SF4 Dash Guile fixes

**Looks like Juri’s got a FK too :sad:
Rufus getting more mixups is just crazy. If they give Guile more useless but flashy moves, i’m going to be sick. **

I think a good solution to please everyone who’s divided on the EX boom topic, is to yield different results based upon what two buttons are pressed.

For example, LP+MP would create a vacuum effect, bring your opponent towards you.

MP+HP would have a knock-back property, pushing them further away than normal.

LP+HP could either pop them into the air, knock them down, or whatever your hearts desire.

Personally I think this sort of option should be implemented for all EX’s, to add a small touch of depth and mind games.

i think Guile’s upside down kick should hit an opponent overhead like in the old games. and it should come out quicker. his links should go to atleast 2 frames. sonic booms are cool the way they are. maybe if they take a little more damage. He should have regular 1000 points of health. an extra ultra can be like the rushdowin one in mvc2 or the hurricane…whatever…Plus i think it should be like 3rd strike where you choose your ultra before the match. but i guess 2 at once would be interesting…

but in the end if Charlie makes it in, im going to switch

No, upside down kick should not be an overhead. Too strong. Especially when you factor in its combo potential.

Guile has 1000 stamina buddy…

piss on rufus.

I don’t see why Sagat or Ryu need anymore improvements…

Guile’s flash kick on the other hand needs a few more invincible frame and overhead, it’s frustrating when jumk kicks stuffs FK when it’s supposed to be antiair :frowning: I say reduce the horizontal range and let it hit more straight up. Guile needs more tools to get out of wakeup crossup attempts. Com’on Capcom, it’s a charge move, no chance of spammage unlike certain characters.

the only reason i argue he should have 1050 or 1100 is because is damage is nowhere near where it should be. he should be at least even with ryu in damage imo. if not, then make his links easier so it’s easier to achieve ryu like damage.

I would say since each character has their own attributes and such CLEARLY Guile should be given more. He’s an Air Force Colonel or Major now right? So that being said he’s probably the smartest or one of the smartest characters in the whole game seeing as just getting to be a pilot they only accept like the top 4% of applicants. He’s a military man and a fighter so as far as health and stun he should have around 1150-1100 health and 1000-1100 stun, this is a well conditioned soldier we are talking about here. Guile is nobody’s bitch. He has been crapped on people, yet the rest of the community thinks we should move on. I say fuck them wait till SSF4, the family man is coming back with vengeance.

nah i wouldlove the 1 frame links lol . it kinda shows who you are. and most importantly you feel proud when u actually land those 1 frame link combos. and thats just me. only think i would love is a slight boost in the overall damage from his normals and get rid of his no priority ultra.

I actually wouldn’t terribly mind 1050 or 1100hp, at least we’d be a bit more durable through everything. I’m still shocked he has 900 stun, he’s a jacked out US soldier!

I think most of the improvements we’re looking for have been pretty thorough mentioned. I mean, one thing though that I don’t think has been mentioned, is that I’d really like to see him have more combo potential. That’d go a long way.

Being able to combo off close standing roundhouse, low forward, and it would -never- happen but crouching fierce, Guile would be a lot more deadly. That’d solve his damage problem outright. We’d be able to pull some c.mk xx ex.sb! =P

woops. someone told me he had 900 and i believed him lol. yeah cool. guile should be tight in the next one. i already think he’s the shit. at this point in my guile practice he seems pretty even with everybody. I kinda dont want him to change too much cause i like that he’s not popular. but we’ll see. ill continue with him and charlie both. Im more a charlie guy but because of sf4 i love guile now too

it would be nice to see our faith in guile rewarded with an upgrade in ssf4, i just get the feeling he’s still going to fall short even after his buffs.

we’re all sitting here saying “well if he could combo into ultra” or “more damage and a better wake up flash kick” but the reality is he is probably just going to get one more gimmick…and then they will move on to someone else. for such a popular character from the original series he seems like one of the most neglected since the sf2 series.

it is rewarding pulling off j.hk, cr.lk, cr.lp, cr.mp, fk…but i never feel comfortable it’s going to hit.

with ryu for example, when you do his version of the same combo (hdk instead of sb or fk) you always feel in control of the string.

Hopefully Capcom pulls a fast one on everybody’s asses and brings Charlie back as one of the 8ish characters. If they did that it would be a wrap! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:

I keep reading in Ono interviews that the entire goal of SSF4 is to listen to what the fans want. He constantly mentions e-mails from fans requesting things to be considered in the update.

This info about fixing Guile is all fine and dandy on this board – and Capcom may be reading it – but we really need to e-mail it to Ono. The fact is that there are far more Guile players in America than Japan, and suggestions about improving Guile from Japanese players are probably lost in a sea of ideas about how to give Ryu yet another way to combo into Ultra.

Seriously, Guile players are a dedicated group and it’s about time we’re rewarded for that loyalty (illness?) with a strong mid-tier character.

Anyone with a clue how to read Japanese want to find Ono’s e-mail address so we can send him some friendly reminders that Guile needs more attention than just handing him Sonic Hurricane and calling it a day?

PB: You still playing this? :slight_smile:

I feel that, as Guile users all, our concerns are among the most valid, and that our suggestions have been among the most reasonable. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to see some of those suggestions realized in Super next spring.

Then again, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if they weren’t.

I try to get in an hour or two a day, with a few days off now and then. Just passed the 300 hour mark, so yeah I’ve been playing as life permits :wink:

Agreed. Honestly though, for some reason I’m expecting them to almost completely disregard him, save for changes that are mandatory to all characters. e.g., extra supers and such.

It amazes me that he went from being among the best in SF2 to being mediocre ever since. Ryu and Sagat however, have always been very good. Doesn’t make sense.

Well, it makes sense from the perspective that Ryu is and has always been the flagship of SF and his rivalry with Sagat is the most storied in fighting game history.

The tweaks we’ve asked for Guile to have regarding his FK coverage and stun damage and Ultra and things aren’t game breakers, so I hope to see some of them implemented. In fact, I don’t really want his mechanics to change at all; just some of his properties.

I agree with you, but it almost seems as if they’ve cheated the character, having nerfed him so much compared to the old days.

It just seems to me that he’s just an obligatory character to Capcom these days, so they couldn’t care less how effective he is.

I can use him just fine, mind you, being able to beat Sagats in tourney mode and what not, but Guile just doesn’t quite feel right, as if he’s not where he should be.

It’s obviously not bad enough for me to not use him, but like the general consensus here, it’s minor things that make a rather profound impact.

Hopefully we see something though, keeping my fingers crossed.