Nah i still like the game! Maybe add different styles of ultras or supers.
I pretty much agree with all of this… mostly. I extremely agree about the game being too defensive, but I don’t think nerfing tele’s and run away tactics is the right route. Just something so that certain characters can’t just sit on their high priority moves and wait for the weaker opponent to run into with such a high risk going against the offensive player.
FAs are meant to bait or to anticipate singular attacks that don’t amour break. i.e. its a strategic move, not something you should be spamming all willy nilly.
Of course alot more stuff is being found at a very fast rate about this game. Street Fighter 3s would be in the same boat if Capcom marketed it like they did SF4 and it had the same exposure. Look at how many players are playing SF4 on a regular basis. Note that not only do you have old blood in this game but new blood is pouring in that are unconstrained by past SF games, and are finding stuff that the old have missed. Also look at how competitive the scene is. We have huge/massive online community behind this game with new information being gathered, tested, hypothesis being made up and tested.
This game has alot of life in it. It is a true master piece of how a Street Fighter game should be made, it will definitely be played for years to come. As a side note I mostly see 09ers clamoring for a new version of this game. It is a very interesting statistic, I am wondering why…
Adon is from streetfighter, but not many people have played the original here probably.
God I can’t wait for SF4 Dash :[
Moreso, I thought noobs to the genre/franchise were always the ones pushing most for more tweaks/adjustments/whole new iterations outright.
I’m sure there’s a good correllation.
I don’t think the game has dried out. I think some of you guys have just lost your initial interest in it, and maybe reached a plateau for how well you can play without putting in more effort than you have been
SF4 has a pretty shitty network design, but if you just want to keep getting better and learning more about the game you can find some people who live nearby and play against them (either in person or online)
I think there is still some room for discovery. Perceptions of certain characters has changed drastically since the game came out. Remember when Gief, Bison, and Blanka were considered top tier, and Honda, Sim, and Viper were considered garbage? Only things that have stayed the same is that Sagat is still top tier (but now Akuma is closing in to his level), and Claw and Guile are still bottom tier (but not useless).
Basically, there might not be much more crazy stuff found in the game, but certain characters will fluctuate around the tiers as the players get better and more consistent, as characters who were once top tier go down and characters who were once mid/low tier go up.
See, I never said that having the game be based more on thinking and strategy was necessarily a bad thing; far from it. I’ll take a good chess match in SF4 over a ‘everyone just rushes down like a fuckin’ loon and whoever gets hit first dies to a 100% combo’ game anyday.
What my post meant to convey was that maybe we’ve found all the tactics, and now the only barrier is to implement them into our gameplay and personal strategies.
I suppose if I had to list specific beefs with the game and ideas for fixes, they’d be as follows:
Kill the retarded damage scaling system currently in place, and implement one that scales down certain styles of combos more, or allow FADCs to undo part of the scaling. This promotes more usage of the system, but doesn’t unfairly punish the short Ultra setups that we see now. Execution abilities shouldn’t be punished, but also shouldn’t be overly-rewarded either. If you want that, go play Guilty Gear.
Tweak the way the Revenge meter works. Currently, you’re pretty much guaranteed to see at least one Ultra per round, and more often than not, two of 'em. My tweaks would emphasize taking the risk of Focusing attacks and weigh them more heavily to filling the gauge, to where it’s necessary to use them to gain a full Ultra meter. Simply taking damage would be nerfed so that a full Ultra bar now (which is something along the lines of 90% damage before Focusing anything) would only be good for about 75% Revenge; enough to USE an Ultra, but not be getting the full use from it. Would still keep the Ultra a viable comeback move, but with the nerfing here and damage scaling tweak above, it’s not an automatic comeback or victory.
Tighten the special window up by 8 frames or so!! We don’t need all goddamned day to tap in :r::d::r::p: like we’re doing Sub Zero’s spine rip in MK1, for christ’s sake. This is the biggest change Capcom needs to make to any kind of SF4CE if they want to keep us playing. If the idea is to introduce newer players with New Beginning, and then let them work their way into bettering themselves in CE, then for the love of all that is holy, do this!
really now!!??
sure our big combo’s might have reached their limit… but i think this game will continue to evolve with trickier and trickier setups at a consistent basis, because the more everyone is used to the same old tricks the harder it will be to catch people with the same old tricks.
I don’t even care for blazblue that much, but characters have way more options both in the game mechanics and individual character specials. Sf4 can be fun at times, but it’s pretty bland.
I agree completely. Feels as though the game is almost entirely based on Ultras sometimes. I’ll beat my opponent into the ground then I’ll have to watch my step because they now have a gigantic move in waiting which they did not earn, I gave it to them by beating em down. Rewarding failure… I don’t like it so much. Only thing that makes me even more angry is that the Super meter increases as damage is taken as well. WTF is this?
Since when is Adon a Final Fight character? You’ve posted some dumb shit, but come on Merky.:rolleyes:
If they want nostalgia, atleast give us Joe and Mike for fucks sake.(since we know what happened to the other chars from SF1 pretty much.)
You know they have an ultra, why are you rushing down?
People were figuring out new useful shit in 3S a year or two ago…when the game was at least 7-8 years old. People still find stupid shit in vanilla ST, with useful competitive things being found 5+ years after the game’s release. Alpha 3, everyone thought X-Rolento and A-Sim were the top tier after the first 6 months! :lol:
Is IV tapped? History tells me to not hold my breath on that one.
Introduce all characters from Second Impact (avoiding nerfed to **** Sean) in the new version. Massive roster, huge balance issues, but it certainly wouldn’t be BLAND for a while.
Seriously though - I think there’s still a bit to discover with the lesser used characters.
I still love SF4… it’s pretty much the only game I play on my 360/PS3 despite having other games I could be playing.
Me and my friends make time everyday to practice so we can one day place at a tourney.
This. The way ultras works makes it so you need to balance your game out a little and play a little more cautiously when you’re ahead.