I understand what you are saying but im not talking to the people who just dont really care for the game. Im moreso addressing the people who are claiming to know everything. They claim its simple yet still get beaten by pretty basic setups and then come on here to bitch about it.
I even get the people who say they are sick of only fighting shotos. That *is *very annoying. But again, those arent the people im talking to. Basically anyone who has formulated an intelligent opinion beyond, “this game sucks and is SOOOOO easy (yet dont have a lick a proof of them excelling at it since its so easy)” is cool in my book.
haha no its fine man. What im trying to say that I dont think anybody is really understanding… maybe its my lack of communication skills… idk… but its not entirely that people can spam… because its easy to counter and if sombody doesn’t know how to do so, they need to spend more time in training mode. But the fact that some people stop playing sfiv simply because of how easy it is to loose due to people’s habbits of doing the same thing over and over… when you playsombody for 3 rounds its not somthing you just “figure out” if your a newbie. Thing I really had a problem with was damage scaling, that I never quite understood. But as stated, im not bitching about people not being able to overcome spamming and repetitave play, and I never was. My biggest problem was with damage scaling and difficulties with online play. I also stated how much more difficult it was for blanka to land an ultra vs ryu and other players… I honestly have no idea where the whole “I hate spammers” thing came from beacause i never said that… and I dare sombody to quote me on it if they think I did.
Hope to see you at either 925 beatups, frudruckers, or any other events goin down in the area. :wgrin:
what’s wrong with damage scaling? the game wasn’t designed to play with emphasis on big long combo strings. the natural knockback mechanism of each hit, along with only being able to FADC twice at most, proves that.
But, what if every character in this game were as tough to use as Gen, Viper, or Fuerte?
No one would play SF4 beyond the hardcore members of this forum. The great Street Fighter renaissance of 2009 would never have occurred.
That’s why there is such a variety in player styles, to try and accommodate different levels of players. We have the Ryus, the Rufus’, the Balrogs…characters who can rack up serious damage without the finger gymnastics.
Then, there are the Gens, Vipers, and Fuertes for the people who want more complexity.
That’s not to say that SF4’s character balance is perfect…and some of the simpler characters could use a tweak down, while some of the struggling characters could use a tweak up…
But, I don’t think anyone should expect Capcom to amp up the execution difficulty on everyone so that playing Balrog is as technically demanding as using Viper. That would backfire.
So anyways. I never said that you hate spammers, I said that you implied that the tactic is crass or dishonorable. What you did say, verbatim, is this: "In that sense I feel as if simple spam and turtle play is rewarded while those who try to improve are punished. " and this “In g1 id have to say that 70% of people that I fight are ryus that rely on jab spams and turtling to win.”
In no way whatsoever does that give me the “I’m extremely glad they’re doing that and exploring their character’s ability to zone” vibe. It gives me the “It’s fucking annoying to deal with people like that and I don’t think they’re as good as me because I run blindly into them.”
What you do here is make the two mutually exclusive; if you are “spamming and turtling” otherwise known as zoning, then you aren’t trying to improve yourself. Zoning is an integral part of many character’s gameplay, the ability to do so effectively is often the determining factor in whether or not you can excel with said character. Exploring every facet of your character, of the many characters in SF4, makes SF4 a deep game. It’s not dry at all. There’s always a better way to handle a situation better than you previously were, over on the Guile forum we’re still finding better normals to step up our gameplay.
To put combo scaling in perspective, let’s look at an Akuma combo. Without combo scaling, j.rh > fs.rh > c.mk xx lk.hk > lp.srk > FADC > shaku = 630 damage and 1000 stun. That’s a guaranteed stun on almost the entire cast and +/-63% of their health.
That’s a guaranteed win based around 1 combo. On what level of understanding is it hard to get why combo scaling is necessary to the game? It’s there to prevent characters from instantaneously winning based on easy setups. Not to mention, it gets rid of the legitimacy of infinite combos.
… Without combo scaling, this game would be retarded. I don’t think there’s any other way to put that.
Feel free to try and like… counter-thug me or whatever you do, but my point is that when you go off and say a list of stupid shit like ^ The stuff I quote of you before… and then end it with, “This is why I think SF4 is drying up as a game.” I have to think, “This guy is a fucking clown.”
You havent thought about the bunch of us that feels utterly betrayed by capcom and feel the need to vent our frustration for this abomination called street fighter (EX) IV.
We waited 10 fucking years for it and it turned out sub mediocre at best compared to the old games.
Sure they also had their flaws as well but atleast they didnt make you feel like you played with stiff manekins from the gap dressed up as street fighters.
Catering to idiots with dumbing down the game is like changing the rules in hockey so you can only play with the stick upside down, because the 12y olds would quit playing when they cant score goals vs a NHL team.
Well well im probably talking to deaf ears and sales numbers rules everything, and nothing will ever make the gaming industry go back to the glory days, except rebalanced HDR versions of the already existing onces.
To bad it got released at all and draged even more people away from the old games.
turned out as a longer rant than i excpected but im so sick and tired of games, movies & hell everything inow a days are made for peopble with the attentionspan of a methed up monkey.
Spoken like a true 12 year old, trying to get acceptance from the oldbies with snazzy “09’comments”.
FYI i have been playing fighters since SFII showed up in the arcades, also been hanging around these forum for years, never had the need to create a account though since always found the info i was looking for through the search function instead of starting threads.
Edit: in retrospect a total useless post by me, but im in a frustrated mood and felt the need to retaliate
SF4 is hardly garbage. It may have a couple characters who play a little too close to eachother in terms of playstyle, but all in all this game is still hot.
Just because you know every intricate detail of the game doesn’t mean you are going to be the best. There will still be people who react faster, execute better, read better, guess better, etc.
the cr.blocking throw tech’s
the long tech window on throws
the pase breaking frames on teched throws
the auto option select reversals
the dumbed down inputs
the revenge system
the insane damage catchup function of ultras
the exessive cooldown frames on alot of moves
the moon gravity
the fucked up netcode
the shity online options
even top player matches are pretty dull to watch compared to older games
moves hiting through the oponent without hiting
combo strings starting with lp spam
You haven’t proved a thing with your comments,except that you do not like the direction taken with SF IV.That doesn’t prove anything,much less the fact that SF IV is sub mediocre when it’s not.
i dont know what games you thought you were playing “back in the glory day” but half of the things you listed are either in SF2 or SF3 and in a lot cases both. how can you complain about ultra damage when zangief could kill you in less then 8 hits in SF2? online aspects are completly out of context and shouldn’t be used in deciding a game’s merit, the SFs before 4 dident even have online so what that just makes them “sub mediocre”? disliking the revenge system and jumps are opinions, viable ones, but to complain about those to a degree of calling the game “an abomination” is totally biased. the only worthy point you brought up are dumbed down inputs therefore allowing combos to easily start with lp and even that was possible in SF3 the frame data was just different.
i dont understand what gaming backround your coming from where you believe these things are new concepts and hurt the game.
Edit: pro matches dull? i think record setting tournament entrees and 24 thousand people watching daigo vs justin would disagree.
Why did you even post this? You made a “I want to mash” complaint and then you say mashing out jab is bullshit in the game, you complained about SF2 and SF3 and you complained about online which is not even needed in a competitive fighting game.
Please do go on, I want to see what else you have to complain about.
Also please tell me what SF game is more entertaining to watch than SFIV. Don’t say 3S because of one parry video. ST is more fun to play than SFIV in my opinion but it is not really that fun to watch.
Edit: Dammit, didn’t read past your shit and realized my first paragraph has been said already.
Nothing is ever an absolute truth, its just my opinions on the game.
to werecrow: SF2 was a beast for its time, but today it wouldnt satisfy my needs.
Where in hell did i post anything about “i want to mash” ?
by todays standard a good online play should be expected, hell they even bought the GGPO netcode.
to MetalxHealthx: its my own opinion that they are dull, mostly due to the game pase.
and about ultras vs sf2 dmg, sf2 health vs dmg output is not what i find a good standard for todays games.
Stop throwing the word biased around like you have any idea what it means. He does have a basis, you disagree with it. Bolding the word biased like it’s some kind of impacting insult makes you look like a tool. Opinions by their very nature have a tendency to be biased because it’s from the perspective of a single person. Of course his opinion is biased, it’s his fucking opinion.
He gave you a set of reasons, you disagree with them. That’s where the conversation ends, taking it any farther is coke and pepsi arguing over beverage supremacy, it’s a debate over preference and you will never go anywhere with it.
Your opinion is just as thoroughly biased as his opinion. Refer to the underlined section. His bias is against the game, your bias is for the game. Do you understand why you’re both stupid?
Interesting, because that’s also your opinion which happens to also not be fact. Refer to above beverage supremacy comment as it’s the same situation, you think they’re interesting, he doesn’t, ended.
I don’t know, 2 is pretty lulzy for the graphics. Wow see how easy that was? Really nice argument there. I could respond to that with Street Fighter 1 and be correct so long as it’s what I actually thought or if I felt like lying to you. You made no progress whatsoever for your point. Again refer to previous statements. You can’t throw your preference out there as fact, if someone disagrees with you, there’s not a single fucking thing you can say to remotely change their mind.
When I read threads like this it sounds like two 8 year olds talking about their shoes, “BUT ITS SO FUCKING COOL IT HAS A STRIPE ON IT.” “THAT STRIPE IS DUMB.” “YOU’RE DUMB THE STRIPE IS COOL.” “NUH UH.” “YAH HUH.” and so on.
It must be getting to be a really tight fit back there, what with all the people on that bandwagon. From an '08, very classy. Keep it up, you do the forum well to make such an ass out of yourself so readily.