Seth's Safe Jump/Option Select Guide

Seth has the equivalent of Yun’s lp rush punch OS to catch backdashes. SPD, dash twice, delayed qcb lk. On block you get xx, on whiff you get whiff -> lk hyakuretsu. Catches Ryu’s, Makoto’s, and Ibuki’s backdashes but not Chun’s. Range is not the problem, it’s that the legs aren’t fast enough.

What are the most important seth os that all seth players should know

It depends on matchup.

That kind of question makes me want to respond with ‘throw tech/ OS’ because it’s a lazy question that requires a lot of work from the person responding.

Random stuff:

Gimmicks r us: cr.HP (cancel second hit) xx LP Sonic Boom ~ dash forward ~ jump over opponent, (j.HK or Dive kick)

Random shit off of properly timed HP DP x3:
5f safe jump: neutral jump, delayed nj.HK
4f safe jump: walk forward slightly, neutral jump, delayed nj.HP
5f safe jump: walk back a lot, jump forward, dive kick as soon as possible (can change timing so dive kick whiffs into delayed crouch tech)

After doing a punish BnB with cr.HP, it is much easier to reset by doing a dive kick after the second headstomp. You can go straight into the air and do another fake cross up (or a regular cross up) without fear of getting reversal’d.

Gah, i s’pose i should depart with my favourite option select/safe jump. I’ll make a video for it soon because it’s a real mother fucker of an safe a jump.

Double Wall Jump OS/safe jump:

Corrently works on:

Fei Long -> Difficulty = 5/10
Seth -> Difficulty = 7/10
Sagat -> Difficulty = 8/10
Cammy -> Fairly Easy
Juri -> Difficulty = 6/10 (No good wake-up options)
Adon -> Fairly Easy = 7/10

Standard Shoto -> In most cases the jump in doesn’t hit, so you can bait an SRK, depends on the opponents playstyle, if they love the SRK or are reacting quickly for difficult AA’s it might be worth throwing out. Works well as a “jump back in to SPD” kinda move.

There are others but i need to test more.


  • relatively unknown, most people don’t realise it’s a safe jump
  • leads directly in to another corner combo, which can then lead back in to the same OS
  • When the opponent knows to block, you can jump in stomp for a cross up + Over/under hit confirm.
  • high damage + Stun
  • Is likely to still be effective in AE 2012


  • Easy to see coming if the opponent knows you can do it.
  • Is not safe if you use stomps. (Can be reversal’d)
  • Fairly strict timing, depending on character
  • Unstandard timing for a safe jump, requires carefuly manipulation of stomps.
  • can potentially leave you in the corner if they succesfully block a mix up.
  • Corner only
  • Requires opponent to fast wake-up. (If they don’t, you have a standard wake-up game)

Bassically, what you do is, after you’ve succesfully landed a legs in the corner do stomps, but you want your opponent to be low enough that they will get up quicker than normal, Seth has to be high enough that he can jump off of the other wall. Works very well VS Fei because of the awkwardness of hitting stomps on him (He forces you to do the correct stomp timing anyway)

To jump off the other wall you have to 1) be high enough, 2) whiff a stomp on your way to the other wall. If timed correctly it leads to safe jump in, against shoto’s it’s a safe jump in but the jump HK won’t connect, i’ve been unable to get it to connect so far. (But i’m still fiddling about) goo for a jump in crouch LK anyway.

I’ll have a video up shortly explaining the awkward points.

Note - This also safe jumps Yuns Dragon Kick

Any video demonstrating this yet?

Sorry, family up around Christmas time… While i love making videos… me bustling past relatives, whacking a recordable DVD in the drive then recording plasma fireballs & naked grey men won’t go down well.

sorry for the delay but it may take a little while, i was considering making a “bible” of Seths various OS’s, Safe jumps, a few nauncy mix-ups etc. (Which would no doubt help Seth players… & any curious non-Seth players who want to learn the match-up.

Haha no worries. I’ll see if I can play around and figure it out when I have a chance. I’m kinda putting together a little “bible” of my own maybe I can share that once I get it a little more fleshed out. Unfortunately I don’t have a capture card or anything, so I can’t really record anything to post on youtube.

Also what does “:r:” mean?

I’m assuming it is supposed to be :f: ( : f : ). The commands must have gotten changed with the new forums. You can hover over the icons to see the text for them. Directions are from P1’s side.
:lp::mp::hp::p:, :2p:, :3p:
:lk::mk::hk::k:, :2k:, :3k:
They’re under the dropdown with the smilies, but the entire list doesn’t show on my screen unless I’m editing a post.

I wish the commands looked more like the one for 360 does.

Oh thanks. I was wondering because at the very top of this thread it says:
:r::hk::d::df: ( :hp: or :2p: ) for regular jump-ins
So you think that the :r: is supposed to be a :f:

How would one do a empty jump DP option select such as one used by a certain korean Seth that we all know about?


That didn’t look like an OS to me, it looked like he wanted to make Viper block a dive kick and frame trap DP. That, or he actually reacted to EX Seismo.

Anyway, the inputs for that are really simple, it’s all about timing. You just do a divekick/jump-in and input a DP early (probably while holding down the button to avoid negative edge).

Note that you can’t actually OS a DP unless you do a jumping attack. If you do an actual empty jump and then land to uppercut, you’re totally just guessing.

Also yeah lol at SRK not letting you put timestamps on embedded youtube videos.

Yeah that’s what I thought may have happened but I wanted to make sure I wasn’t mistaken. Thanks.

Just wanted to point out that you can OS a DP there and it will beat EX Seismo. I was a little unclear there. The inputs I listed were for the OS.

is it possible to OS/SPD abel EX roll, for example SPD,dash then,walk a bit,jump hk OS SPD and the SPD will catch abel

Pretty sure that works yeah but he can EX Tornado Throw safe jumps.

Did anyone ever figure out why you can’t OS EX DP Sagat and other similar situations? I can’t figure out why…the frames say it should work but it obviously doesn’t.

You mean OS DP against his Tiger Uppercut? It’s because when you land from the safe jump you have 2 frames recovery where you can’t do anything, and then 2 frames where the only thing you can do is block.

Yeah. But his uppercut starts in 5f so don’t you have 1f to EX DP or teleport?