SF4 Dash Guile fixes

I meant something else, but I can’t remember for the life of me.

Edit: Ah yes. I meant c.hp!! c.hp should combo into fk & sb too.


Although you gotta take these things with a grain of salt, but Fuson had mentioned he heard that the game was going to play very different. Was there anything beyond just balance changes?


Some people have recapped it somewhere in this thread, Blitz. Much of it sounds phony.

and it does solid damage.

Thanks for the link, most of it does sound bogus to me too. If Ryu gets his metsu srk, I’m already seeing sweep into ultra nightmares, its already bad enough when he has 2 stocks of meter…

I guess we’ll see if they announce anything at TGS.

I’ve heard from a reliable source that much of this is legit.

Oh my… I think my little Guile just woke up. :tup:

anykind of sonic hurricane that slightly resembles the attributes of the mvc2 one would be heavensent

Gilley, you gonna import this one too?:wink:

That’s a lot of prospective new characters to add in the first follow on. I hope they pay more a bit more attention to balancing out the characters so people will actually use most of the cast.

Side note… what makes us love sonic hurricane so much? It’s almost more boring than ryu’s ultra yet everyone, (myself included) loves the thing!

Anyways, my main hope is that they make shoryus worse in some way, shape or form. Whether it’s the reversal window, shortcuts, retarded invincibility, 100% safe on block via FADC change… something needs to happen there.

They mentioned the sonic hurricane from MvC2 which comboed from pretty much anything. I wonder how/if it will combo given that ultras can’t be canceled and the FK recovery is so long.

I wish they would weaken SRKs too but I doubt that they would. In addition to your list, short recovery time and option selects make it too powerful given the state of other moves in its category i.e. FK.

I have a feeling besides adding the sonic hurricane, they won’t be tweaking Guile too much. They’ll be so occupied with the new slew of characters, adding new ultras to everyone’s arsenal and tweaking other characters. I know games are worked on for a good period of time but they usually end up getting rushed and I’m sure Guile will be the least of their worries.

Hopefully, I’m wrong : /

Just my .02

I agree with you, you get more bang for your buck working and featuring new characters as oppose to tweaking a player that hardly anybody plays.

crouching jab priority

i haven’t read the entire thread yet but this wasn’t mentioned on the first few pages,

why does guiles crouching jab need 4 frames of start up? almost every other character has 3 frames start up for low jab it is rediculas to give him low priority like that on a key move.

i aggree with most of the other things gilley brought up… ive been playing guile since about week 2 of sfiv being out and he is a great character to play but he just seems nerfed in his current incarnation.

I reckon we’ll see some minor looking tweaks to some of his normals that turn into an expanded arsenal of situational normals - it seems to be Capcom’s angle with regard to Guile’s design.

A friend of mine plays Ryu exclusively (started on SFIV the same time I did, but he pretty much only plays arcade) and he was taking my seconds the other day. His remarks about Guile were expected:

  1. Fuck, it’s so much harder than you make it look
  2. I’m not used to using more than 4 normals

I’d love to see a little more damage and some minor tweaks, but who knows, they might try and re-invent him.

Damage increase to his moves/normals + sonic hurricane would be something I could settle for. Especially if SH has juggling priorities like most top tiered characters.

I don’t even use Guile, but it bothers me to see how Capcom has totally disregarded such a fun character in Street Fighter IV, so here are some of my suggestions.

  • give more priority to regular Flash Kicks. Reduce their recoveries and make them propel opponents higher in the air so that ultra combo, super combo, EX Flash Kicks, or EX Sonic Booms may connect. Damage on Flash Kick -> ultra combo should be similar to Boxer’s Bufallo Headbutt -> ultra combo damage because no FADCing is needed.

  • EX Sonic Booms should knock down opponents. In corners, Guile should be able to juggle after it with ultra combo, super combo, EX Flash Kicks, or EX Sonic Booms.

  • f+HP should have a little more range

  • b+LK should recover a little bit quicker

  • cr.HK should not be interruptable and/or focus absorbable in between the hits. Make it unsafe at close range, though.

Maybe I will edit this post later when more ideas pop up.

there posts here have covered pretty much everything i had in head. hope this doesnot become a myth. but still hes pretty solid in sf4 so not much of a worry. however sonic hurrincane juggle woould be sweet :slight_smile:
