SF4 Dash Guile fixes

Flash Kick I’m iffy on, it may not be the best “get the hell off me” move, but you can certainly catch people at times they didn’t expect. I actually consciously used kara flash kick to catch my friend neutral jumping from where he thought he was safe (was mighty proud of myself haha). It’s reach is pretty far out there.

And then you play someone like Balrog or Blanka and notice that their anti-air special hits from over 3/4 screen away. And in Balrog’s case, leads to an ultra.

Seriously, it’s the worst “get the hell off me” move in the game. If Rufus does dive kick > s.short > s.fierce > fierce spin, every character can can DP him before his spin connects except for Guile(it trades). If someone is doing a super meaty attack on you, Guile’s FK has a really good chance to trade if you try to counter their meaty. Ryu’s jab DP has this problem too, which is why you’re supposed to use his strong DP in this situation. Guile’s FK doesn’t have a “different” version that he could use in this situation. There’s lots of other situations where the FK just trades to really meaty attacks. I could go on and on.

Sagat’s fireball just does too much damage it makes Guile’s sonic look bad. Just nerf Sagat’s fireball damage, and it will be fine, or buff the sonic. Doesn’t matter to me.

Dhalsim (50-80dmg)
Rose (80dmg)
Gouken (70-120dmg)
Sagat (70dmg)
Dan (70dmg)
Ryu (70dmg)
Chun-Li (50-70dmg)
Sakura (60-120dmg)
Seth (60dmg)
Akuma (60dmg)
Ken (60dmg)
Guile (50dmg)

^ Sagat’s projectile isn’t bad really. In terms of projectiles it’s more about their utility rather than their damage output.

Guile’s projectiles (I’m fairly sure) range from being both the slowest to also the fastest in the game. He’s one of the few characters that can actually use his projectile like a shield without FADC’ing like Ken or something.

I feel like sonic booms are good enough where they are, they provide a lot of utility to Guile that other people’s projectiles don’t offer. He also not only has both the slowest and fastest projectile, he has the best recovery time on them as well. In many situations, ultra’s that go through projectiles that would connect on other people, don’t connect on Guile because he’s recovered from his boom so quickly.

I think some of his larger flaws revolve around the Flash Kick and some of his very slow start-up normals (c.mk for instance).

Nah man he needs more damage on those booms at least 60 or 70dmg.

Nah, I definately think booms need a buff. First off, as mentioned, same recovery on all of them so I’m not afraid to throw an hp boom at close range. 60 damage across the board is also needed… for both sagat and for guile.

I mean, lets say you manage to hit him with 4 booms for 200dmg. It only takes him 3 tiger shots to catch up with a little extra change in his pockets. Normally, I’d say who cares, but with a perfect non-charge anti-air that combos into ultra and extra health, does he REALLY need one of the most damaging projectiles in the game? It’s just too much.

I also think in general that an argument can be made that things just need to change in how the system works more than anything else. Seriously, how fun would this game be if EVERY character could wakeup into whatever and punish any crossup attempt? How fun would it be if every character could punish every single 1 frame hole with an easy-as-pie, FADC’able into ultra reversal? I think if they took out absolute guard it would help guile out a lot. That way, if someone tries to mash out a shoryu through c.lp’s, they will get hit, giving an indication that they were trying to reversal. This is one of the reasons I picked up guile in the first place with SF2. It was easy to go from crouching block to reversal or anti-air due to the way flashkick was made.

Mmm, for those who don’t know, since it gets a lot of confusion and misinterpretation for a “guard bar” or something like that, “absolute guard” means that if you block the first attack in a series, you block all of the following attacks as well as long as there are no breaks in it. For example, if gief blocks the first hit of boxer’s ultra, he can just start spinning the stick to buffer an SPD at the first available moment without getting hit by any of the first four dash punches.

I also think that the shoryu shortcut is terrible. Don’t even include an “option” to remove it like some people have suggested… just take it out. It is one of the reasons crossups are impossible to do vs. shotos. If you score a knockdown and jump over their head all they have to do is go:


and BLAM! That’s what you get for trying to press your advantage.

That’s because guile is old school, so many scrubs pick people like akuma because they can become reasonably effective with them in a short time.

i call all of those people Soft :rofl:

Make flash kick FADC > df.:hk: > ultra possible. I don’t care how.

if there was a thing called charge partitioning, it would be possible.

Nooooo, I dont not want everybody FADC’ing into ultra.

Find some other way to maek people have useful ultras.

Maybe for guiles make it a good AA. IT would not be overpowered. You just dont jump at guile whenn he has a charge. SHOCKING…something that really doesnt exist in this game due to guiles weak fk.

fk: hitbox fix and more inv frames.
sb: more damage same recovery for every strength.
ultra: good AA.

His normals need a little tweaking (c.mk) but I would take these second to the aforementioned

Word to the non FADC ultra! It should be some type of combo ending with df. hk juggle into flash explosion or sonic hurricane. Plus I want a j. mk crossup, i’m sick of this lk you have to be close enough to sniff my ballsack crossup.

Im not against FADC-Ultra, but atleast FADC-super (which is possible with (charge):l: :r: :l: :r: motion )

j,MK animation should have crossup hitbox…

This, and have FK hit overhead.

I think FADC airthrow would be good for damage, not to mention looking really badass. But also an FADC into any air normal (like short) would be a nice reset and would give guile a crazy mixup game (much like sakura).

But what Guile really needs in an anti crossup option on wakeup. I hate being knocked down and being crossuped for free (esp. against zangief). It gives guile very little room for error in my opinion. You pretty much have to prevent him from getting knocked down for the entire match, which is doable but tough against top level players.

I really like this idea. Just the idea of being able to add 1 normal attack or air throw to an FADC’d flashkick is pretty cool. Guile’s only real dash under reset option though is c.lk > c.lp > c.mp xx flashkick though, but the tick throw setups, rejumps, poke poke FA stuff would be a lot of fun to do.

I never did understand why Capcom didn’t give Guile a super Flash Kick like the one he’s got in SNK vs. Capcom where he just goes straight up as an anti-air.

If that’s how his ultra would go, I believe it’d be a great defensive option, and I’m willing to forgo the horizontal range he currently has with his Ultra in favor of a Somersault super that goes straight up and is really meant as an anti-air.


Dang, after reading these fixes, it feels like Guile is really absent in SF4. They really half-assed on him in this game.

would be nice for him and i guess every character to have say two ultras or maybe 2 supers to choose from. Gen has two ultras, one per each of his fighting stances

In Guile’s case, maybe the Sonic hurricane ultra could be the additional one. Still wishful thinking but just a thought.

Also would love the EX Flash kick to have greater hang time for you to land the ultra with the damage scaled back a little bit, to compensate for ease of execution. AGAIN, i am probably dilusional in this case

I use to love the sonic hurricane super as i could consistently chain it in combos in capcom vs SNK before my Dreamcast got the gong