SF4 Dash Guile fixes

He wouldn’t be an underdog if he had the necessary tools to win. I don’t get the appeal of playing the less popular character for the sake of it being less popular; in the end, you’re still playing a character based on it’s popularity and not what the character is.

It’s basically saying, “I hope he becomes a good character that no one likes playing.”

I’d much rather Guile’s ultra autocombos than allowing players to be able to combo into it. There have been so many times I’ve landed this move only to have 2 or 3 hits (had I input the command any later, opponent would have landed and blocked).

IMO it’s the worst ultra in the game (at least when vega’s connects, it hits all parts of the ultra; none of this two/three hits crap) for just that one reason. Others include lack of travelling (sagat’s ultra - he flys across the god-damn screen), low damage (overall), silly input (it’s different to his old-school because of the second down+back, making it harder to pull off) and lame recovery (this is the final nail in the coffin). It’s got far too many negatives compared to anyone elses in the game.

I do so hope he gets a buff in ssf4 though. I really don’t mind about his tier ranking or whatnot, but this guy really needs a buff. Be it hp, stun, recovery, Fk priority, damage output - anything really.

Only way I reliably land his ultra is flash kicking them at the peak of their jump and then ultra’ing them very, very deep. Sadly, this only does 400 damage. The super, ironically enough, does more damage off of the FK juggle.

It’s just kind of shitty because you shouldn’t be jumping at guile like that anyways, y’know?

i only use it for chip damage, randomly on wakeup and if i get a focus crumple.

I don’t get why Guile’s ultra is so bad. It’s a flash kick repeated three times so logically it should be a good AA but even Rufus’s Ultra works better against landing opponents :frowning:

I agree with the majority of what’s been said about upgrading guile…Guile is my secondary, I main Ryu… But yeah…Ultra needs to be fixed…Needs more priorty and a lot more damage…It’s hard to land as it is.

Another problem I have with guile is basically chaining his combos…It seems like when you go from a cross up, jump in, etc…You can only combo into a sonic boom or flash kick after using m.p…

Also considering, that guile ONLY HAS 2 special moves…Flash kick needs to have less recovery time. At LEAST same amount of recovery time as ryu’s dp…,

EX sonic boom knock down
Increase sonic boom dmg
Less recovery time for FK
More priorty to FK and Ultra
More dmg ultra

after seeing some of the videos of guile in sf4’s testing stages, it seems to me that he was actually a really good character at one stage (albeit with a really bad cr.hk). he had much more damage and much more priority. my guess is that the original build of him was TOO GOOD for what they wanted guile to be (they probably wanted guile around high mid tier where viper is but they built him too strong, so they nerfed him. problem was they ended up nerfing him a little too much).

guile is a very hard character to balance because his cannon normals that originate from sf2 are so good. if they accidentally make his supers too good then he becomes sagat mk 2.

vega and blanka are hard characters to balance too but for different reasons. their game is more gimmick based.

having said all that, if his ultra hits…it should frickin’ hit completely. none of this 3 hit nonsense.

i had a problem linking the mp for a while…but i realised that this is an online thing.

go into training mode and practise, practise and practise his links. 2 weeks ago the biggest combo i could do was 5/6 hits…now i can do 13 hit combos without using super or ultra. i know they aren’t practical because of damage scaling, but practise means you learn these kinds of timings.

when you go online you will notice that the timing is totally different unless you have a connection with next to no lag whatsoever. however, because you have practised so much, you will be able to adapt.

Do you have a link to some videos of how guile was before the game actually came out?

http://www.youtube.com/user/THEmounster flick through this guys youtube page.

I really don’t think he needs any kind of buffing. He just needs some tweaking to make him a great character again. Allow him the ability to juggle into ultra and maybe finally giving him a NEW move. Other then that leave him alone.

I’d rather they fix his normals(more damage,range they used to have,activation time they use to have etc) adjust his links so they can be consistantly used online since that’s going to be most of what people see, and give him an ultra that matters as well as fixing his specials

Guile has needs his B+B to do a descent amount of damage. Flash kick needs more priority, MORE DAMAGE, more damage with Sonic Boom. Make Sonic Hurricane Level 3, Add the rush punch super from CVSNK2. He needs to be able to combo MK->Sonic Hurricane. His rush super needs to be able to plow through fireballs. Standing MP, Crouching HP need more priority vs jump ins. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO SOMETHING ABOUT HIS SWEEP.

Does anyone think Guile needs a new move?

I main Guile at Chinatown fair…and there’s always someone watching who says…guile’s got 2 moves. Tired of hearing this but it’s true. He’s got some good normals, but look at all the other charge characters that have at least 3 specials. Deejay is pretty similar to Guile and he has 4 specials…I dunno…guile needs something…otherwise he’s always going to be a 2 trick pony with not as many mix-up options as other players. (Generally it’s satisfying to beat anyone with Guile 'cus he’s got less moves that…everyone).

Thoughts anyone?

I don’t really think he needs a 3rd move (strengthening his current moves and giving him more forgiving frame windows for combos would suffice), but IF he got one, I think it’d need to be something along the lines of Terry Bogard’s crack shoot kick in KOF; like an inverted FK that goes over fireballs and hits overhead (similar to Chun-Li’s overhead kick thingy). This would give him a good 3rd crucial threat route against opponents and make them more timid trying to close distance on him when they see him give up his down charge. Give it the ability to be followed up with c.mp>fk or sb, and it would give him the intimidation factor that he is completely lacking now.
As far as Deejay goes, I think they really overdid it giving him both a charge projectile and his charge carousel kick move. Combining that with his machine gun upper and that other rising kick charge move he has is retarded.

I don’t believe he needs more moves, he just needs to do more damage overall with his specials (FK, SB), and Cr.HP ;). Fk needs more invincibility frames. I think this will already put guile about top-mid tier. Add in twicks for ultra then Guile will be a force to reckon with.

Guile doesn’t need anymore moves, if you wanted to add something though it should be a command grab if anything. He’s a combo machine and box out character, no body protects this house like Guile.

Yeah the character is called Charlie, my favorite SF character.

[media=youtube]vCc_z7ea0DU"[/media] <----You’ll see him do it at 17 seconds in the air

Charlie was my main throughout the Alpha series, so I feel you on that one. It was ridiculous how badly they nerfed him in that series too…

Seth Killian mentioned Ken is getting a new move in SSFIV. You guys still think Guile doesn’t need a new move if a upper mid-tier character like Ken is getting one? I know it may change Guile strategy but really could be cool. All up to the game designers on how it’s integrated.

Oh and the source of the new move article:

Guile definitely wants the opponent to jump in at him.”

If this is really how the mindset of the devs are, then please Capcom fix his Ultra and FK so they don’t get stuffed so damned easy!