SF4: Dry Already?

Is not nice to read that an alternative modern fighting game is even worse looking at network problems. I’m glad to have bought a cheap PC arcade stick and not the “professional quality hand made by pr0player” 180 euros one, because having only one current game does not justify the cost for a newbie like me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I kinda disagree to an extent. I went the opposite route with this. I started with Ryu as my main and moved to Chun. I find that yeah Ryus / Sagats hit pretty hard but you still have to know what the other player is going to use against you in order to beat them. Strategy / Knowledge trumps all. If you’re playing someone with equal knowledge of the character match up (hypothetically speaking) then it should be a pretty balanced match. When I lose I like to think of it as a challenge to remember that match up for next time.

I’d like to know who felt so bad to report me:

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Thread Date Comment
SF4: Dry Already? 08-20-2009 10:09 PM shut the fuck up 09er

That’s the kind of attitude that ruin a game. Perfect example of what I was trying to explain with the “veterans try to rule the newbies”. Solve your real life problems or lack of self esteem elsewhere.

It’s not self-esteem issues. It’s anger issues with stupid people (not limited to, but mainly 09’ers) that make stupid threads and give stupid reasons followed by stupid excuses for either being bad, or not liking the game. Enjoy the neg rep, even though it wasn’t me. I can’t blame em tho.

Don’t feel too bad. I got the same exact bad rep message. Personally I was posting for encouragement to the OP, but I bet you dollars to doughnuts the guy who paid to send out anonymous spam doesn’t give a shit about that.

overall that’s a pretty good reason to neg rep. my favorite neg rep was in that M.Bison guys “omg look at me i’m so awesome i’m in SG!” thread. i post simply that actions speak louder than words and he shouldn’t brag about online play, my neg rep message from an anon? “WHY AREN’T YOU SUCKING MY COCK!?!?!?!?!” :lame: like sheesh, how am i even supposed to know who needs this felatio (sp?) if they don’t leave me a name?

SF4 isn’t the first fighting game to have tiers.

And, it sure as heck doesn’t have the worst tiering out of all the fighting games people regularly play in tourneys/online/with friends/etc.

I am starting to really doubt a lot of these posts in these forums. Seem to be a lot of trolling. I just played 10 matches. I played 1 Ryu, 2 Balrogs, 1 Zangief, 1 Chun-Li, 2 Cammys, 1 Fei-Long, 1 Honda, and 1 Ken…

I agree that there are a lot of Ryus and Kens, but the odds that people are showing are getting absurd. You guys must be doing something wrong to play as many Ryus as some of you are suggesting, a guy on eventhubs said he has played 450 out 600 Ryus…

I guess you guys are all just overstating yes?

The only reason people are playing Ryus all day is because they’re random matching scrubs on Xbox Live. All the random scrubs pick Ryu no duh. Once they figured out Ken was ass they jumped ship. Gotta find good players to get any variety. Add some people from SRK on your friends list.

You got lucky!!

Yesterday I went through a whole cship only fighting ken (no joke) and the next one was two kens, 1 ryu and a scrubby sagat in finals.

Of course sometimes I happen to fight blankas and zangief (even guile is somehow getting popular) but out of 100 fights 70 are ken/ryu/sagat

not really… 90% of the times i get either ruy/sagat

and in championship final ALWAYS ryu or sagat, never seen any other character so far, cept for some kens

Not for me it seems. Yeah, Ryu and Ken are the most common, but I get a good assortment of characters to fight agaisnt every day, when I get home after work, I might just put down my character agaisnt ratio so you guys can see what I am talking about. Its not that uneven as a lot of players are saying.

Personally i dont think its dry. And to say SF4 is simple and that we have everything figured out already is ludicrous. The games been out for 1 year. Thats hardly enough time to get basics down.

Now i usually hate to commit '09 on '09 hate but some (not all) of the comments in this thread are why we get bashed so hard. Its ridiculous for people who have only played SF since Feb to say how simple this game is and how we’ve completely uncovered every aspect of the game. If its so simple why havent you gone to evo? why havent you been raking in the easy cash at all the tourneys? why havent you beaten daigo consistently? better yet, why havent you simply put the game down and found some other use for your time? Is bitching on the internet really that fun?

If anyone is legitimately bored with the game, fine. GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE. But to come to a forum filled with SF enthusiast and talk down on a hobby we all love is just asking to be neg’d.

Sorry for the rant. Maybe im just cranky because its 7am and i havent been to sleep yet.

This is **very **rational. Can’t disagree with this at all.

Wow… this thread’s still going…

Anyway, I’ve been playing since the early 90s. If you think SF4 is dry you haven’t learned new characters or played offline matches. You are also not doing what it takes to get better.

If you think SF4 is boring, you haven’t seen footage from God’s Garden, EVO or SBO qualifiers, to name a few. If you have seen these and you still think SF4 is boring, you should probably stop playing and forget this forum exists. No disrespect.

Barring circumstances beyond my control, I’ll be playing SF4 and it’s various versions for the next 4-5 years minimum with the goal of getting better and better and better. SF is at it’s most fun when you approach it as a virtual martial art.

This shit isn’t for everyone - my friends don’t have the patience/persistence to get the most out of SF and I respect that. The fact that I enjoy training mode perplexes them - and guess what? They actually enjoy watching me play from time to time.

What they don’t do is create idiot threads/posts with flawed arguments and silly, emo sensitive or ego inflating premises - ON A SITE THAT IS DEDICATED TO SF FANATICS.

Haters fucking suck.

what dude said

Dude are you even aware of what this thread is about? We are talking about weather this game is dry already and its your mindset that is bringing up this whole discussion. Of course you can win by doing exactly what you said and not needing to change, but that is exactly what is flawed is that it does not encourage people to explore what the game is capable of. Im not saying that any of the above things I mentioned can’t be prevented as they can and I prevent them all the time. But what bothers me is how you completely fail to see the reason why my complaints where directly related to why this game is drying up and went streight into how one should counter those situations. Stay on topic and actually think about why sombody is posting somthing before you go and redicule them for somthing YOU didn’t understand.

Im not just talking about WINNING, im talking about why this game is drying up.

walks in thread
Its the competition and drive that ‘drive’ everything when it comes to fighting games. What was the point of me trying to get good at DJ:FFNY if there is no tourney scene for it? Sure it was fun as hell, but there was no other motivation. Now parlay that over to SF4 and the reason why its dry to alot of people is tied to it all.

If your ‘die-hard’ about the game, it will maintain flavor. You wil lseek out better players, who play a much more diverse cast. You will spend hours upon hours practicing execution. You have motivation of going to a tournament and hopefully placing. There is always something ‘deeper’.

But while this is a SF enthusiat site, it would be extremely ignorant to assume everyone WANTS to do all that. I personally have no motivation to play in a SF4 tournament. Not knocking it or anything, justn ot interested. the game ‘doesn’t get my d!ck hard’. There are ALOT of players not just online, but ON THIS SITE who do not go to tournies or when they do go, they aren’t really competing…might be to support friends, for the social aspect, see some cool stuff, but they aren’t dellusional about “being the best of the best of the best sir!”. So what do these guys (myself included) do? We spend the majority of our play time against anyone who steps up. I think DevilJin worded it perfectly…fighting random players your going to fight nothing but shoto’s and shoto clones. The other nyte (I actually timed it and laughed - partly out of going mad with frustration) I played nothing but Akuma’s for over 90 minutes…not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 players…I sparred against 6-7 different people and every single pick was Akuma.

If I was die-hard? I’d only play folks on my friendslist form SRK. But I’m not shrug, so the consequence is I’m stucking fighting shoto’s ‘again’. this is extremely frustrating as I don’t WANT to ‘wait around’ for someone form SRK to be available, to more htan likely kick my ass cause they are better than me because they ARE hardcore. Even still looking at the ‘player match’ thread, there is no garuntee that I’d elude the ‘team shoto’ shit.

So on some level the ‘hate’ some of us (myself included) have for Ryu/akuma/Ken is noteworthy. On the flip - to be fair side - its our fault for not being more ‘dedicated’…but that doesn’t mean we can’t be annoyed with how things have panned out.

On another note - its been said before - the engine only mildly rewards hardwork with regards to execution practice. There are some nice tick tricks and ‘resets’ that you can practice, but so much dmg is front loaded by SIMPLE stuff that it makes you wonder how worth it is. Going beyond the stereotypical dp/fadc/ultra combos, think of Rufus…focus on teh strategy as just getting off that one short rewards you with an easy as hell follow up ultra. See them jump…ooh j.rh…ultra. In short, damage is too easy to come by, and whats worse is it can so easily come from defense…especially with the more popular characters. Gen has some nasty dmg combos…they require alot of finger work/practice as well as a very offensive mindframe (same for CV). On the other hand we have a turtle balrog that gets a head butt by just waiting for you to come to him, and easily parlays that into an ultra. for the average player - whats the justification for tearing up your hand trying to do multi-poke fadc combos with Gen. Pick Ryu and just keep doing jab DPs for the whole match, ONE of them is bound to hit and BOW your back in the game or even ahead. Again, this is the average match, I’m well aware thats not tourney.

  • :bluu:

Agreed. You should have read my post though.

it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that your opponent is not evolving his play because your not evolving yours. i mean really why should he dig deeper in his bag of tricks when he only has to throw a few hado’s and then cr. lp to stop some idiotic blanka’s attempts to get in. against a good opponent though, if you give them a reason to stop that plan of action (get into a range where it isn’t safe to hado, maybe punish jab spam with a long range poke). if your under the impression that everyone plays you in a very similar fashion then i have a news flash for you, they aren’t the ones that need to change, it’s you that needs to adjust.

so by your own logic this game is drying up because not enough people are evolving their gameplans on the fly, to which i say: f’ em find some better opponents who will make those adjustments and bam you can enjoy sf4 again.

edit: oh snap just realized your a fellow 925’er! so yeah hold onto hope i’ll be getting something going soon, down with online sf4. hopefully i didn’t come off too condecending, i’m much more personable in person, oh, and fear teh flowchart powah :stuck_out_tongue: