Thanks. Is it not possible to,, st.hp? I can into st.hp but I can’t use 2 of them then the hp. Why is that?
Can you explain why thats the case? First hit of MP DP only does 70. LP DP does 100.
Also, for HP, Hadoken, into FDAC HP. Do you queue the hadoken before the hp even comes out? Or do you wait for the HP then do the hadoken? I’m trying to do this. Any advice?
I didn’t know where to ask this question. Didn’t want to start a new thread.
I’ve been practising some more advanced FADC combos and realised that I tend to kind of double tap the Focus Attack.
So for instance I will do st.hp, lp.hadoken, FADC (by pressing mp+mk twice and dashing simultaneously), st.hp…etc.
I seem have more success this way. I think it’s because sometimes I miss the timing on the lp.hadoken, so the first mp+mk can also act as a mp.hadoken…?
Is this good practice? Bad practice? Or just a case of do what works?
I use one step FADC and tend to prefer timing everything right than mashing or rushing things.
The more you have to do on the stick the harder it is. That’s my all in one rule.
I can definitely do both. Need to work harder on the timing for the one touch FA input.
Which power hadoken do people generally use for cs.hp, hadoken, FADC? Does it matter? I’ve been using lp.hadoken because I generally piano/plink the cs.hp, so the lp.hadoken feels easiest. They are all the same start up and recovery anyway right?
Realized it’s not worth trying to stand a crouching opponent mid combo. Unless you can get a far rh, or start with cr.fierce/ you may aswell try to go into fiercexxdp, unless you’re looking for tatsu sweep. Other than that you lose too much stun (around 40-60 points) trying to get the force stand and the trade off is alittle more damage (around 10 points)
@BornFreeSRK the choice of fireball for cl.hp xx Hado is down to preference.
As for combos from farther out, there are some “Desk level” combos that rely on the slightly slower travel speed of lp or mp Hado to make the combo work
The hk.tatsu FADC into > is a one frame link, difficult but good in damage.
More combos, especialy Far.hp combos will follow by time.
If you have the meter, replace hp.srk with the EX version to get more damage and stun.
hey guys its been a while since I’ve practiced but shouldn’t the hk in>fb>fadc>hk always hit? is it range dependant where if I’m to close or to far the opponent can block the hk?
At the very tip of hitbox cancel to any hadouken is not a true string and as far as I have tested anywhere in between range will connect. Couldn’t get x2 lights>cr.mpxx fball fadc, or x2 lights>>cr.mkxx fball fadc…to connect the fadc, they always recovered in time. So my rule with it was if you are to close or at the tip it won’t connect