SF4 Dash Guile fixes

Like I said, depending on how they handle it it could go either way, but if the idea is to give Guile a punisher off of it, it would need to put them in crumple long enough for him to do that, over 55 frames or about a full second.

The difference between having Guile’s EX boom do this and Dee Jay’s Dred Kick, is that the Dred Kick has a pretty long animation, giving you ample time to store the charge for the ultra: the crumple he gets doesn’t really last all that long, it looks like an FA2 or worse.

It also puts him pretty far away, his ultra or super just about the only thing he -can- land.

When I mentioned limiting, I meant to say that Ryu doesn’t need this kind of assistance to land his ultra, whereas Guile and a few others rarely land theirs and something like this would be a cute way of addressing the problem. I like it.

As for long loops (and the scaling), I could care less as long as things like the RSF* and the buggy loops get looked at.

  • I don’t mind the RSF too much, but no-one down here really uses it.


…well Ryu, Rufus and Sagat.

EX boom crumpling? That would be some crazy shit! I think even a max screen EX boom through a fireball for one hit and a crumple might give you enough time to dash up > sweep and push you op farther into the corner. I think from close up your only options would be sweep, strait flashkick, super, ultra, or jump in back air throw. Idon’t think you would have time to dash up, grab a charge, and c.mp > flashkick. Then again… you may have enough to time walk up, b.hk > combo. There’s some serious potential here.

Side note, ryu / ken / akuma / boxer all need to have every single one of their normals do at least one frame less hit/block stun and/or start up one frame slower. Guile need another frame block / hitstun on almost all his normals.

Crumple on EX boom sounds too good to be true.

This may be completely bonkers but after seeing Juri’s EX-air kick move bouncing the character off the wall I am wondering if maybe EX-FK near the corner could do the same.

…possibly setting up an air throw?

that would be sick. (although thinking about recovery time doesn’t make this seem likely)

hmm… after seeing T.Hawk with a horizontal condor i was thinking (again) would giving Guile an Air Dash (maybe w/ Gouken’s Air focus property) be viable in SSF4?

jump then either tap :r:,:r: or :3p:

dashing for… 16 frames but traveling… 1.7 distance then descending; If air focus is not used he could follow up with a j.normal or air throw after…

This could open a lot of jump control options and help his dash/jump/walk in SB game :wonder: cross up SB?

Still would like…

  1. better hit box on at least one FK (lk.FK), 2 hit [90*70 dmg] hk.FK (SSF2 style), Charlie’s FK for EX (from ultra) with follow up options.
  2. +10 dmg buff on choice hp attacks (cr.hp and back fist w/ reach buff)
  3. +10 dmg buff mp.SB, +20 dmg buff hp.SB, crumple effect on Ex.SB :wow:
  4. cr.hk [8060 dmg] 1st hit SpSu cancelable, 2nd hit Su cancelable, and only kd if both hits connect.

someone actually did this to me on psn once. best rog i ever played.

his psn id is KIT94LAOS if anyone wants to get their ass handed to them lol.

I like this idea. i thought i was the only one that wanted to change this since there aren’t that many people saying anything about it. but if Capcom fixed this issue making it a chain combo, they would probably take away the one he already have. are you willing to deal with that? I don’t really think i am but i would have to try it out. being a pretty low caliber guile player i use his chain combo strategically. but if they don’t bother with the c.mk-f.mp combo then i can deal with a c.fk-c.fk chain. we all can agree that the punishment for missing that move is not that fair.

That is the nature of their normals, they are fine. Ryu and Boxer are almost PERFECTLY balanced.
Making guile have more blockstun for his attacks would be pretty ridiculous.

Regarding adding knock-down to EX boom, I think a better change might be to lessen the knock-back so Guile can land a level 2 EX cancel mid-screen. Maybe just more FA-cancel opportunity in general would be a good idea.

I am completely fine with doing away with the current target combo (keep the overhead as a mixup option though). As it is the target combo bugs they hell out of me because it is risky (have to be close and kill your charge) for little return (both damage-wise and positioning). Nothing combos after it and on block it can be interrupted. And you have to surrender charge to input the crap damage two-hit snore fest.

A target combo based on c.RH would be pretty awesome. After the first hit inputting LK could be a quick poke. hitting MK could sobat away and hitting HK would continue the second half of the sweep. If no second input is hit it is a single hit sweep. Even more options with punch button inputs but that might get ridiculous. Keeps with Guile being a normal move wizard.

Wouldn’t it be more interesting to make the overhead more useful by bumping up the hit stun/reducing the recovery? Ryu’s overhead is a combo starter, so it wouldn’t be unique there (so is Boxer’s, so is Viper’s), and obviously there is precedent for target combos leading into a variety of ridiculousness. Being able to link a c.jab after the overhead would lead to all kinds of fun.

I think the normals that need tweaking are sobat and low forward.

Sobat should leave the ground sooner, and maybe start up a frame faster, low forward needs to be a frame faster too.

Haha, hell, it needs to leave the ground period. I would love to see the sobats and the upside-down kick be unthrowable. I’ve used upside-down kick on occaision to add to corner pressure (boom > walk forward > UDK) but normally I’ll just get thrown out of it. Making those moves airborne on frame 3 or 4 (or whenever the animation goes airborne) would make them nice wakeup pressure or escape tools on gief, fuerte, and abel, as well as good tick throw characters like ken, akuma, and rufus.

I think boxer is pretty balanced… but Ryu? Ugghh. :xeye:

ya man, sobat gets thrown when he’s like 3 feet off the ground =[

I still think ryu is the best character in the game, I often hear people say how balanced ryu is. I truly do not understand what the definition of balance is in this context.

How is the best or second best character balanced? Doesn’t that in itself make him unbalanced?

Maybe they mean balanced as in he’s equally fucking incredible at every aspect of the game.

Well it’s pretty obvious ryu’s balanced.

-Best special move in the game. (lp dp)
-Best poke in the game. (c.mk)
-More normal links than any other character due to gratuititus block and hitstun on everything he has. Many are braindead easy (c.lp > c.mp) others do retarded damage (f.hp > c.hp)
-Most ultra setups. Yes, he has more than rufus, quit kidding yourselves.
-Second best super in the game. (honda’s is more important)
-Won third in an ambiguous crossup contest.
-Arguably the most solid FA.

The angle most people see here is that Ryu has no weaknesses, so he is, therefore balanced. Honestly, the guy is just makes the most out of the SF4 engine. A change to absolute guard, easy reversals, or just a change to how untouchable shoryukens are for every character who has them would go a long way into making the entire game better.

Just sharing my utter hate with you Warahk. The ryu’s must be getting pretty good down in socal now? Japan is like dying and going to street fighter hell with all these ryus.

Time to sit back and wait for some scrub to find this thread and to tell me “You know shoryus can be baited, right?”

I have to disagree about hondas super being better than ryus. If you mean that honda needs his more when you say it’s more important, that just tells me that ryu’s super has no business having that many setups, with that fast a startup, with that recovery advantage on block, and being able to land it anywhere on the screen

I just want to headbutt someone when i see how many advantages that character has…and alot of people don’t think anything needs to be changed

+1. ryu is retarded on this game.

now for anyone who reads this post, picture this scenario:
if there were NO ULTRAS in this game, what tier would guile be?**

or a theoretical version of the same question:

who do you think guile still loses to at even life once the other player has whiffed their ultra? obviously there are still a couple of characters who have the match in their favour. i just dont think it’s by very much.

the way i see it is that’s pretty much all that separates him from being with the rest of the big boys in this game. guile doesn’t even have an ultra. neither do honda or vega. yes some characters have a better poke here or there, but i really do fancy my chances of winning with against ANY character once they have whiffed their ultra.

i’m interested to see what you guys think.

Against ryu, depends how many mistakes i can goad him into making, still anyones game but i have to work much harder than he does

Against most other characters, i’ll probably win if they miss their ultra.

What do you guys think of the argument that ryus super for example is fine because you can bait them into using it…Wow…i can’t believe someone said that