Seth Video Thread

Not bad at all.

[]Don’t s.fp boxer unless you’re sure it’s going to hit or he’s far away already. It’s really punishable from mid range (I think even on hit?)
]At 1:38 you missed a juggle opportunity to go from EX Shoryu -> EX Tandem Engine. I personally think this is a great use of meter.
[*]Never use super as a reversal. Combo into it or punish whiffs/fireballs, but you can’t beat other moves with it. Actually, jab super might have worked against that rush punch, but I’d rather just EX Shoryu.

Not much there to learn from. Solid use of combos. The entire match is basically the same setup three times. He did the wrong punisher: You should always start from a jump-in, because FA scales too much.

wow thanx everyone, yeah i need alot of work with my seth. i can never get his links on live but in training i have them down pat. i can zone pretty well with seth but i think his zoning game is broken as hell so thats not a player skill thing. ex shoryu to ex tanden… shit that sounds dirty as hell. and yeah i was going for the lp super and hit hp like a moron and ate a dash punch.

and yeah that second round was brutal, boxers dash gets him in really quick and i made alot of mistakes because i was worried about how close he was. it seems like the only way i get seths close game going is off of dive kick tick throws and then working off the knockdown. other then that i have trouble.

vs. Balrog, it seems like if you perform your crossup as early as possible, he will headbutt at you rather than away from you. This is what you want, as you will land in time to block it.

If you do it earlier and he headbutts away from you, you might be able to hit him with lightning legs or something. Need to test that…

Note that this only works if you get the 6 or 7 hit version of the shoryu. 5 hit version doesn’t give you enough time.

Seth has great jump-ins. lp Sonic Boom to cover a wall jump in is very effective. lp sonic boom teleport works, but the timing is hard. And walljump by itself is great for jumping in versus characters without good anti-air. It makes some surprising crossups.

In training mode using FA first produces more damage in the following combos (I’ll leave out the jump.RH or FA that would start it):

cr.FP xx jab.srk xx stomps and dive
cr.FP xx legs to stomps and dive
cr.FP xx super

It’s usually about 10 damage more using FA.

Dammit fox, posting random matches of mine here xD

Anyway, I might as well post a set vs C Viper:

Part 1: [media=youtube]XOG1p9QCP34&feature=related[/media]
Part 2: [media=youtube]CLkyAVRC2Bk&feature=related[/media]

I don’t think this has been posted yet:


Read my comment on there for a little more info. You see all those dash punches and other moves that led to him getting hit by jump fierce? Yeah, he stopped doing all of that the second time around (also figured out a counter to wall jumps). The first time I’ve fought someone in tourney who turtled hardcore against Seth like you’re supposed to, and I really wish those matches were online.

Nice stuff there! I was seeing too many dash straights, and uppers get through, with Seth’s Focus attack you can make people suffer for thinking of using dash straight on your behind. Although I haven’t played enough against Seth as I’m one of 2 in the area that even try the character, I’m pretty sure that all those jump fierces that you were throwing out could lead to some really unfortunate things in balrog’s favor, especially once they have the gauge to EX absorb it and rush upper. One final note your pressure is nice at some points, though there were a few times you crouch jab times 2 then wait, yet you haven’t made them fear the jab SPD yet in order to bait something stupid like jumping, more SPD when you get that stuff may do wonders for ya!

I personally love to focus absorb balrog’s dash punches. TAP does crazy damage to Seth though.

The best is when they expect something and EX dash straight, wasting the gauge, getting crumpled, and filling your ultra gauge more.

fa does less stun.


is not possible if you start with FA instead of j.HK. this reset isnt amazingly practical, but on 950 stun characters, anything you do after this combo will stun them, including SPD, making it only a 33% chance of failure assuming they do not reversal out. so landing that j.Hk means a nice fat 75% life or so. and yeah, the stand HK, c.MP link adds around 50 stun or so to the overall combo, i highly recommend using this after jump ins, big ups to josh for that one.

heres another reset i recorded, btw: [media=youtube]5Y-qHvdsZtA[/media] 1000 stun, obviously you want to mix up with other shit, but this option is available, making the other options more practical (such as teleport back to bait a reversal). this reset also sets up a perfect dive kick, and max range dash, spd, among other things.

I posted that in reference to K saying that he used the wrong punisher when the guy was dizzy. You don’t accumulate stun on a combo while someone is dizzy, right?


And on a related note, if I dizzy someone with a full combo and they’re not near the corner, I tend to do lvl3 FA into fierce SPD now. Stun isn’t a factor, it doesn’t do much less damage than jump-in combos thanks to the amount of scaling at that point, and it leaves you in position to go for crossup/divekick mixups.


I don’t think this has been posted a Arturo vid

the way he mixes up his play is incredible so unpredictable

I don’t see it. To be honest that’s a pretty typical match with Seth. Bison just didn’t know how to deal with Seth. I mean, mixing up SPD with low pokes is kinda the damn point of an SPD. That matchup was moreso about Seth being able to space Bison than mixing it up. There was a good use of teleports to keep up the offense, though.

Sagat vs Seth

While I keep hearing that Sagat really only has the health advantage for this matchup…I dont see any advantage Seth may have.
For Example
-You cannot wall jump vs him at all.
-His projectiles are faster than seths so Seth cant win it there.
-All jumps ins are beat with Sagats S.RH

In this matcup it jsut feels like I am the one who is constantly under pressure. I just never feel safe no matter what the situation is. Even if I land a lengthy combo or a counter ultra I still feel like I am delaying my defeat lol. It also doesnt help that our number one guy is a Sagat player. Tips for this matchup please?!?!?!

Seth wins a projectile war vs. Sagat because of EX Legs, ultra, teleport, walljump, standing fierce, and jumping fierce. Sagat can’t throw high tiger shots versus Seth at range because he can punish them with standing fierce. You can jump backwards and then see if he throws a tiger shot. If he does, you get to walljump in for a punisher combo.

Sagat still has a very good ability to cheese out Seth, though.

If Sagat is staying away and throwing constant Tiger Shots, thank him. Carefully absorb them, but pay attention to EX Tiger Shots. Those you can block, jump or duck (depending whether he does low or ones), or use LP Tendem Engine so that they pass through you. Once you get your ultra combo, Sagat is almost guaranteed to eat it. He cannot change his trajectory in the air like some characters can. So, if he jumps forward, there is no way he can avoid it. The Sagat player can put himself into a really, really bad position by sitting back and throwing too many Tiger Shots because when he is down in life and Seth is up with an ultra combo to spare he will have tremendous problem doing much of anything.

Still a tough match up for Seth, though, because of Sagat’s enormous damage, above average stamina, and the fact that Sagat easily wins on all trades by at least twice as much damage.