i didnt get the part which says perform the dive kick a little lower…how can u perform dive kick without being at peak of the jump?
By low/high I meant the spacing of the divekick relative to Ryu. A really high dive kick will whiff over their head. A really low dive kick will land before it hits them.
Also you have a decent amount of control over the timing of the dive kick. You can do it a bit before or after the peak of the jump.
i guess meaty dive kick on reset does not work if opponent mashes a dp on landing…???
alright i got it…it works…
A little OS/Frame Trap setup I’ve been using against characters without a decent reversal is cr.lk > st.hp
(if they backdash, they get hit with stretchy arms, sometimes landing a counter hit if they do anything right after the backdash, if they throw out a normal or try to option select throw, they get hit with st.hp counterhit, if they block the cr.lk just go into your fav blockstring, if they get hit with cr.lk, go into st.hp combo)
Another safe jump I came across a while back that i forgot to post up here.
Full DP (all three hits) - wait for the character to hit the ground, Neutral jump roundhouse. Doesn’t work on Guile.
If you’re not worried about reversals jump in OS MK legs seems to catch all backdashes.
We should post the safe meaty Tanden Engine set ups, for example:
Back throw xX Dash - :mp: / :hp: TE
This is excellent for punishing bipson teleports.
SPD > Dash > Short walk > Jump-In HK (option select HP.Shoryu) kills all of Gen’s options.
All the Gekiros, Ogas, Crane Supers whiff, Ultra can’t catch you, backdash gets blown up.
I have some info on about the safe jump vs Ken. also some on Ryu but haven’t done thorough testing.
Particularly the SPD > Forward Dash > Walk up a bit(a step and a 1/2 or 1/3 step) > Cross-Up HK…
it beats most ken’s options
Hadoken: Stuffs all Hadokens.
Shoryuken: Stuffs LP,MP,HP DPs. Ex DPs gets him out but obviously punishable.
Tatsu: Stuffs all Tatsu.
Ultra: vs Ultra 1 safe.
Dash: Stuffs forward dash. backdash gets him out you can probably OS this or just c.lp/c.lk > combo on reaction.
During testing I stumbled across a certain timing(walk up > cross up timing) that you can get a ground hit afte rstuffing a reversal dp using a cross-up j.hk… I usually get air hits.
So you can combo into something but the problem is if you do this and the ken uses non reversal DP it will beat/trade(lp dp) the cross up.
If the cross-up j.hk gets you an air hit instead of a ground hit. the cross-up is stuffs the non reversal DP(air hit). (gonna test this again)
If the ken is mashing f+mk. He gets out. OS legs should work.
OK so got that out. I wanted to get some more info on this sticked thread or get it more detailed or probably an update or something.
BTW this data is SFIV.
I’ll try get my brother to test it with his friends(since they have SSFIV) or maybe someone can try this for himself. I have no way of testing AE.
and If I broke some unspoken rule or something(don’t discuss shoto safe jumps… maybe)… I’m sorry, I’m new here!1!!
a near-safe jump set up VS Balrog/Boxer:
any legs that lead to stomps in the corner, space the stomps out slightly to get the highest lift on Rog that you can. The Safe jump seems to work better when you neutral jump the stomps in the corner. With Balrog he raises alot more than other characters when he’s hit in juggles, this means after you do the stomps & the dive kick, if you neutral jump HK it becomes a safe jump.
All rush punches are beaten
All EX Rush punches whiff. (They go under Seth)
MP/HP/EX Headbutts are blocked
LP Headbutt hits. I’ve done it once where this was also blocked, but i think the spacing in the stomps & the dive kick has to be airtight, perhaps to tight. (Also that might mean that EX rushes would beat the jump, i don’t know)
Turn punch of coure loses
Didn’t test Super/Ultra, god knows why i didn’t.
If the jump hits, you can do MP to legs again or LP -> MP -> Legs, but that’s probably the longest hit confirm you’ll get out of it.
God knows Seth has a million other options in the corner after Legs -> Stomp, but it’s always nice to have another thing to go to.
vs Cody:
SPD, dash, divekick at the highest point OS EX legs, beats everything included backdash.
also vs meterless Boxer:
same setup above OR SPD dash, walk j.HK os U2. beats headbutt (and ex hb), backdash and TAP. EX rushpunch (or block) is the only way out
also…again, vs Viper:
SPD, dash, divekick at the highest point OS U2: hp thunder knuckle and EX BK get blocked. Backdash and EX seismo punished. only EX seismo feint gets her out, but its a bit hard.
against Cody does it matter which veresion of lightning legs you use?
Yes, it does. EX Legs has invincibility. His EX Criminal Upper has some startup invincibility beginning on frame 1 (I think?), as does EX Zonk Knuckle (Bingo). If you use any other versions of legs you’ll just get counter-hit.
Surprised that lp srk or OS ultra doesn’t work on those though. I need to test that when I get a chance. Jump in option select ultra (either) catches every backdash in the game, and most ‘bad’ reversals.
IIRC, ex zong knuckle is hard to OS due to its weird invincibility, but EX legs somehow bypasses it in that setup. I think it has to do with the divekick hitting really low on the ground. I’ll spend more time in the lab figuring out more option select for “everyone’s favorite char”
It’s not weird invincibility, it’s just a shitton of invincibility on a really slow move.
Another one vs Viper…holy shit, I actually got this by accident while testing OS EX legs…and somehow this came out which is much better IMO.
my camera sucks…but I think its ok enough for you all to see what’s happening.
so what it is is pressing buttons all at the same time of the one animated frame? i’m tryin to learn this to get better at the game i only have problemwith getting how to input the commands.
Because the game has a pause when a move hits or is blocked, but doesn’t when a move whiffs, you can make your character do different things with one single input based on what your opponent does.
I dunno if anyone posted this but I got the idea from Zaith. Haven’t really tested it out much but might as well post it.
SPD, fst.MK ~ jump forward, j.HP
When you press the j.HP is important. If you delay it enough, this will stuff 3f reversal DPs with less than 3f of invincibility. A little less delay and you’ll block most 3f reversals as long as they don’t have incredible invincibility (like Ryu’s EX DP.)
Been trying to figure out how to use j.HP to beat DPs because of it’s awesome hit box, but it’s tricky…