SF4 Dash Guile fixes

with all the things going on selectable ultras, 8 new characters, tracks, i hardly believe that they are gonna remember the family man.

Why don’t we just wait and see what happens instead of being so pessimistic? I’m sure they will give him changes for the better, he’s already a really solid character with some of the best normals across every button. He just needs better FK priority and a way to combo into ultra. I beat kids with NORMALS people, it’s not about the ultra with Guile. When I lose a round its only be around 20-30% health so when they fix the combo into ultra problem my win % will go up like crazy. As it is it’s really hard to get in on Guile, I do minimal stuff to win and that’s all you really need to do.

As much as I appreciate your optimism and want to agree with you, I just don’t see it happening. With adding 8 new characters and new ultras for everyone, I can see Gulie falling by the wayside.

Bottom line is, we all should dust off our maracas because Dee Jay is our front runner now.

Godlike post is godlike

I was going to alt DJ anyways. But I think you’re jumping the gun, do you work for Capcom? Answer, no. So doesn’t that mean you know as much as I do? Answer, yes. Ono said EVERYBODY is getting tweaks and such and it’s only October, they have till spring to change stuff.

on the ssf4 board it feels like people are all trying to get as many buffs for their charcter as possible.

whats annoys me about this is that if i mained ryu/rog/abel i wouldn’t be asking for anything at all…yet people are asking for more for ryu! quite unbelievable.

deluded sagat players are whining about how he doesn’t need a nerf whatsoever which is total bull.

gen players want more damage despite their ridiculous crossup capability and four ultras.

bison, blanka and ken could do with a couple of things…but i’ve seen ken players are asking for like 12 things when he probably needs very little now he has a new ultra. blanka is a hard one to balance and i think it’s better to balance him in a way that doesn’t make him overpowered.

i saw an abel player asking for more damage.:rolleyes:

this is all without even bringing up the new characters. they might make this game less balanced than sf4 unless they are very careful. my guess is one of the new characters will be god tier on this game, wait and see.

anyways, because of the above reasons i think that the characters that definitely need some buffs (fei/claw/guile/sim/rose/honda) are going to be slightly improved, but characters that might not deserve too much improvement will also be getting extra ways to demoralise us on crossup.:yawn:

so in summary, i think we will be back to square one lol.:razz:

i’ve been told by numerous people to start checking out dee jay as he is a similar kind of player to guile. i am gonna stick with guile but alt deejay and see how i go with him. can anyone explain the similarities/differences as i have never used him for serious before.

agree with the whole post. i visit those threads just for some laugh. =Z

I will probably switch to him. hes very similar to guile in st, and i would expect the same in this new game.

Exactly. I didn’t want to name names, but that’s what I was trying to say.

As for Dee Jay, the only similarity in my eyes is that you’ll charge down/back a lot. His normals are useful, but awkward. To me he’s as different from Guile as Honda, Balrog, Chun, Bison, and Vega are from each other.

Umm, he is actually very similar to Guile, not just the charge part of his game.

Really? I could have sworn he looked a lot like a mix of juggling and offensive pressure with several unique ways to basically rush the person down. (Could be totally wrong)

He doesn’t even remotely come off as a zoning character outside of having a projectile.

If they base him on his ST and HDRemix style of play, then Deejay can be one of the best zoning characters in the game. I remember seeing some EVO videos of ST matches where Afrolegends kept people OUT with Deejay.

That’s just how I feel about it. I would certainly like to hear your and anyone else’s feelings on the similarities. Personally, I think Dee Jay is more like Chun Li than Guile.

Computer-controlled Deejay in ST is probably the most difficult Street Fighter opponent I’ve ever faced… I love how the CPU in that game can WALK FORWARD and hit you with a charge move. lol

Actually, without knowing who the other new characters will be yet besides Deejay, T. Hawk, and Juri(?), Deejay is the one I’m most worried about. I remember him being a nightmare bitd on ST. His projectile, his forward carousel kick charge move thing, and that anti-air upward kick thing he has are going to be a pain in the a*s to deal with.

Guile’s stun is actually 900. One of the worst in game.

I really don’t understand why Guile has all these flaws or such retarded stun - sakura, a school girl semi-trained by Dan, has a higher stun than this guy, who’s in the military!

Low damage output and damage scaling makes his long combos pointless (as do the shoto/sagat’s instant-get-me-out-of-jail-free card dragon punch move), crappy ultra, stupid fk that is less effective as anti-air than one of his normals, and extremely long recovery in general (this guy can create sonic booms from his f*cking hands…HE SHOULDN’T TAKE SO LONG TO RECOVER).

I just don’t understand why Capcom nerfed him like this; he’s clearly poorly balanced and cannot see the reasoning/logic behind these nerfs. I get he is supposed to be a combo machine, hence low dmg to balance it. But, with damage scaling in addition, this nerfs him really badly. To put it in perspective: I saw a 16 hit combo guile video today, took 40% dmg off Ryu (and wasted both his super and ultra). His BnBs do about 20% in a quarter as many hits.

i can see what you are saying.
I play an offensive guile, and dee jay (in super turbo anyway) had a lot of similarities and properties of his attacks.
But yeah i can understand why you see him more as a chun li style character.

@pakman Yeah they don’t want him to be good anymore i think lol. Remy from 3s sucked ass, mvc2 he isn’t so great, sf4 he sucks. I think they hate guys with booms :rofl:

We hate the guys/the guys that go boom/we’re Capcom, Japan and we hate the boom

Oh no you didn’t… lmao :rofl:

For your info, Capcom had 17+ yrs to tweak Guile since SF2. Look at Guile and other characters 17 yrs ago and look at Guile right now. Let face it, if Guile is to be tweaked, he will only be tweaked for the worse, always.