SF4:AE World Ranking - Site has been beta-released

The Fighters alliance


Members on the list.

TFA | Weaponsleft (zangief)
TFA | German Luger (vega)

the rest of the team

TFA | CommonSense
TFA | Josh99
TFA | Kiu
TFA| JodyDaGreat
TFA | Bee
TFA | Damus
TFA | DeeDogg
TFA | SynKyller

Thanks for the inputs, applied the suggestions

I noticed there’s an “MK Peanuts” http://rank.shoryuken.com/rankings/player/byname/MK%20Peanuts, who I’m almost certain is the same person as McPeanuts http://rank.shoryuken.com/rankings/player/byname/McPeanuts

Hey I have more tournament placings for SF4:

In 2011:
4th at power up using Akuma

Super Street Fighter 4 — Results

  1. WolfKrone (C. Viper)
  2. DMG|PR Balrog (Balrog)
  3. EG|Justin Wong (Adon, Rufus)
    4. EMP|PerfectLegend (Akuma)
  4. DMG|Inthul (Fei Long)
  5. CCG|Air (Ryu)
  6. TS|Arturo Sanchez (Dhalsim, Rose)
  7. TS|Min (E. Honda, M. Bison)

I’m not in Empire Arcadia or DMG anymore. I am on Team FNATIC can FNATIC be added to my name? FNATIC | Perfect Legend

I also got 9th at CEO2011 in Arcade Edition

Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition — Results

  1. TTC|Tokido (Akuma)
  2. TS|Arturo Sanchez (Dhalsim, Rose)
  3. Mike Ross (E. Honda)
  4. Marn (Yun)
  5. TTC|GamerBee (Adon, Fei Long, Akuma)
  6. fLoE (Yang)
  7. Banana Ken (Ken)
  8. EG|Justin Wong (Yang)
  9. EMP|Twisted Jago (M. Bison)
    9. DMG|PerfectLegend (Akuma)
  10. DMG|PR Balrog (Balrog, Yang)
  11. TS|Min (Fei Long)
  12. DMG|Rico Suave (Oni)
  13. FR|ShinkuuR (Rose)
  14. EMP|Yipes (M. Bison)
  15. FR|DSlicer (Zangief)

Also if the EVO Online tournament in 2011 counts then

EVO Online SSFIV Top 16 — Xbox 360

  1. Wolfkrone (C. Viper)
  2. iPeru (El Fuerte)
    3. Perfect Legend (Akuma)
  3. Alex Valle (Ryu)
  4. CrizzNation (C. Viper)
  5. BLG.Vangief (Zangief)
  6. Adam Vongs (Adon)
  7. Macumazahn (Ryu)
  8. Air (Ryu)
  9. BLG.Filipino Champ (Dhalsim)
  10. Image360X (T. Hawk)
  11. ImmortalBMW (Vega, E. Honda)
  12. EndlessRampage (Cody)
  13. ScottoSoHotto (M. Bison)
  14. Davero (E. Honda, Guy)
  15. EdMa

Btw could you guys do one of these for Mortal Kombat and Injustice?

Acku, you are pretty awesome for undertaking this project.

Just a few things I’ve seen when skimming the rankings:

  1. Xiaohai and Dakou, if I remember right, represent Qanba in tournaments.
  2. I clicked on an individual player in Skullgirls, and it shows their current ranking as “0”. I didn’t check the Killer Instinct individual player rankings, but I guess it probably shows their SF4 rankings, as it seems like the site is still trying to pull the player’s rank from the SF4 database. Example, Keninblack doesn’t play SF4, therefore he doesn’t have any ranking points in the SF4 database, therefore he would receive no rank in that game.

fixed thanks

Thats great, getting references to older tournaments is handy as it is hard to look up. Updated

True, I’m thinking of letting the system guess what the players main game is and put that score on the player page, then the details for his games below in tables. Guess could be based on highest rank, or on most tournaments played for a game

Soon, I bet you will score quite well :slight_smile:

http://rank.shoryuken.com/rankings/player/byname/ON%20Bigfool & http://rank.shoryuken.com/rankings/player/byname/Big%20Fool are the same person, ON (Orochinagi) is the team.

Thanks! Where is my name on the ssf4 rankings and ae rankings? I see it on 2012 tho

According to my overall points in SSF4 I am close or in the top 10 with 780 points. Infiltration also had 780 points in SSF4.

That’s tight! Just gotta do it in 2012 now.

Not sure if you’re missing info needed, but FR17 is missing from KI

How often does this get updated for games other than AE? I’ve been noticing that a lot of Final Round results aren’t calculated.

We are updating per game, not per tournament. AE2012 is pretty complete, and MvC3 is being backwards updated right now (have most between now and start of 2013). KI is quite complete, and Skullgirls needs to be researched more.
Any new tournament however will have all the results updated of which there is a game ranking

Ah, I gotcha. I was specifically wondering for UMvC3, but then I noticed you guys only counted the Top 8 for Final Round. What are the criteria, as in, how far in the rankings do you guys count? (Top 8, 16, 32, whole tournament ranking, etc)

As far as SRK editors report it in its results. Lately this is often top 16 and for majors top 32

Ah, I gotcha. I know EventHubs posts more rankings sometimes, at least for FR they also put top 16 up (for UMvC3 - http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2014/mar/14/final-round-17-and-curleh-mustache-live-stream-feat-infiltration-gamerbee-justin-wong-nychrisg-pr-balrog-and-more/ ).

Also not sure, do you factor in things such as team tournaments like the Curleh Mustache Battle Royale?

Eventhubs threatened with a lawsuit if we would ‘use’ results from their site (effectively claiming copyrights on tournaments results) so we use SRK results, and/or results provided from the TO’s themselves. It’s a weird world, but it works quite well as the SRK coverage is great and it is very easy to search on this site.