if you didn’t get it I was being sarcastic. I have long since made my point on sf4 being dry. I was only gut responding to a stupid statement, with no proof to back it up.
**Fuck ST, and all of it’s brokeness.
Championship Edition FTW…**.
Seeing who you main no wonder you like Champion Edition.
I disagree with this sentament. People arent watching because its top teir SF4, their watching ti because its Daigo vs Wong again. I actuallz agree that SF4 is not that entertaining to watch.
Sorrz if mz splling and characters look funnz, something happend tomz font on just SRK (shrug)
I can sit there and analzye the hell out of a match, look at what someone did, what thez didnt do, and whz thez didnt do it. Doesnt mak it actuallz entertaining to watch. To be fair though SF3 was the same waz. ST however was alot of fun to watch. It has to do with what works in that engine. In SF4…the jab is king…its like Im plazing Tekken 4 again. Watching high level plaz for this game comes off as 98% mind game…which isnt y0mg.
Random the 09 arguments are getting dumb, especiallz from 08ers…zour still zoung bloods IMO. Back to topic
Mz point in referenceing Gen and CViper wasnt reallz supposed to be about just execution, but how much work is invovled to land big dmg, and thats directlz tied to effectiveness. I look at Yebs awesome Gen and think, how potent would he be if he applied those same principles to Rufus…instead of burning thru 2 meters of FADCing and ticking into a throw and possible busting his fingers up for like 400 dmg, hed poke his waz into a single ex that does 330. Instead of timing to tap out genshiro, he could land a j.hk into more dmg than Gen even has access to short of depleting his ultra-super bar. All of that to saz, damage is just wqaz too frontloaded and easz to come bz from a defensive stances. The game maz not BE about long intricate combos, but an Abel that linx f.mk twice in one combo and polishes it off with a super should be rewarded with mroe dmg, not frowned upon for canceling into the super after the first hit. There does need to exist damage scaling, but it needs a real hard look at. Otherwise zes the game is drz from a development stand point. Sure I can figure out how to add 4 more hits to the combo, but after inttroducing all tehse extra complicated places where I have risk of messing up…I onlz get like 10 points of extra dmg and mazbe a quarter bar of meter.
gah this font thing is killin me, sorrz for the z-y etc
well i can say that Zangief is as dry as a 1000 year old corpse. just look at his thread. all of the other characters have him all figured out. zzzzzzzzzzzz is a gief match.
annnd , GO.
well put sir, thats a point i totaly neglected, the little differnece in putting in alot of effort vs just using safe tactics
You spend alot of effort trying to setup something and the other person lands a easy mode punish for just little less dmg with a 123 combo.
the game has potential, its just watered down and catered for a shity netcode and buttonmashers, witch hurt the gameplay for the hardcore fans.
If they fix these issues i for one would love the game, but now meh, i feel angry almost everytime i exit the game, and thats nothing i usually feel when playing games whether i win or loose.
feels just like the day after, when you wake up with a skank next to you and think to yourself “why in the hell did i do that”.
I hate when that happens in a match…you lose and wonder why the hell you did something even when you know better.
Reading my post friggin hurt, ugh, sorry about that guys. I don’t have a solution to the dry problem or anything, but yes there is deeper stuff, but how useful is it? Chun-Li/Honda/Gen all have some ‘newer’ stuff, but how much did it really change their teiring? Bust your tail to learn new stuff to make yourself a little better, yet still loe to the same comp…
- :bluu:
The biggest problem has nothing to do with SF.
It’s how we share info. Years ago it could take an entire year for info to be shared across the country as far as high level strats are concerned. Now all you need is a camera phone and a youtube account.
Wanna talk strats?
Sign up on SRK.
With info be shared at super speed games are gonna get old quick and it will feel like the game is lacking due to this. SFIV has it’s problems, but I think hyper fast information sharing is a huge factor here and I’m pretty sure people mentioned it before.
Over 10,000 people watched the SBO quals live from Denjin and neither Daigo nor Justin were present there.
I actually agree with this. Years ago when I could only play in arcades, people were decent, and I thought I was good. Then I got SFIV, and I remember thinking I was good in Ranked, but still got assfucked often. Then Champ mode came out, and I got to G2 after much hard fought battles, and then I got fucking REEMED. I had to come here just to figure out why I was getting torn apart. I never thought that many people could be that good at SF.
Hell, nowadays it’s easy to learn how to pull off a 15 hit combo, or learn footsies strategies, or start tossing out tick throws.
I agree now. Awhile ago, gief was somebody I feared. Now I have to deal with ragequitting Giefs cuz I am either Seth FPing them to death, or Bison HK/HS/DRing them to death.
We ALL figured out that Gief should not get within 10 feet of you.
I hate counter pickers…if you know I’m gonna man up with Gief and you scroll over to Sagat, I’m not going to front, I’ll RQ before the round starts, thats not even remeotely fun SF.
- :bluu:
If you cant handle a bad matchup, dont play a character who has them.
This. I get counter pickers all the time. They go over to Gouken, get destroyed and then go back to their shitty main. Just main someone else. If you really want to play gief just use him as a counter pick whenever you face an Abel player lol.
Say hit me up online sometime, I would love to play ur Seth or Bison… lets see who ragequit first… I main gief
I think the majority of us found that out back in SF2WW. Now figuring that out and actually keeping out a good gief are two different things entirely.
Man, what a thread!
I for one, have found myself playing more of STHD because of the player lobbies and better net code.
Playing SFIV I kind of lose interest but once I get a good match going I always fall back in love with IV.
SFIV dry? Hell no. Someone said it earlier in this thread. Look at the history of FG’s: Valle CC’s, ROM infinite, Roll cancels the list goes on and on.
What I’m trying to say is if they don’t release a SFIV dash anytime soon people are gonna rip this game engine apart and keep finding new stuff out. Maybe it will happen at a slower pace, but in my opinion, It’s gonna happen.
On a side note: I really think if SFIV had a lobby or spectator system I think it would be the perfect revival of Street Fighter.
Dee Jay, T. Hawk, Guy, and Alex need to step in
I play SF4 to have fun, not learn new combos you can’t use in a real match and are also terrible
personally i don’t find it stale at all.
everytime i hop on sf4, whether it’s offline or on xbox live, it is tough for me to put it down.