Can’t please everyone :smokin:
good post
Can’t please everyone :smokin:
good post
I just punched a wall after losing to someone online.
I think it’s time I took a break from this game. Why it all of a sudden it’s making me angry, I have no clue. SF4 is the first game that touches a nerve with me when I lose at it.
Epic win my good sir.
I agree completely.
Times are changing and people need to accept that.
The old era of hardcore games is pretty much over. You can either get with it or stick with ST. No one is forcing you to jump onto this train. It’s your choice.
My big thing though is this. Are you playing a game because you think the game is honestly good or because it has elements that you like which allows you to tolerate glaring flaws?
I find for most people it’s the latter. A game can be flawed to hell but because oh say projectile zoning is pretty much non existent or the game is extremely flashy and generates alot of hype due to hyper fast combos and gameplay, the game will still be exalted as the best fighter in the universe despite how flawed the games may be.
I pride myself on the fact that I look at every single game I play and say to myself, “This game has some real issues and I acknowledge these issues, but overall the game is still solid.”
I find that most people don’t give two fucks about any of that. In the end gameplay is the deal breaker for me. And if you have been playing ST for over 10 years and you find that you just can’t get behind any other type of SF gamethen hey that’s fine, but don’t bullshit yourself either.
Because other fighting games you can say “they were just randomly mashing”
In this game randomly mashing wont get you anything, if someone beat you, even if they were “worse” then you, they still beat you. The only thing that can be used randomly is the ultra and that, 99% of the time can just be avoided…
but mostly, if someone beat you, they beat you, you can make up an excuse but you know personally that its an excuse… they beat you. And you have to deal with it.
theres still alot to be found out, just that folks arent trying the REALLY hard to do executional things like hitconfirm counterhits, fa absorb >dash ultra for certain punishes etc.
in the chun forums we’ve been steadily coming up with new HARD to apply tech. but few of us have come up with the skill necessary to the things weve found out like:
CH hitconfirm >ultra (its possible to hitconfirm the CH on this)
FA crumple > ultra (hard for chun to do but not impossible)
and for all other characters theres about a million different CH only combos as well as normal links only combos as well as character specific combos.
as people get better at the harder execution stuff, matchups will change.
if your not seeing enough depth in the game … like another poster said, you arent looking hard enough.
a game doesn’t need “new discoveries” to make it good. Just look at professional sports, no new strategies or tactics have been discovered in many sports for hundreds of years, and yet you don’t see them complaining for a “Soccer Dash”, “Football Dash”, or “Baseball Dash”. This is because they are content with practicing existing tactics to mere perfection and enjoying great competition.
dont tell guilty gear players that you think blazblue is…lol…deep
Bah, and here I was making the decision to quit FPS games for fighting games months ago…only to find out these games are being dumbed down as well.
The reason why people still play Mvc2 and 3s are people they are games which are incredibly hard to master, and the skill gap is insane. This, however much you dislike it is the incentive given to people to play these games for years, and improve. Not to mention the core gameplay is solid, and each match isn’t always the same. I agree that the game probably just needs some revisions. In fact I think Capcom will probably change the game vastly now that they did what they accomplished, which was to appeal to casuals/old schoolers in order to to reel them back in. Now that they have the numbers they probably might make the game more difficult in likes with ST and Third Strike.
Also, the people bringing sports analogies into this are really lame. I mean if we listened to you, and brought that type of thinking with video games. Then we would have never gotten past fighting games on the snes. Innovation is good for growth for the game, and community.
I’d imagine a lot of people think its dry, based simply of number of used copies I see in stores. It makes me sad to see twice as many copies of SF4 than old football games…at the same time some games like call of duty 4 still selling at nearly full retail price while SF4 has quickly been slashed down 20 or 30 dollars.
I think SF is just going through a phase right now, its like an exhale after all the hype that was built up. The numbers will most likely thin out as the metagame advances.
This kinda reminds me of Darkstalkers and SFA, in the sense that you get a feeling there’s going to be more, or at least they wanted to bring more to the table. SF3 might even be a better example: when CPS-3 emulation happened, people discovered that, lo and behold, there was an unfinished Hugo lurking in New Generation. So they’d planned at some point in there for there to be more game from the getgo, and that’s what the sequel got.
Ono keeps teasing at this a “if people push for a SF4 Dash they’ll get it” line, even in his latest interview with G4. Now he’s pushing the fact Dee Jay and T. Hawk have unfinished parts in there. And really, it would be nice to see more of that in some form, because the current game gives the sense when you’re done “okay, I’m ready for part 2”.
Now if only it didn’t carry a $60 price tag x_X’
…well, that and if we get a followup I kinda hope we get more than Dee Jay and T. Hawk.
oh my god this has to be the best joke i read in the last month.
SF4 is a button masher’s paradise, especially online. You can mash everything, srk or spd during blockstrings (that aren’t true blockstrings most of the time) and it will almost certainly grant you an easy 200 damage for mashing on your stick.
back to gamefaq please
i think you’re partially right abou this, but i won’t go to far. you as an akuma player i presume, you use your ultra for just that, punishing and locking out jump ins. saying the scaling should take more effect, actually fucks up many people in this game and maybe you’re not able to see that. for example abel’s game really resolves around using his ultra at the right time as a fire ball cather, but most importantly, a finishing tool. that’s why he needs the combo damage, so he can get it easily since the combo it self can be hard to catch people with. same goes for viper, sagat, rufus etc.
I don’t think that’s a SF4 thing. I think that’s a fighting game thing.
I still say sfa3 was capcom’s best effort to date. Ok, maybe CC was a mistake, but there is still so much depth to that game compared to 4.
/Agreed x3
If you think “character balance” is part of the reason SF4 is “dry” you are retarded, just fyi.
Nerf ultras damage by 30% and get rid of the ability to mash grab and shoryuken and this game will be about perfect for me.
I think some of you are too deep into the fighting scene, so things go out of perspective for you. I’m talking to the ones saying that SF4 is dumbed down, too easy, newb-friendly, not deep enough and whatnot.
As a newbie to fighting games in general, let me tell you this: it is damn freakin’ hard to get started in any way. If you have played those games for years it’s certainly a different story, but for someone like me, who only played games on PC for the last I-don’t-know-how-many-years it almost seems damn freaking impossible at the beginning. I seriously don’t know a single other game that came out within the last 1-2 years that’s so hard to perform decent in. I got absolutely crushed by every single player even in g3 for my first 20-30 hours of play. I show slight progress as of now, but seriously - if you want your fighting games more hardcore, you’ll have to bare with a crowd much, much smaller than the one SFIV got. And I’m sure many new players gave up even on that. If you want the scene to grow, SFIV is a good start. Even though it certainly is NOT accessible for new players the presentation may keep some people in line - and it may be just accessible enough for some of them to keep trying.