Seth Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

It is vulnerable from frames 33 to 40 at the end of the move. If they know you’re going to teleport, they can punish it hard.

Is Seth a good character for a new player?

How many fighting games have you played before?

Assuming this is your first really, no, unless you want a challenge.

Seth is a horrible character for a new player. He allows absolutely no mistakes.

I wanted to know what anti air move do any of you guys use when a dragon punch will not work?

Usually I either teleport back or try to hit FP but wanted to know if their was something better?

I kind of would need a specific example.

j. HP works well.
j.MP is a nice anti air as well, but I have no idea where this would work where a shoryuken wouldn’t.

During matches when an opponent is coming down and during a dragon punch can’t be performed quick enough. Like after throwing a sonic boom or something. Like how Ryu has and uppercut. I try using standing fp if their close but I have also heard using fk works. I wanted to ask here what would be a good tactic in those situations.

You use HP shoryuken. It will beat everything if timed late. Learning how to DP immediately after throwing a Sonic Boom is very important to Seth, because otherwise people can jump over your projectiles at half screen.

I still don’t understand the question. I can’t figure a spot where HK works as an anti air better than a Shoryuken. Are you saying as an anti air when they’re far away?

Close hk is good versus crossups, just like close s.hp.

Or depending on the crossup, block then SPD works well.

Not sure of where else to put this, but is it normal for Seth’s super to absorb a two hit fireball (normal EX) from Akuma? has happened twice on PS3 now but haven’t had time to try and reconstruct it. Maybe i’m just an idiot and this is normal, but i thought any multiple hit fb should hit Seth out of super…

I haven’t ever absorbed a 2 hit fireball, but it’s possible that if the timing was right, it might have taken them both out.

It is possible to absorb Akuma’s EX air fireball with super. This works because the fireball is so slow and both projectiles come down at slightly different angles so there isn’t a chance for it to slip by the super and hit Seth. The move is pretty decent for counter since when he lands and the super is still active, Akuma will get sucked into the super as well. It isn’t exactly reliable as a strategy but It’ll definitely catch a player off guard.

I’ve seen the super also absorb Akuma’s red fireball but I doubt it will work with normal ground EX fireball.

And yet thats happened to me twice now…first time i thought i was probably imagining it, but the second time there was no mistaking it. I’ll try to recreate it in training when i have the time…

Does the x3 -> give you a free SPD when your opponent lands ? I had this happen to me while I was playing some Seth mirrors yesterday. I won’t even lie… it looked sweet :lovin:

It’s not free. Your opponent can reversal once they land. Although you can start a great mixup opportunity to try and mess up their reversal to keep them guessing. Possible situations:

  • Dash under the opponent while he is falling to end up on the other side. This can mess up a possible reversal input for them.
  • Use a combo.
  • j.hp combo. (good for players who like to crouch block.
  • SPD
  • Do nothing.

You should notice that dashing under the opponent allows you to continue with any of the other four options I’ve listed under it. You see, that gives you an option for a high attack, low attack, throw or reversal bait attempt.

If you haven’t noticed by now, Seth’s shit can get pretty nasty.

Dashing underneath sucks. Good players aren’t confused by it because you obviously are crossing them up. Walking underneath them makes it a true 50/50, since you can fake going one way and then end up on the other side. You can’t always walk underneath depending on how high up they reset.

I have a thread on reset mixups that might help you. Instant air overhead headstomp is really useful.

They can just jump out of the SPD. The SPD is there so that if they are worried about blocking left or right, you just throw them.

Hey, thanks for the help. I can imagine how walking would be more efficient than dashing.

I’ll definitely look around for your thread sounds like some sick shit :lovin:

Another question if y’all don’t mind :shy: What’s the best way to combo into the crazy kick thing ? (I forgot what it’s called lol) :d::db::l::k: is the command if you still don’t know what I mean lol

You mean a punish or a hit-confirm? In the corner, the easy version combo is cr.hp -> mk/hk Hyakuretsu. To hit-confirm, do xx cr.lp -> xx mk Hyakuretsu. Mid-screen, you don’t punish with Hyakuretsu. You do the cr.hp xx lp shoryu -> headstomps juggle.