A while ago I realized something about SFIV; it is not a game of tricks, it is a game of strategy and skill. The time of tricks is coming to a close, I think, and the time of true strategy is beginning. Now that most players know match-ups pretty well and what not only their main but other characters are capable of the game is completely different. Tricks only work for so long, but solid play is what keeps you in the game. To me, this is much more interesting than finding new ‘tricks’.
I think there are still some new tricks to be discovered, but I don’t think that is what is going to keep this game interesting. I think the use of and refinement of strategies is what will keep me interested, at least.
- What character does my opponent choose, and why?
- How do they play that character?
- How should I play my character in order to be successful against their character/ strategies?
What is most interesting to me is that if both players continue using the same character, 2 and 3 can change multiple times even within a match.
I think the discussion about things like focus attacks/ jab spam is interesting, because at an early level, this game is about finding out what is the most effective thing to spam. However, this level of play does not last long… although I still feel some players are definitely still looking for what the most effective thing to constantly be doing is, whether it be a certain combo/ mix-up/ normal/ special etc. This does help the game to evolve on some level, because you have to figure out ways to counter this strategy.
The thing that is so great about this game, at least to me, is that there is no one ultimate strategy, there is no win button, there is no move that you can spam and be unbeatable, no character you can choose and expect to win all the time. This game is complex, and in my opinion, has only gotten more interesting not only to play but also to watch the more we all learn. What does player A do, and how is player B going to respond etc? (even more interesting is that everyone plays differently, the example of Eduardo P’s Rog vs. JWong’s Rog was an excellent example.)
Definitely very complex, and definitely very interesting to me.
I would like to add that I think there are definitely areas that need tweaking within the system itself, mainly to make certain characters MORE competitive (not make other characters LESS competitive) Outside of peripheral features the Ultra system, damage scaling, FA/ FADC, and some animation properties refinement/ changes would all add to the next edition. For now, I am very happy with this game. (Although I have to agree emphatically that online play could be a million times better, BlazBlue/ HDR are great examples of what SF4 online play could be.)