SF4: Dry Already?

Let’s keep FPS (played on PC in particular) out of this please, it’s just too different
I agree about the last part though

I remember that. Was hilarious to see the Munich stage with Judgement Day playing. Plus all the changes that happened between rounds (like a dude passed out near the right corner).

Also, looks like Darkstalkers is another good comparison. Have you seen some of the stuff that went unused in the original? Hell, even the bosses had alternate palettes, as well as unimplemented endings (figure that one out).

This logic is flawed.

If you are low on health, then you are getting hit. You can play well and get hit, but still you are getting beaten and for that you get rewarded with an Ultra. You can’t say Ultras are not rewards for getting beat down. That’s simply false.

As for the “Hey I have a lead so I am just gonna sit on it” mentality, that is part of why SF4 is a boring game. You try sitting on a lead against a Ryu who’s at 50% and has an Ultra. He is WAY more powerful at 50% health and now that you can’t jump-in and have to “sit on your lead,” he’s not at a disadvantage even though he has less health. It’s all free for him because he was rewarded with his Ultra.

Besides, sitting on a lead is boring as hell. The popularity of running down the clock is one of the SF4 community’s worst offenses.


not sure id call it a reward. because you can build ultra meter without taking damage. i try to treat the opponents ultra meter like super super meter in all other SF games. It’s just another thing to look out for. plus having a full ultra meter isnt a guaranteed victory. u still gotta work for it…

When your opponent has ultra meter and 2 stocks of super meter you just gotta be careful and know the setups and avoid em. it adds more suspense to the game imho. But ultimately i think it will always be a love it or hate it relationship with the ultra meter

Well I don’t really have any problems with ultras, but I gotta quote this last sentence.

Runaway pussy shotos are ruining this game. There are more and more of them every day i play (online of course) and it’s really getting frustrating.

Today i faced a shitty ken which almost got me in the first round with his runaway bitch tactics.

So i started the second round with a dash punch (which he blocked) just to get some chip damage. You know what he did??? he kept on jumping at the other end of the screen while throwing a fireball once in a while (which I promtly focus absorbed). He let the clock run for almost 50 seconds before trying to rush me down, and that’s where he got destroyed way before timeout.

If you focus attacks you get free revenge meter.

If you have more life than the other guy, he should have to come to you. If the other person just stares at you for the entire match it is his fault, not yours.

I am aggressive at the start of the round but if I can get a life lead then I turtle and force the other player to expose himself to try to get in. So they just sit there and time runs out and I win…then they complain that I didn’t keep attacking them, well they didn’t attack me either. The difference is that they were supposed to.

Cool, apparently I’m not allowed an opinion because I was negged for it.

Yes, they’re easy to avoid, and easy to punish so it isn’t much of a problem. But, I don’t think that you can’t say that you’ve never had a scrub win a round on you because they got that lucky ultra in. I know it’s happened to me, it may be a rare event, but it still happens. Also, I didn’t say I wanted to get rid of ultras, in fact, I actually said earlier that I like them. I simply want the damage on all ultras to be downed about 30%. I don’t think they should play as big of a role in the game as they do now.

It’s a reward for getting beat up and it can be a reward for a rufus player who Focus absorbs Sagat fb spammers. But for the most part it’s mainly the former case.

i always get a chuckle when people complain about others turtling so hard that they “have to” get a timeout win against them

it takes two people to make a timeout happen

…or one gambit


Why should they come to you? Turtling is king in this game, and a Ryu (or plenty of others) sitting on an Ultra just needs to be boring enough to wait you out. Patience is important, but when being patient=COMPLETE BOREDOM then the turtling player will capitalize. They have no reason to come after you until the timer is almost out, and that happens far too often. I have never played a fighter where the clock runs out so often.

Also, most players don’t use focus attacks as a sole means of building revenge meter.


SF4 Dry already?!?!?!

SF4 got dry months ago. I put the game down beginning of June.
It was the same shit over and over again, ryu-ryu-ryu-ryu, turtle, turtle, turtle, turtle, timeout clock, timeout clock, turtle, turtle, turtle, timeout clock, timeout clock, rinse-wipe-repeat

SF4 is a very simplistic game, anyone who thinks otherwise needs to drop SF4 and play a different game for once. The only new thing is the Focus attack, and even that is very shallow and leaves no room for complexity. The game was maxed out months ago. Those who reach for 1 frame links and 30 hit combos, and tell you that, my favorite elitist sentence btw, “There is still more to be found you’re just not looking deep enough” are seriously gasping for breathe and trying to make something so simple (SF4) seems so complicated.

All you need to know are the simple combos and how to turtle. You get no reward for being offensive, as anyone with half a brain can counter you all day. Oh, and btw assuming you want to win against people your level or higher, I would suggest using a high tier (preferebly Sagat or Ryu), as the game doesn’t welcome low tier characters at tourney’s/high level play and being able to juggle into ultra in about 100 different ways and zone with fireball is key. Always remember, you have to know how to dance all day (play footsies), and when in doubt, simply shoryu, as that beats out 99.999% of all other moves. One more thing, turtle turtle turtle until the time runs out and run away at all cost. Let them attack you and wait to counter. I repeat do not go offensive, this game doesn’t reward offense, I can’t stress that any further. Turtle turtle turtle.

Thats SF4 in a nutshell.

Get Blazblue instead :wink:

Nice to see an 09er on SRK knows everything there is to know about SFIV (yes, I’m aware of the fact that I’m an 09er myself, the point is, there’s nothing to back up these claims or cred of the person spewing them). Seriously, GTFO.:rofl:

You do realise that comments like this come across as typical scrub, right?

Fuck that noise. If I am in a tourney or in any other match where something is on the line, I will just turtle and sit it out if I have the lead.

My sentiments exactly.

It’s your fault in the first place that you let that happen. Does it suck? No. Because you let it happen, it’s your fault for it occurring. The goal of the game is to win the round, not fulfill some arbitrary “Macho-Man Code of Honor.” Especially when you have a lot of tools at your disposal to counter that strategy.

This is what niggas need to understand.

If you are playing on a casual level or just with your friends or just online then I am sorry to inform you of this but it must be said.

You are not playing SFIV.

SFIV is a tournament game. As a game it is put to the test in that environment.

Who gives a fuck what mid level players do to win online? You are losing alot of matches by timeout? Who the fuck are you playing and why did you suck so horribly that you allowed this to happen?

Also…Japanese don’t turtle hard…and yet they are clearly on top.

Hmmm, interesting.

Also all fighters throw a WEALTH of options in your face and in reality only maybe 1/10th of the available options are actually viable. This shit is nothing new and it’s also true in GG and BB.

Just because you CAN do something or you have option of doing something doesn’t make it a good choice or a good option.

I like how people say this game’s figured out when people are finding new shit all the time.

Godsgarden, Uryo does shit America’s never seen and everybody nuts their pants.

Japan’s Honda’s do hundred hand slap mix-up we didn’t even know existed and now everybody’s on the train.

At EVO, no US ryu/sagat was proficient at punishing or linking max damage punishers like Daigo/Dan/GM sagats (strong x 3, sweep, wtf?; f+fp, c.fp xx tatsu).

Momochi/Eita have a new akuma setup/combo we’ve never even seen before that everybody will undoubtedly try to abuse in the next major. (cross-up tatsu, sweep was the big evo cheesey tactic)

Shiro makes it to the grand finals of SBO despite America saying he plays a weak character whose not worth it.

Literally, the only characters America plays on a level close to what I saw in SBO quals is Guile and Sim. The list goes on and on with new shit and constant American know-how being disproven. Honestly, people should complain less and just play the game cause the ability of the average evo-entrant was fucking awful. Out of 1000 people, 70% of those people probably couldn’t make it past 2-3 rounds at most majors and just tried to pull auto-pilot psn/xbox live dog shit that an idiot could block. Less unproductive time on SRK (if you’re going to promote a tournament, or write a guide, good fucking job) and more practice is what needs to happen.

Forgot to add that people who lose to turtles are usually shitties without ground game. They can’t do combos or start combos without a jump-in and just try to find one poke to abuse despite getting swept and counter-hit all over the place. They also suck at jumping fireballs and probably can’t fadc for shit. This is the average SF4 player on this board, which is sad sad shit.

Nemo, I think, might’ve been Nuki but I’m pretty sure it was Nemo, gave us chunners the new c.FP xx HK Legs, MK Legs, c.FP xx HK Legs, MK Legs, c.HK combo recently. New shit is being found all the time, you may think it is tapped out but just wait a little bit and new stuff will come up, guaranteed.

I think Pieguy hit the nail on the head.