First time I saw that combo, I had to lift my jaw off teh floor. Shit was nuts.
Is that daveoftherave, from the ragequittin, ragequitters thread?
Wow these guys are crazy to think SFIV is dry, and about the turtle thing and zoning with FB, if you can’t get around that, that only speaks of your skill level and versatility, and to the viper player, fuerte can get very technical if wanted to, not a lot of people can do his face slap infinite combo during match play…or play as ryu vs. A strong chun with god like footsies, most annoying match up for me
Oh and for the record I turtle too, but only against certain match ups or how the opp. Plays…bottom line you can’t win a tourney without being diverse in play styles…and the mix up game and X-up game is where the fight is won not through turtling
Only…that’s not what you see in tournaments. If you don’t know how to be offensive then…you should learn how to be offensive. If you hit a wall and you don’t know how to get better, that’s cool. It might not be the game for you and that’s cool too.
Link? (Edit: nvm I found it)
The word “reward” implies “encouragement”.
You are not encouraged to lose life in SF4. I don’t care how ‘scary’ people think Ryu or Sagat are with 2 EX + Ultra. The fact is that they’ve already lost half their life in a game where the purpose is NOT TO LOSE LIFE.
Gaining a ultra does not compensate you for losing 50%+ of your life in a game where the purpose is NOT TO LOSE LIFE.
The damage you ate by getting beat up is already guaranteed. It’s already gone. The damage you inflict with your Ultra is NOT guaranteed, because you have to land it first.
Therefore, the net gain for getting “beat down” is never positive. In fact, it’s usually negative (because people whiff Ultra’s all the time, or they never get a chance to use it). Therefore, you have not been “rewarded”.
That’s the whole concept of a “reward”: to gain more than you sacrifice. Sacrificing half your life just to gain an ultra is not worth it.
It’s NEVER safe to jump in on Ryu. This is Street Fighter isn’t it?
Doesn’t cost any meter to dragon punch people.
So, now people are blaming SF4 for bad playing? That’s the game’s fault now?
Try playing better people, then.
ehmmm, seems like you didn’t read my post.
I had the life lead in 2nd round as i chipped him right at the beginning. And with ME having the life lead, he spent 50 seconds jumping against the corner and throwing a fireball once in a while.
Let me repeat this again, he was NOT winning and he had NO reason to turtle.
Anyways, this was no serious tournament and nothing was on the line, just your average crappy online sf4 match
And how could it be my fault if someone just runs away the whole round??? please tell me!
Most of the times i’m gonna beat those pussies anyways, but do you really find it funny to chase a jumping shoto for 90 seconds???
Stop acting so pro, you’re probably one of those runaway scrubs too
Just cuz a game is simple doesnt mean it sucks. and just cuz a game is very technical and has a bunch of shit doesnt mean its good.
Actually in most games thats usually the case.
Blazblue sucks for being simple / watered down Guilty Gear and Guilty Gear is good for having a bunch of shit and being technical.
Too bad I’m not a premium member as this is a perfect opportunity to neg. :lol:
The game is nowhere close to being tapped out,wake up.
I saw SBO and found out some new stuff I hadn’t seen before.The japanese Akuma and Sagat make us look like trash.
I think even Ono is surprised with some of the combos being pulled off.
Stop thinking mediocre level of play=the entire game because it’s not.When you watch the pro play,you barely see any turtling so it’s definitively not a winning strategy except when both player facing each other suck.
This is the only thing I find really boring about playing people online. I don’t usually have a problem dealing with it, but it’s just so routine and samey having to do the same thing to beat most people, it doesn’t matter what character it is, people just like to hide away. There’s little challenge and that makes it really reptitive and boring.
And whether or not you beat someone normally and properly, or if you give someone a taste of their own boring medicine, they just end up sending hatemail or ragequitting because they can’t deal with someone besting them in whatever manner.
I know it’s only online and it doesn’t mean anything, but everyone plays as if their lives depend on it, or as if it’s a real tournament. And I know some people have to keep their silly internet points. It just gets worse and worse as I get closer to G1 and people see that you have higher GP than they do, so they turtle away.
I like playing because it’s a fun challenge getting better and playing against different people with different styles, it’s kinda exciting :3
But online doesn’t have that, it’s just the same type of person nine times out of ten unfortunately When I come across a good player, win or lose, I really enjoy it because it’s a challenge and I have to think a little and stuff.
I mean, I know if I wanted to play seriously, there are arcades and tournaments (which barely exist in the UK anyway), but I wouldn’t want to take that step. I just like getting better at the game and enjoying a good fight with someone fun to play with.
Online is all I’ve got and it just doesn’t do it for me anymore.
None of it helps that I play Sakura, so I don’t have the best character either, but she’s still fun to use :3c
Add the good players who were fun to play against to friends and play them in player matches? Just a thought…
I have done.
But I like a bit of variety coming from people I’ve never seen before too. I’ll always try to play people I’ve played against :3
Whole post is good, and I agree. I didn’t want to mention it, because I didn’t want to get into an argument over player skill or whatever, but the whole idea that American players have tapped out SF4 when tournament level American Sagat’s are regularly dropping FADC xx ultra just feels so goofy. There are so many Balrogs, the least technical character in the game, the guys who dominate at national tournaments as Ryu aren’t doing so because they’re SF4 gods, but because they’ve been playing Ryu since the old testament was a newspaper, American Sagats have yet to unlock his full potential, people are JUST getting savvy to how ridiculous Akuma is, people are just beginning to figure out Seth and Gen, while genuinely low tier console characters like Sakura and Cammy are basically being developed from scratch and surprising the hell out of everyone, Akuma’s even more difficult cousin C. Viper is just starting to become popular as people finally figure out how to do shit consistently with that Ultra other than create hilarious moments at Final Round, when Chun Li might as well be a console character for how often you see her, let alone see her winning despite being a strong character.
It’s not even about Americans versus Japs, maybe there are people in Japan having this exact conversation about where they’re at, but it just seems so silly to talk about American SF4 being tapped out when so so many people are still figuring out the game, when people are talking about how they lost a tournament to C. Viper because they don’t really have good C. Vipers to play against and have no experience, when console characters can show up at tournaments and people have never seen that shit before, when BnB combos are still regularly getting dropped and tough combos aren’t even attempted…
And this is all with the benefit of training mode, online, and a totally renewed FG scene. I dunno. I appreciate that people who are bored with SF4 are bored with SF4, but it’s not like we’ve hit a wall here.
Seriously this place is too casual.
I agree with the whole shoto discussion. In g1 id have to say that 70% of people that I fight are ryus that rely on jab spams and turtling to win. As a blanka player I also find it frustrating that to land my ultra I have to think critically and do a ton of luring and baiting while all it takes for a ryu or sagat to land theirs is a simple shoryuken.
Another BIGGIE for me is how differen’t training mode is from online. The whole entire point behind training mode is that you’re supposed to train on strategies, combos, shenanigens, ect… to better your game. But when you take what you’ve learned and training mode and try to apply it online it simply does not work due to the terrible netcode and lack of good connections. In that sense I feel as if simple spam and turtle play is rewarded while those who try to improve are punished.
The last thing I have a problem with is damage scaling. It makes absolutely no sense that you do less damage with more hits from a combo. Again, more reason to not explore and change up combos.
your an idiot
I lol’d.
It’s getting a little trite: people giving the impression that strategies employed on their characters of choice that severely limit options is in some way crass or dishonorable.
The objective is to win, if something clearly works against you, what incentive does your opponent have to cease it? Throw a fireball, jab spam to make sure you can’t EX ball and hit them (as jab’s stuff it). Why would the Ryu in question not do that if you as a player can not overcome it; “That’s lame dude.” isn’t a reason.
I feel like some people on these boards would rather blocking be disabled and competitors stand 2 feet from each other mashing moves and combo’s out…
If your line of thinking while playing people ever includes the phrases:
"…rely on _____ to win."
"…all you’re doing is ______."
"…play like a pussy."
or any other variant that implies it’s your opponent’s fault for you losing, shut the fuck up and deal with it. Personal inadequacies aren’t grounds for changing a game.
Here’s an acceptable line of thinking: “Wow, your zoning was very effective at preventing me from getting in; when I did get in, you were obviously superior at footsies than I was. Your anti-air was solid, and the link to your Ultra was due to me being dumb for jumping in on you, I shouldn’t have since I’m aware of how easy you can land it off a shoryuken (in ryu’s case). I should really work on keeping myself grounded rather than feeling compelled to jump in, as I find it often ends up in me being punished. I should learn to FADC through fireballs into an uncomfortable position for my opponent where another fireball lets me punish them with a jump-in combo; and alternatively work on my footsies so that when I’m in that position (and my opponent isn’t a complete fucktard who still throws fireballs at that range at me) I can be competitive and overwhelm my opponent with superior offense.”
There’s a reason people hate '09’ers. It’s you and people like you who post outrageously stupid shit like that. Stop giving us a bad reputation, learn the game, and fucking deal with it.
lol…what a scrub. BB is horrible, and is for manga nerds who sleep in manga cafes…clearly you suck at this game and are yet another frustrated virgin nerd who gives up on games when they actually have to put a little bit of effort into a game rather than Halo where you pick up an assault rifle and go to town on 12 year olds…
nothing irks me more than a scrub saying “youre mashing throws” “turtling are for noobs” “you only spam shoryukens”
seriously people need to stop bitching and find a fucking way to win.