SF4 Dash Guile fixes

So why should Sagat, for instance, on top of all his other tools, get QCFx2+KKK for a “crazy damage” free AA and not us? It’s a good idea to me!

change input for ultra into qcf, qcf+3K therefore you can juggle off of a flash kick->FADC.

I thought of some combo if Guile’s super is Sonic Hurricane and can be juggle…

charge :db: then :ub: for Flash Kick -> **FADC **(:r: :r: ) -> :l:,:r: + :3p:

If Sonic Hurricane juggles, then execute Flash Explosion :china:

aah…what a dream !

With so many other ultras in the game being totally viable anti air options, all of which are easier to pull off in the first place, I don’t see why Guile’s shouldn’t be.

Minnnhhh… Guiles ultra is only potent if the full ultra connects, when it hits as anti air the first 1-3 hits usually don’t hit, and the damage is reduced. Bisons full ultra does 540, Guiles does does 503, Bison’s ultra is viable as anti air

Reversal type move -> fadc -> ultra is something no character should have, and I don’t want guile to have it either. No one should be able to throw at a move that has priority over every move, be able to dash cancel it to make it insanely safe, and be able to follow it with ultra for half life if it connects.

Flash kick is 4 frame start up, making it 3 frames would make it easier to link it from c.jab but i don’t think it would help its anti air flaws. The reason it loses and clashes so often is seems to be because of its lack on invincibility frames and shitty hit box.

A 1 frame decrease in low forward start up would be so sweet… lol

Is there any news on if and when the update from capcom will be coming.

I cant tell you how much a fixed guile would do for my win loss raito.
He’s really struggles for options compared to to what some of the other characters can do, and I’m really tired of not being having a useful super, when you consider people like sagat/ryu/boxer can tag on ridicilous amounts of damage onto juggles.

I’ll probably give this game another two months, if there is no update by then I’m gonna pull the plug I only have time to learn one character at a high level, and unless they put Dj into the game its gonna be guile. but I’m tired on being cheated out of wins.

I get kicked out of flash kicks.
My Ultra’s are not juggling.
I’m getting kickined out of my Crouching fierce punch.

I means FFS I only have two special moves.

My projetiles do crap damage.

I have a shit Ultra which is as good as as useless compared to the hit potential of others.

So any news on the horizon cos my my patience is running out.

i will add a thing:shy:

maybe (if they thought to do fixes :xeye:) they can chage the function of df+kkk to db+kkk ?
this may help to connect fk and even ultra atleast.
just my cents

At this point I don’t care if Guile’s Ultra is him doing a Tripple Comb of his hair, I just want a useful FK and more damage.

The main change i’d want as was mentioned previously is either to change the command for the current lunging knee (b+lk) or have it completely removed, this change alone will allow him to use his s.lk which will be very good for footsies and possibly combo linking and we would be able to maintain a charge.

If not at least change it so its +frames on hit and tweak the recovery, as of now its got horrible recovery even on hit.

In my opinion Guile right now has all the tools necessary to win consistently. All he really needs is a wake up option. He as alot like pre-HDR dictator, as in having to block is his only option after knock down. Just give him one frame of invincibility on his reversal flash (much like HDR dic and his one frame devil’s reverse) and we’re good to go!

taking out bazooka knee would nerf guile pretty bad

Aye, just…awkward to have a move that you desperately don’t want to hit someone with. But I guess that’s part of what makes Guile special :slight_smile:

He already does have invincibility on his flashkicks… something like 3 or 4 frames, don’t quote me on that. I have almost never traded a flashkick with any ground-based normals on my wakeup. It will obviously still get beat by things like EX messiah or EX shoryu because they both have something like… 16 invincible frames or something rediculous like that.

But what do I do against someone who crosses me up after a knock down, aside from blocking? it seems almost every character has a way to escape cross-ups after a knock down. except guile. he has no answer aside from doing a VERY late and deep anti cross up flash kick, but this doesn’t work consistently enough to do all the time (for me at least, anyone know the timing for this?)

To me, this is the only thing holding Guile back. If you can play him well enough not to get him knocked down (especially against gief), then you should be winning most of your matches. but once you get knocked down, then i hope you’ve got good D (or guessing skills) :rofl:

Well the bazooka knee has been around for awhile so maybe taking it out is a bit too dramatic I suppose, it’ll be like taking out his double sweep which btw sucks. I’d be happy with a change of input for the move or some tweaks, the move had always sucked since the move first came about. Hell its not even that great as a zoning tool.

I got MvC2 yesterday and decided to play as Guile and he is straight ridiculous in that game. I wish he was like that in SF4…

That’ll put him in the Zeus Tier if it was true

I think it could be fun if the flash kick gave a little more “pop” to its upwards launch as an anti-air and/or on counter-hit, so that Guile could consistently juggle after with a second flash kick or his super or ultra. I’m not sure how good or bad that would be for balance, though.

Fix flash kick, it’s disgusting how a jump in kick beats it…

Give him a sonic hurricane so he can combo it like in CvS2 with jump in lk>lpx2>super

A better standing round house AA

This is all the I think needs fixing.

Great post Gilley! 100% Agree, Guile is also my main and I have lots of fun withn him, but its hard fighting high level ruy’s, balrogs and sagats… its just too easy for them to cancel, ultra you to another world! Hope capcom listens!

Would be nice to see a middle level between Guile from sf2 (so cheap it was laughable) and sf4 (so very few options its almost like playing with handicap on ;p!)