Frame 1: In air with jumping attack. Sagat is invincible for the first frame
Frame 2-3: You land and are vulnerable. Sagat is invincible.
Frame 4: You are on the ground and can only block.
Frame 5: You are on the ground and can only block. Sagat’s move hits on this frame. You block.
I don’t know why you’re complaining about this, it’s fucking awesome because you get a full punish on the uppercut on block and you can still OS his backdash with lp tanden.
Edit: Forgot that Sagat’s backdash is terrible and can be OS’d with lp tanden.
So, after a tick setup like c.:lk: c.:lp: SPD, they really like to jump.
Can you OS a Dash (if they jump) and SPD (if they stay still) after the c.:lp:? You would have to input the SPD hella fast, but oh well
If they neutral jumped you would cross them and have enough time to DP or Stomp
or maybe there is a simpler answer to the jumps that I’m overlooking lol
What you describe looks impossible; There doesn’t seem to be any mechanic you can exploit to select between those two options after ticking.
If you’re pretty sure they’re going to jump, you’re best bet (without committing to anything punishable) would be to go for a frame trap to catch them in their pre-jump frames.
Best bet is frame trap or just wait for something to react to, if you’re looking for a jump thinking they’re afraid of another SPD, try and smack them with cs.HP.
Against neutral jumps (which people do so they can punish the whiffed SPD)-
Wait for them to jump and then DP/ultra them on the way down. If they are dumb you can also do to air to air on reaction and juggle to stomps. They will promptly call Seth cheap as fuck. I think they can do an immediate air attack to beat but if they’re doing that they’re even more open to being punished from you on the ground. You could even just walk up and sweep them as they landed.
U1 catches people jumping back out of ticks and is another way to get people to complain that Seth is cheap as fuck.
The value of Seth’s SPD is that you can usually actually react and punish escapes. If you’re godlike, U1 or legs against a backdash is totally possible. Or you can do jab jab xx tanden - Poongko does this a lot.
Thank you for all the great answers. I was probably trying to SPD them too much Frametraping and waiting to DP/Ultra are working pretty well…
Having a good command throw and a great DP in a rushdown character is godlike
Hey guys, im trying to learn os j. Hk hp tandem for akuma teleport on wake up. The os catches back teleport fine but front teleport just maked seth tandem the opposite way. Is there something im doing wrong?
Wait I misunderstood your post. I thought you said that when he does the forwards teleport you get something besides tanden. My advice would actually only make it worse.
He can teleport forwards to mess up the OS but it’s his ass if you don’t do the tanden. You can always just s.hp/ultra him in recovery.
didn’t see this posted so sorry if this is old, but i figured out a brain dead easy input that OS’s any DP into the 3 hit DP (or 5-7 for EX) on hit and cancels into either FADC forward or back on block. It’s all the same input, the only difference is which direction you want to dash on block.
Basically at point blank or any range where a blocked hp.dp will hit twice: f, d, df, hp, wait half a sec while buffering a second f, d, df, hp ~ mp + mk, dash forward or back.
This is stupid easy and can be mastered in 30 seconds. Basically the only timing stuff to be aware of is that the second dp input needs to be done in a somewhat weird window where you input it too late for it to cancel into hp super from a shortcut, but not so late that it wount focus cancel the second hit on block or be too late to count for the inputs for the other 2 DP’s (I don’t know why but f, d, df, hp ~ mp + mk will always count for both the 2nd and 3rd DP inputs). Finally if you see the dp cancel into a FA then dash forward or back on reaction although you could just chose one and make it totally brain dead.
TLDR; OS for hp/ex dp to hit for all hits or dash cancel any direction on the second blocked hit of the dp + all done with the same input + no reactions required.
OS combo? Not really. OS if the divekick whiffs? Yeah.
If it’s meaty, a “high” divekick can be combo’d from. Crossup divekick and really specific spacings make “high” divekicks hit late enough to combo (if you aim at Ryu’s back shoulder, for example).