SF4 Dash Guile fixes

Very nice writeup gilley.

Here’s hoping that capcom can fix a few of these minor things that prevent guile from being as awesome as he was in cvs2/st, seeing as he’s extremely fun to play in sf4 outside of the problems you’ve addressed.

by solid i mean good anti air, fastest/slowest projectile, high priority air throw, st. fierce being good poke, good target combo, FA

yea that should cover, but still changes are good :shy:

They need to sort his ultra out. A zangief player jumped over mine yesterday.

Pump up the damage - it’s retarded how Guile’s ultra does so little damage and has a harder input (I’m talking in terms of actually pulling it off in a match…online) than say I don’t know Fagats/Ken who have piss easy motion (Everyone can do a QCF - it’s the first thing you learn) and ludicrous damage, range and link-up options (for an example: Sagat can TU Guile out of a combo, ex cancel into standing roundhouse and then fully connect with his bitch-ass ultra - say bye bye 700 hp!).

make it fully connect (like gilley was saying in his first post)

and give him a decent juggle (why do none of his Sbs juggle, what they too fast?!).

Also, he should get his old overhead back (the upside-down kick) - it should actually count as an overhead hit and should be invincible to low attacks.

Oh and boost his sb damage: 50 on hit, 12 on block is horsecrap - vs turtle rufus and rogs, it’s even more so

Oh and before I forget: what’s with his lame range on standing throws? Ryu/ken always get me with throws without fail - I try and do it (from same range) and guile grabs the air…;(

I agree with Gilley on the whole (good post - I can’t rep you but if I could I would; I’d also give you a samosa too). And also with the guys who are saying nerf the shotos a little: that damn Dp fucks any of my combos over (online anyway) and that god-damn stupid arced-jump fierce that for some reason beats all if Guile’s air options (it comes out as fast as guile’s j.lk/lp/mp/mk and has better reach [hits forward, not diagonal – but the jump has a funky arc to it…aarrrg!] so beats his throw options too…NERD RAGE

Ah I actually feel a lot better after venting that out.

i’ve really improved my guile in the last week or so. i finally learned how all his links work to the point i am pretty consistently doing 6-8 hit combos. i’ve come to the conclusion that all he really needs is:

easier link between lp>mp

either more damage or more stamina

a different ultra or an ultra that fully connects…or if neither of those are allowed…a way to combo or juggle into the current ultra.

thats about it. any more than that and we would be too good imo.

^ Real talk, I can’t get the lp>mp link consistently at all

If Zangief gets the air ultra, it’s over for Guile.

One of my most consistent combos is j.rh>c.lp>c.lp>dragon punch in my face counter.

… I can hit it about 70-80% of the time. :lame:

Here’s hoping to X-over combo finishing in FK->FADC->SONIC…HURRICANE

That would look amazing.

I am sure if Sonic hurricane is in this game the command for it would be hold back 2 sec then f.b.f 3P. Flash kick doesn’t send you high enough to pull of that combo i think. Even if you can it will be really time sensitive.

fk recovery would still be a concern and sure the execution time will be slim as fuck. and i still doubt about the sonic hurricane tbh lol. but we can hope.

if only his df+ rh kick would be swapped with db + rh kick which will instantly open various options for guile from ex boom to possibly ultra. few cents.

Oh yeah baby… Super Street Fighter 4

There has been some talk about all characters (new ones included) having 2 Ultras in the next instalment. Gen is the only only character that has two ultras, one for each of his fighting stances. If this comes to fruition, then I would say it is most likely gonna be the sonic hurricane or maybe Charlies Crossfire Blitz from SFA2. Still a have to wait end see.

Hopefully they will allow the sonic hurricane (if this is the new ultra) to be comboed of a flashkick, just like boxers headbutt > Ultra.

Getting rid of his stupid double leg sweep is ideally something I want to see, but I dont think this will ever happen. Even now, I rarely use this move.

Hahaha even realer talk! But that’s only online my dude the link is way easier in arcade.

Last night I landed j.rh > c.jab > c.jab > spin drive smasher and j.rh > c.jab > c.jab > tiger destruction…with guile :rofl::rofl::rofl:

haha, that happens to me all the time!

anywho. with the new installment being announced and in the interview ono speaking about new characters and talking about reading the forums regarding characters, im now even more so curious about guiles tweeks… if any…

i love guile too much to switch . hahah. i should change my name to gully and join gilley. haha

On that note, my all time favorite mispronunciation is “goo-AY-lee”, with “gweel” a close second.:looney:

Well, Ono did mention balancing existing characters (hopefully not just with a tack on ultra). Fingers crossed that they noticed Guile’s difficulties when addressing those “balancing” concerns.

*not a very substantive post, but I was psyched when the words “balance” and “sf4 characters” even came up in connection with sssf4. I am not one to whine too much, but Guile needs help to compete.

Only a little bit, I find I lose matches by only like 20-30% health now that i focus on my spacing and zoning. All he really needs is a juggle ultra and maybe a tiny damage booster.

this is exactly what i am talking about. i hate the ease of reversals on this game. i think it gives the all the shotos a huge advantage over some of the charge characters in terms of dp spam on block. having said that, even chun li, gen and honda can spam hands/legs on block.

oh and its looking like guile is definitely getting a buff in the new game which is good.

Gilley, did Capcom contact you regarding Guile tweaks? Ono says they took input from devs and the community and I don’t know a better voice for the Guile community than you. Someone should email them a link to the first post of this topic. I hope they beta it and get feedback before its released in April.