissected.

Or in Left 4 Dead’s case, every 6 months.

And FPS games on consoles are a joke.

I’m not a big fan of FPS games on a console. I feel like I have more control with a Mouse and Keyboard when it comes to FPS. Anyone else feel that way?

Back on topic: We’ll see more players using different characters as time goes on. Take Evo for instance. The original arcade characters saw plenty of use, and when they were matched up against eachother, it wasn’t a huge deal. When players used the Console characters, the crowd got pumped up.

It was amazing seeing Yeb’s Gen pull of 10+ hit combos seemingly at will. Sabre’s Sakura pretty much put the crowd into a frenzy from all of the resets and mixups. Sanford dominated Dan with his flawless Cammy play. As time goes, hopefully we’ll see more people pick up lesser used characters, and see less Ryu/Sagat/Rufus matchup/mirrors.

I doubt it, Capcom puts a lot of depth into these fighting games, whether its by accident or not.

SF4 scales by each input you put in. Seth’s Hyakuretsu move only scales as much as any other move even though it does 17 hits. Sakura’s cr.fp xx lk Shunpukyaku -> s.lk xx EX Shunpukyaku -> fp Otoshi (whatever the hop thing is called) does great damage, I don’t know what you guys are complaining about. And it’s not even that hard, seriously. I like the damage scaling system in 4 - it keeps things from getting too ridiculous and keeping supers useful. I don’t care if you can cr.fp xx hado FADC cr.fp xx hado FADC cr.fp shoryu, cr.fp xx shoryu xx super does better damage.

Focus attacks are an amazing system. It gives all characters a guaranteed way to deal with most pokes, it allows players to close distance by dash cancelling, it gives the game the ability to make fireballs really good without dominating, it gives players a chance to show off their combo skillz off a crumple, all while having very strong counters that can make focus attacks unsafe (guaranteed counter-hit if hit out of it, focus breakers, most ultras can hit people out of focus).

I would like to see some more characters , out of the new characers I only liked Gouken and Seth. Dee Jay I would love to see .
T. Hawk Im iffy about as they could make him really cheap (like Geif).
For some reason I really liked Sodom , he was different.
They should tone down a few moves and add 10 characters then I would pay for another copy. Evil ryu , God ken , Shin Akuma , Sodom, Dee Jay , Charlie, Rolento, and make 3 new characters. That would be sweet

A while ago I realized something about SFIV; it is not a game of tricks, it is a game of strategy and skill. The time of tricks is coming to a close, I think, and the time of true strategy is beginning. Now that most players know match-ups pretty well and what not only their main but other characters are capable of the game is completely different. Tricks only work for so long, but solid play is what keeps you in the game. To me, this is much more interesting than finding new ‘tricks’.

I think there are still some new tricks to be discovered, but I don’t think that is what is going to keep this game interesting. I think the use of and refinement of strategies is what will keep me interested, at least.

  1. What character does my opponent choose, and why?
  2. How do they play that character?
  3. How should I play my character in order to be successful against their character/ strategies?

What is most interesting to me is that if both players continue using the same character, 2 and 3 can change multiple times even within a match.

I think the discussion about things like focus attacks/ jab spam is interesting, because at an early level, this game is about finding out what is the most effective thing to spam. However, this level of play does not last long… although I still feel some players are definitely still looking for what the most effective thing to constantly be doing is, whether it be a certain combo/ mix-up/ normal/ special etc. This does help the game to evolve on some level, because you have to figure out ways to counter this strategy.

The thing that is so great about this game, at least to me, is that there is no one ultimate strategy, there is no win button, there is no move that you can spam and be unbeatable, no character you can choose and expect to win all the time. This game is complex, and in my opinion, has only gotten more interesting not only to play but also to watch the more we all learn. What does player A do, and how is player B going to respond etc? (even more interesting is that everyone plays differently, the example of Eduardo P’s Rog vs. JWong’s Rog was an excellent example.)

Definitely very complex, and definitely very interesting to me.

I would like to add that I think there are definitely areas that need tweaking within the system itself, mainly to make certain characters MORE competitive (not make other characters LESS competitive) Outside of peripheral features the Ultra system, damage scaling, FA/ FADC, and some animation properties refinement/ changes would all add to the next edition. For now, I am very happy with this game. (Although I have to agree emphatically that online play could be a million times better, BlazBlue/ HDR are great examples of what SF4 online play could be.)

Game is still one of the best fighting games I have ever played

Needs a few tweaks, but for me it’s mostly the netcode and addition of lobbies