SF4 Dash Guile fixes

Kind of funny as most of Guile’s “big-damage” b-n-b combos start with a jump in.

Even funnier is that guile doesn’t have any devastating punishes for jumpins. They really ought to change crouching fierce so that it hits for 100 damage at any height

Simply making someone weak isn’t difficult.

That quote is also a gem,especially since they were talking about how a guile style character would be too strong if they left him alone

This comment actually scared me. It shows how out of touch the developers are with Guile. No Guile does not want his opponents to jump at him(it’s cool and all). It’s really Ryu/Sagat who wants their opponent to jump at them.

why did the guile thread in the main forum get closed yet most other characters still have their thread open? i sense a conspiracy lol.

It’s not closed, i just don’t feel like posting buffs he should get there and being opposed by arguments such as “His flashkick recovery is fine because HP SRK takes longer to recover”

The buffs listed in this thread make sense so anyone here can try their luck over there by reposting them where they are strangely opposed.


Exactly. The inherent flaw of charge character anti-air is that they are in a crouching position which is a total giveaway. Shoto characters will always have better anti-air because the input for the moves are quick and up to the reflexes of the player. Sure Guile has c.f. uppercut but so do Ryu and Ken. Guile’s uppercut trades quite a bit…and against Sagat’s elbow drop, uppercut is almost nullified (same with flash kick…nerf).

Read on any other character matchup thread and you’ll see consistently, jump in on guile and cross-up all day to win.

lol I don’t have to read them… I experience it every day!

My Ryu friends know now that once they get a knockdown, it’s crossup time and hope I guess wrong.

I have never played Guile defensively in other games. Do the SF4 devs really think WW through ST Guile is a turtle character? That’s crazy talk!

It’s looking more and more everyday like Dee Jay will be my new main. They don’t have to work around the “final build” of a character that was never released. They even mention using his slide to keep charge, move forward and attack. This is how Guile’s bazooka knee SHOULD have been like in SF4. Not the “bazooka knee > wait FOREVER > boom” that it is now.

I liked Dee Jay a lot in ST as well, I’ve always just been partial to the family man.

@Gilley Ya, the way they talk about Guile makes it really apparent that the devs don’t actually play him. Guile doesn’t have a single 99% reliable AA move like the shotos do. FK, Super, Ultra, c.HP, s.mk, s.mp (lulz) all can be stuffed if your timing isn’t perfect. Compare this to an srk that is almost 100% reliable and hell, if Ryu trades he can ultra off of it. When I play Ryu and have ultra meter, I actually WANT to trade. Sad that devs don’t understand the family man.

I find myself using ultra solely to escape cross-ups with that (oh so fantastic) one-hit reset. I will have the full Revenge gauge burning and it is the most useful thing I can think to do with it.

Oh god, SRK is turning into the WoW forums :wtf:… So apparently I was Neg repped for this and the person demanded an explanation, so here it is:

The more and more I browse through character forums, the more they remind me of the World of Warcraft class forums. And when people start saying things like “My character isn’t exactly the way I’d like, ergo the people who made him and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this project never picked him up once” they fully step into that realm. That’s all.

Who pissed in your cereal this morning?

There are two are ways this went. Either the devs made a conscious decision to make Guile inferior to every other incarnation of him in other games and purposely gimp his FK, Ultra, normal priority, the fact that he trades all the time etc or they overlooked his inherent flaws in SF4.

I’d like to think that they don’t play him much and therefore overlooked the fact that the game shipped with him having some glaring issues rather than them making him low tier on purpose.

Why don’t you go back and read specifically what we are talking about before making such comments. The matter being discussed is that the developer being interviewed said that “Guile wants his opponents to jump at him”. So I guess you’re agreeing with this statement then?

Guile does not want his opponent to jump at him, Guile wants his oppnents to make mistakes(usually setup from a sonic boom) so that he can punish. Jumping at Guile leads to a c.fierce. Jumping at Ryu/Sagat/etc. leads to 1/2 your life being taken away.

What you were saying is totally irrelevant, but I absolutely agree with you that Guile doesn’t want people to jump at him (unless you’re chilling with ex and charge, then by all means eat the 180 damage).

You’re making leaps here, clearly I didn’t say initially whether or not I agreed, because as I said that’s totally irrelevant, the point was that that kind of rhetoric is extremely reminiscent of World of Warcraft class forum whining relevant and accurate or not. I didn’t have some huge conspiracy, hidden agenda behind the comment: it was quite literally an observation that when the developer’s opinion and the player’s opinion disagree, that the player often comes to the conclusion that the developer ignores / hates / doesn’t play / has a hidden agenda to purposely ruin their character.

When realistically…they just made a mistake. They may even be ignorant to the fact that they did so. Sorry to walk in when everyone was buttoning up their serious business pants.

(EDIT) Though in the context of what they said, and how they were saying it, and the entirety of what they were saying, I don’t take issue with what was said. I read “Jump in” as a substitute for the implication of being offensive, as in, “Dee Jay wants to be on the offensive the whole time, unlike Guile, Guile wants you to come to him.” Which isn’t necessarily accurate, but for the sake of the extremely basic and straight forward example of what they were trying to get across, the contrast between an iconic defensive character to the offensive rushdown style that Dee Jay plays, what they said was entirely justified.

They’re obviously not going to take 45 minutes explaining the nuance of Guile’s mix of offensive and defensive pressure, it’s a fucking interview. Was it a hyperbole? Sure, but so was saying that if Dee Jay ever stopped attacking he’d die and you don’t see many people contesting that.

Ideally here are some refinements I would like to see.

  • I feel that upon connecting a C LP, they should enable Guile to link a C MP much easier, just like the shotos can. After using Ryu in training mode doing a C LP > C MP link is very easy to link.

  • Give the C MK better range and speed and improve the hitbox of the DF HK

  • Make it easier for the ultra to anti air. ATM you can use Guile’s super to anti air, however damage will be minimal.

  • a better backdash, at the moment I still think it is shitty.

  • If a third special was to be given to him, then I think a command based kicking combo could make him a better offensive fighter. Perhaps ***( Charge Back > Forward + kick) ***

  • for the double leg sweep, i think that only the second hit should come out if you press C HK the second time.

  • Being able to combo an Ultra off an EX Flash kick much easier. This will send fear through most opponents and they will not simply throw random moves that leave them open. At the moment, you can only do this off an early flash kick, LK Super or a Lvl2 FA. Then again all characters can land an ultra off a lvl2 FA.

I don’t know about you, but I seriously don’t want to see another AA to ultra setup, we have enough of those with ryu, ken, sagat, cammy etc yet it seems that everyone is asking for one for every character.

I want to see sonic boom be as useful as this [media=youtube]5Rf1xyPJjmo&feature=player_profilepage[/media]

so JWonggg just said that DJ could do c.jab > c.jab > c.strong > EX dred kick >ultra with DJ. You can do this because the EX dred kick causes focus crumple. I bet I know what Capcom’s doing to the EX SB :rofl:

It actually solves a few of Guile’s issues in one awesome change.


J.rh > S.fp xx EX.Boom > c.mp xx EX.Boom > c.mp xx EX.Boom > c.mp xx EX.Boom > c.mp > rh.fk.

Depending on how they handle that I could see it being either fine or horrendously broken OP

Without the dash ability of an FA, you wouldn’t be able to get close enough for that kind of tomfoolery - sounds like it’ll add the ability to set up a crumple as a combo finisher allowing a final finisher. Hopefully this is limited to certain cast members (i.e., the non-shoto chars who have no ultra options).

Meh, whatever. Guile can already do those kinds of combos in SF4. Doesn’t make him overpowered in the slightest.

Vidya doesn’t seem to work. any other formats?

edit: I am quite tipsy though, so don’t sweat it

Let’s put it this way, you know how balrog can do c.jab > c.jab > EX upper x 4, then do c.jab > c.jab > headbutt > ultra?

Yeah it’s a cool combo that goes on forever but it’s a HUGE waste of meter and the combo does around 50% damage at most.