Always wondered how you can avoid Elf’s ultra upon wakeup.
Hold up. He can’t grab you if you’re jumping.
If you want to be cool, you could teleport away or ultra. Shoryu will work, but it might whiff?
I’ve been having this problem every now and then where I’d do the dpm and press the PPP button to teleport and instead, I’d end up doing EX shoryu. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how do you solve it?
After any of Seth’s special moves (or at least Hyakuretsu and Sonic Boom), there is a short window where it is impossible to do the PPP forward teleport (other teleports will work). I assume this is to prevent crossup sonic boom shenanigans. If you can’t teleport, then you get the EX Shoryuken. Note that if you FADC a Sonic Boom, it decreases the overall time you have to wait, but you’ll still get EX Shoryuken if you teleport immediately. So you can FADC a sonic boom to do a crossup Sonic Boom, and you can do it without a FADC after your ultra or a non-quickstand Hyakuretsu (or a shoryu or whatever), but you can’t do it at full screen while they’re standing.
So basically, you just have to wait a tiny bit after the sonic boom, or just do a KKK teleport.
Started using Seth yesterday, could I just get a few pointers please?
1.) What’s his best punish without bar?
2.) " With bar
3.) What is the trick to comboing off of his rapid kick move in the corner in to the jumping 3 hit head stomp thing? I can never get the head stomps to hit. And I hold jump so it jumps ASAP
Punish depends on what exactly you’re punishing? whiffed shoryuken is punishable by most BnB’s, but a blocked cannon spike (or strike, i always confuse em, the one that goes up anyway) is punishable by mk lightning legs. blocked blanka rainbow ball is 3x headstomps divekick punishable etc… i think there’s a thread with specific tips for each character around here.
As for the head stomps, i’ve been playing Seth since March, and even i still don’t have the timing right sometimes…i just use the HK lightning legs, then hold up-forward for the enitre duration of the move, and…well hard to explain but just a hearbeat after Seth puts his foot down i do down+mk…
I mean, what’s his highest damaging combo when the enemy is wide open, with bar, and without bar.
We have a combo thread. But I’m feeling nice.
No bar
cr.fp xx lp shoryu -> headstomps
Corner -> xx mk Hyakuretsu -> headstomps
Half bar
cr.fp xx EX tandem -> cr.fp xx lp shoryu -> headstomps
Corner -> xx mk Hyakuretsu -> headstomps (EX Tandem doesn’t work in the corner)
Full bar -> xx lp super
Note that for the no bar combos, a lvl 3 focus does more damage overall, but for anything else, use However, you probably don’t have that much time to punish, so I left off the FA and jump-ins.
I know what you mean. It happens a lot. It’s because of the many different moves that he has that requires that sort of movement and button execution. Just be aware of what you press. It happens to me a lot. I tend to stop for a split second and feel the movement as I go. I fucked up so many times in matches because of that.
I had a quick question, I wanted to know after you do your BnB and the headstomps is their a way to do another combo on your opponent when they reset without starting a new combo?
Basically keeping the combo going, like could you use cr. lk to hit the opponent and start another BnB without it starting you over and their not being anything your opponent can do?
When they do that little midair flip after the divekick, that shows that they did an aerial reset. That means that they’re completely invincible until they hit the ground. The best you can do is mix up which side you’re on when they land, which is actually really good.
You’ll note that when they reset, the game automatically ends the combo counter.
A Sakura might have killed you in one mixup but Sabre basically did that to Valle at Evo so I wouldn’t get too down on yourself for it.
Sonic booms will come out as SPDs if you try one immediately after jumping backward, and once Sagat and Ryu get that lucky SRK their whole game goes to shit cause they get all excited and start trying to do it again.
His life sucks but you have to keep in mind that his ultra is an almost guaranteed 350 damage or whatever once you get it, and that’s the end of the health gap.
350 plus the teleport mixup, potentially.
Definitely don’t ever feel like giving up. How can you? Between reset mixups, the number of options at your disposal, an almost guaranteed Ultra, a super that can easily be combo’ed into or used like the Ultra (jump a slow sonic boom, do MP super).
You can come back so fast. The sonic boom/spd thing is when you jump back then roll the stick around for the boom.
Any tips for pulling off lp shoryuken -> x3? Seems like by the time I can jump they’re already on the ground.
They need to be either in the air when you lp.srk them, or you need to lp.srk from a c.hp.
I believe it works if you guys trade and you stay on the ground while they fly. I know it works for Ryu at least.
It is situational whether or not you can get the headstomps off of the trade as far as I know. It depends on how far away they fly and what you were hit with.
How safe is Seth’s teleport anyways? It seems slightly more safe than dhalsims but I can’t really tell.