SF4 is a bait people to mash out SRKs and when they whiff hit them for a free 300dmg combo as punishment paradise. If you keep getting mashed out of strings by SRKs then you need to take your brain out of autopilot and start spotting patterns.
SF4 is about seeing patterns and reactions of your opponent, then exploiting them.
I barely used to play Street Fighter before IV other than HD Remix & Alpha 3 but after 6 months of console playing I’ve started playing 3rd strike and I now know why people don’t like IV as much.
I wish they would bring 3rd Strike or even Alpha 3 out on PSN/XBLA to get an online scene going.
No offense, but if whoever thinks SFIV is hard…something is deeply wrong with you. That is if you’ve given this game a shot for at least a few months. This is coming from someone who didn’t know how to do a shoryuken when HDR came out. Cuz I was brand to to these types of games, and yah it has been the most difficult genre to get into, but thats because I’ve played other fighting games besides SFIV.
The only thing hard about SFIV are the one frame links…after that there’s hardly anything I could call difficult, and I’m someone brand new to “the scene.” Yah, you’re not going to take out a seasoned vet anytime soon, but your online competition I’d expect isn’t going to be much difficult.
I might be misunderstanding you, though. Cuz I don’t know what your definition of difficult is in this instance. However, I will say that every game has a learning curve.
Also, I find that with games like it doesn’t really matter how much you dumb down the game because people are still not going to be willing to research, and put in the time to get better. People prefer instant gratification… its how it is. So, these games will always be niche games because when it comes to the masses people don’t want to sit in training mode for any given amount of time. They rather pop in Call of Duty, and shoot some people for a couple of hours. Or log onto WoW and kill monsters for hours, and attaining guaranteed rewards and progress.
I mean, I just started with this game, Heroes of Newerth, which is basically DOTA. It has a learning curve for both pubs/competitive play. I’m not good at it at all, but I know it just takes time to get at a comfortable spot in a game…
You can’t mash in SF4 either. If for some reason I FUCK UP and ALLOW you to SRK out of a safe block string in the first place, after the first round I am going to just stop after the first two jabs get blocked and watch Ryu or Sagat fly up into the sky and slowly float down with 300dmg minimum gift wrapped in a box for me.
But hey, if you enjoy ‘Walk Back And Forwards Trading cr.MK xx SA Fighter 3: 3rd Parry’, I’m not one to stop your fun. You can play SF Anniversary Edition online on XBL and that game is cheap as shit to buy these days.
SF4 is an incredibly well balanced game, and there are no situations where simple techniques like mashing out SRKs are exploitable other than basic human error.
Todays youth are so overwhelmed with instant gratification that they develop the attention span of a methed up monkey.
This is the largest contributing factor that has led to the downfall of depth in todays games in all genre’s.
and yea SFIV is a shallow piece of crap with 1-frame links that gives even more frustration when you try to play online.
Im actually angry with myself for picking this game up at all, as now i have a hard time adjusting back my muscle memory to 3s (due to im getting older and have less time to play hardcore).
Hell its even booring to spectate top level matches, and when thats the case you know hard and true its utter crap.
If SFIV wasnt ONLY a “sneaky way” to get ppl back in to SF, and then increasing learningcurve / speed / depth in comming revamps, i will never forgive capcom for this.
edit: It will by my estimation get even more and more shallow as ppl learn to use negative edge option select SRKs due to the huge input window on specials, since it will render crossups moot.
he didnt crossup: you will SRK him the right way
he crossed up: you will SRK him the right way
he crossed up AND you somehow fucked up the motion: you will be able to block it due to the lenient input shit.
the only possible outcome thats bad for you is: you fucked up the motion AND he didnt crossup.
fair enough…using the ability to mash as an indicator of a games merit doesn’t mean anything. Since you can mash in any fighting game, but it won’t get you anywhere.
There’s a bit of relevance in this point, at least the Ultra’s. I don’t feel people should get rewarded for getting their ass kicked.
Tone ultra’s down, tone super’s up (or keep them how they are, really, 300-400 damage is enough), swap animations for them, change “Ultra’s” to “Revenge’s” to remove the implication that they’re “better”, and there you go. It is called a revenge meter after all, it shouldn’t be better than what you work towards and what you decisively choose to keep or throw away (whether or not to save for your super or input into your normal moves).
Yeah, I think ultras are a cool aspect of the game, but it’s just not fair to reward someone for being the worse player. It’s like Capcom was putting them in purely for the purpose of being a crutch for bad players.
Actually, that IS the reason Capcom put them in there. Specifically to give casual players SOME hope when they’re getting owned by people on SRK who read frame data and buy guides and stuff.
And, thankfully, Ultra’s are really easy to avoid and punish in the hands of a bad player so this really isn’t an issue…they’ll still get owned. They just have a bit more fun getting owned.
BTW, since both players get to use Ultra in the average round, I don’t see why it’s only viewed as a reward for “playing badly”.
Plus, you can get Ultra by playing well, too, you know…
Basically. You get an ultra when you’re low on health whether you’re playing poorly or well. If you’re playing well then you get to sit on a lead, which is a hell of a lot preferable to being ~30% down in health but having an ultra, or whatever. No one’s being “rewarded” for playing poorly, and SF4 isn’t even the first game to have players unlock new abilities when they reach a certain health, so I don’t get why people freak out about that.
It’s a common as hell mechanic in SNK games. Even more games (the majority of them?) give you super meter for getting hit. This isn’t some crazy out of left-field thing, whether it’s bad or not. I mean, someone pointed it out, but whiffing normals on opposite sides of the screen while pretending to play footsies until one dude gets super and then trying to tag the other dude like some weird game of low forward chicken looks strange as hell, but thats just because its not what I’m used to and not what I really like to play.
All fighting games are retarded. The mark of a good fighting game is being retarded as hell, then somehow wrapping back around into being cool again. SF2 tick throws are kind of retarded, and yet a Zangief or T. Hawk throw trap is awesome as hell. MvC2 is like the poster child of so retarded its awesome. All fighting games are retarded.
That’s very character specific; also, whom are these scrubs you’re talking about? Even as low as 2000gp or less people know how to reliably land their ultra, it takes all of 15 minutes in training to figure out. You kind of make it sound like there’s scrubs en masse who go around whiffing ultra’s, I see it maybe once every 100 someodd games, generally a Ryu trying to whittle me with chip damage.
And no, both players (as I mentioned; character specific) don’t always get to use their ultra’s in the average round, especially when one ultra eclipses the other in power (Sagat’s ultra setups killing you at anything near half health, ryu’s many setups, etc.). I main Guile, and his ultra can’t even reliably used as an anti-air let alone able to find a setup for it.
This post is probably the most relevant post in this thread. I was talking to a guy who was hella excited for SFIV. He bought it in June and I saw him again last week. I asked how it was going with it, he said
I looked at him and realized that he only likes games like Halo 3 and COD…SFIV is way more in depth than a FPS…and I think a lot of the people complainging about SFIV dont know what the hell they are talking about since they picked it up since IGN said to do so.