I might be wrong, but pretty sure they couldn’t claim copyright in this case because it counts as news on a public event and therefore is covered completely by fair use. It’s like if I tried to claim copyright on the score for the local football game when it was a public event.
The news in general has very little ability to copyright anything they report, only the article/video itself. For instance you couldn’t copy what they wrote word for word, but if you wrote your own report using their data they couldn’t do anything about it.
But it’s probably safer to just let them be silly (Seriously legal action for tournament results? What the hell Eventhubs?!) just in case of some strange loop hole or some other crap like that. I’ve seen stranger things in the legal system.
The irony being that EH oft posts things uncredited, and was the main reason maj stopped posting his videos, and has also often posted things they pulled from SRK.
Yes. This is open source as well, see https://github.com/bavobbr/sf4ranking
For me this is my first large public Grails project. It is growing out of control
If I would do one again I would make some different choices.
Acku, how do we actually make add or make changes to results? I’m primarily interested in the Skullgirls results, as it needs many changes/consolidations. Do I just list them here and then you’ll make it happen?
It’s great that you made this ranking, adds a lot to the scene. I just wanted to say that General Esports Management (GEM), is NOT a team/sponsor for Infiltration like MCZ is for Daigo and Tokido. GEM represent Infiltration like talent agencies do in other areas of entertainment, like music and acting. You can be a client of GEM and be a part of a team/sponsored because they are not the same thing. A great fgc example is Fchamp, who is a client of GEM but is a part of RG.
1 Xian
2 Zhi - Cammy, Zangief - from Singapore
3 Dyon - Guile - from Indonesia
4 SonicZH - Dhalsim, Oni - from Singapore
5 Andrian - Seth, Gouken - from Indonesia
5 Yongde - Honda - from Singapore
7 Kenny - Rufus - from Indonesia
7 Lucied - Ryu - from Indonesia
1 Xian - Magneto, Morrigan, Doom - From Singapore
2 Trixie - Viper, Vergil, Strider - from Malaysia
3 Max Carnage - Wolverine, Spencer, Doom - from Malaysia
4 Hakujin - Spiderman, Storm, Dante - from Indonesia
5 Arka Drake - Dante, Spencer, Hawkeye - from Indonesia
5 Hydrezra - Wolverine, Vergil, Wesker - from Indonesia
7 Kazama Albert - Nova, Taskmaster, Vergil - from Indonesia… (I think the dude prefers to be called Oscura nowadays)
7 Disc-co - Wolverine, Doom, Vergil - from Indonesia
P.s some of the data regarding the characters used by these players, are not the characters used during the IFGC 2013. But the main characters they use nowadays.
Hmm yes. But would you prefer to have it listed as Sponsor or not at all? I can not simply include agencies currently, it’s a choice between sponsor or no mention.
I will extend the data model to be able to reflect agency next to sponsor
I’m not sure if I’m quoting this right lol I don’t go on forums much! Anyways, I suppose you shouldn’t mention them at all right now as saying they’re a sponsor can be misleading and lead to confusion, especially when people hear that F Champ is a part of GEM as well. It’s ultimately up to you though, you are in charge of the rankings, not me