Seth Video Thread

Um, when is it desyncing? I just watched the whole thing and it was fine. If your clicking on HQ and not reloading the whole thing from the beginning, that causes issues on any YT vid, so be sure to reload it!

Kiku- speaking for myself, sometimes I’d rather sacrifice the damage and maintain a life lead/runaway, because guessing wrong after the mixup off the dive kick could put me significantly behind and or cost me the match. Although, I just won’t do the Dive Kick when I want to do that, since stomps don’t air reset.

Here is a link of a good Seth from PR hope u enjoy it


Kiku: Really, it’s a mistake on my part, nothing more. I can remember all of his other important combos just fine, but that one still doesn’t feel “natural” to me yet so I’ll keep doing it more.

FYI, there was a second set of that grand finals which is yet to be uploaded, and that’s probably the better watch. That’s when I finally start beating his Akuma, and we adjust back and forth.

And Neokarsh, that’s a pretty darned good Seth. Just a few Balrog-specific suggestions:

  • Play more keepaway when he doesn’t have meter. He doesn’t have a great anti-fireball tool besides EX’s…if he goes through a fireball with TAP you can DP him.

  • Use divekick more on his wakeup. It beats normal headbutts and lands in time to block the EX one. Discouraging reversals will allow you to work your ambiguous crossup game.

  • Instead of the DP FADC’s, as cool as they are, I would use more reversal teleports and save meter. EX lightning legs is a key move in this match since it allows you to hit any rush punch on reaction, and the super can punish just about all of his rush punches on block.

Overall good stuff, though.

add me (GT: MoniraKing) and you’ll see magic combos (i play Seth)

tl_crow hasn’t posted the second set yet here, but it is on youtube. Here’s the link.


You didn’t specify PS3 or 360. Also, this thread is moreso for posting videos already made so we can learn from them. Did you know you can put your GT on your profile so that you don’t even really need to post it anywhere?

I think lp shoryu has some invincibility on startup, but not full-body invincibility like the mp or fp. Because it’s definitely throw and fireball invincible, and usually it beats out any random poke they throw out. Reversal lp shoryu is a fun way to avoid block damage from a fireball. It’s not good as a reversal against a meaty, though.

A couple things I picked up from the video:
[]Meaty Dive Kick is awesome versus non-shotos. You can combo from it, it’s definitely safe on block, and it safe jumps versus slower reversals.
]Dash-in SPD off a blocked/hit j.fp
[*]j.fp -> xx lightning legs. Recently I’ve been going for j.fp -> cr.fp. Even if I can’t hit-confirm the cr.fp xx lp shoryu, I can always just do lightning legs for comparable damage and put them in the corner. But is a lot faster, so it’s more likely to combo.
[/LIST]Am I the only one here that loves reversal EX Shoryu? The invincibility frames and awesome range let you beat most meaty fireballs, etcetera, and the damage is really good for Seth. It’s a lot faster than ultra, too. Obviously, a lot more punishable. But I think that it’s a good use of meter for the damage it does. I think it probably would have worked here at [media=youtube]JyQaOMyfrSU#t=0m34s"[/media] where the ultra got blocked. You can also follow it up with the EX Tandem -> cr.fp punisher if it’s not in the corner, and I’ve found that it’s actually rather practical to do so. Damage scaling kinda sucks though. Seth’s shoryu is very hard to safe jump against. Or do you guys think that the EX Shoryu is an inefficient use of meter?

LP Shoryu isn’t, but MP/HP Shoryu are. (LP is only 7frame unthrowable, MP/HP are 7frame invincible)

I played you in the first matches
you also have a disgusting Gouken
I want to play your Seth

Even against shotos, it’s great if used properly. The main purpose of the move, as I see it, is to mix up with the crossup j.HK. The crossup will either beat a reversal or force them to perform it in the opposite direction, making that a very risky option against Seth. Once the opponent knows this, the divekick becomes very effective against most characters since it’s hard to react to the divekick/crossup mixup.

Basically this. The extra invincibility over the fierce version is almost never going to matter, nor is the damage high enough to be worth it. Seth always has more important things to save meter for - mainly the super, of course, but EX SPD is his best offensive reversal and EX lightning legs is great in certain matchups (Balrog & Akuma especially, other shotos as well).

Actually, if you look at those matches, you can see that the ones I won tended to be the ones where I DP’ed the least. I’m really beginning to treat that move like Balrog’s low fierce - almost unbeatable anti-air, but not to be used as a reversal. Its mediocre damage combined with Seth’s low life give it quite a bad risk/reward. If you have the opponent jumping a lot thanks to EX SPD, then I might consider it, but even then it should be something you do on reaction and not a blind guess.

For those on xbox live , watch HIROPON309 last upload , a jap seth user .

Thanks man, I had no idea someone had posted that video here until yesterday when I entered this thread by chance. Thanks for the advice, most are things I usually do though. I rarely go for the FP FADC’s, I think I’ve done it less than 10 times since I picked up Seth. At the time, I honestly felt it was the best option I had.

I usually do more dive kicks on wake up, but against that particular player, they just aren’t as effective, which is why I held back on them. Still, I agree that I should’ve used them more. And yea, EX lightning legs are great against his rush punches, I was doing it often in the matches we played earlier, but I stopped when I saw one trade with a punch and me take full damage from it. This happened twice but I didn’t notice what punch it was, it might have been a TAP. Do you know if TAPs trade with it? Trying to figure out if thats what happened, or if I just mistimed it, and those matches aren’t on video so I can’t check what it was.

Thanks again for the input, its definitely stuff I’ll keep in mind. I believe I’ve played you on LIVE 2 or 3 times, lemme know if you want to get some games in. Seth mirrors are annoying though xD

What is the advantage over using Lightening Kicks instead of HP Shoryukens against Boxer’s (EX) rush attacks? Am I missing something? HP Shoryukens are faster and have more priority. They also stuff EX rush punches because they will hit twice in that scenario. The damage is actually solid as well due to counter hit properties.

Anyway, what is the basic strategy against Abel? It makes no sense to zone him with Sonic Booms because he will just absorb them and build his Ultra Combo, and that is something no Seth player wants. Damn it. I am not liking this match up at all.

Timing is easier, input is easier to do on twitch reaction, it creates space on the knockdown, and it’s safer on block if you somehow mess up. Same reason why you don’t just try to ultra rush punches all the time - they’re too damn fast.

Ooh! I know this one, since it’s the matchup I play the most. Basically, you want to do jump back fierce all day because it beats rolls and dashes. But Abel can beat that with j.fp. You can punish his rolls with SPD/grab/Tandem Engine. Basically, you need to treat Abel like a more mobile Gief with an ultra that hits through fireballs. It’s not a good matchup, but it’s not bad at all.

Sonic boom to cover a wall jump in is very solid. In general, abuse your crossup and dive kick. If he tries to absorb your Sonic Booms, ultra him or do s.fp if he’s in range. Or walljump in.

If you get knocked down, be careful with reversals. Abel’s cr.fp -> ultra takes away most of your health. You have to be very careful in this matchup. Teleport is OP.

Someone I was chatting with showed this to me so I thought it was relevant to the Abel conversation, trading is bad… [media=youtube]2ktsunH__xk&feature=player_embedded[/media]

The main danger of Seth vs Abel right here… can’t throw out those j.fp for free.

That happened to me too against boss Seth.


heres one… It was a tourney I was at… my first tourney, first match against a seth (Im the blanka).


A match between Kdash (seth) and a Gen player. This match was posted online from Championship Mode from the ps3, at least that is what I think it’s from.


my awful seth vs boxer, kind of bad on my part i just zone the whole time and dont do anything fun.

You zoned him pretty well. Apart from some missed combo link opportunities you played the match up right. A good Boxer is tough for Seth to constantly be in his face. The priority on headbutt makes cross ups a nightmare and his overall damage can bring Seth down faster then Paris Hilton’s skirt.

I’m sure you noticed as the 2nd round progressed the Rog was abandoning his charges just to get in your face. When you see Rog is no longer charging then headbutt is not longer a factor and you can sneak some cross ups in and get some nice combo damage. But hey, overall, you did what you had to to win and for some match ups it won’t be full of flair.

He had some awesome mix ups after the combo. Either a SPD straight up or a dash to SPD cross up. I’ll have to try that out, it looks very effective. Though I’m not sure I’d try that too much against shotos.