LP Shoryuken has low priority, but I’ve never seen MP or HP get beat.
Forward J.mp is your best friend (you even get to combo afterwards). Off a neutral jump, j.hk and j.hp are great. There are some situations where forward j.hk will win where j.mp would lose.
atm if it’s the last round, i get a KD, I have full super, and they have little enough health left…
I’m teleporting next to them and doing the lp super on wakeup to kill them with chip damage, now I’m not sure that it works against everyone, it has beaten ryu’s and gief’s ultra, but I’m thinking that something like ryu’s ex DP would just go straight through it on reversal, or would it get caught?
This is very useful to me atm and I’d like to know which characters can beat it. I’ll find out as i play more anyway.
There is a better setup for the chip kill. Be just out of reversal shoryu range and throw a lp sonic boom to hit them just as they wake up, then cancel into super. I literally cannot think of a way out of this for most characters. But I thought Ryu’s ultra would beat the super? Same as Gief’s, actually. I have noticed that if you teleport/cross seth up so that you’re behind him while he’s supering, he’s pretty much invincible until the recovery.
Well ryu’s ultra just got hit almost immediately after he threw the fireball, gief did the ultra, it completely failed to grab me, and then he got hit
If seth is invincible until the recovery even from behind then that could explain why it’s so good at chip kills. No hitbox at all.
I still need to test it against ryu’s ex DP, things like that are the only things I can think of offhand that might be invincible until they’re out of the super’s hitbox and allow him to punish.
I’ll try that lp sonic boom xx super thing too, sounds nice.
I’ve been maining ryu since I got SF4. Now the thing with him is that I stick with very basic moves, c.mk hydokken, hp to shyruken etc etc to do my dmg. I’ve never been a combo type guy maybe because this is my first fighting game i’ve taken seriously.
Now my question is, can I play seth effectively without learning hard to do combos? For instance, ryu’s lk,lk,lp,c.mk,hydokken was too hard for me and when I see seth videos they all do a variation of that. Now dont get me wrong, I may not be pro but I can play ryu at an effective level and can beat my friends who know all these fancy pants combos (although the say its ez as hell). I have a solid foundation with ryu and I stick with just simple but effective cross ups, throws and use a strong mix up attack like that and chip away at enemy hp.
2nd question. Can he j.shyruken into his d.mk or is that only possible when u hit them out of air?
Tips for someone that recently decided to learn seth?
So far I’ve been building my game around jump in hk, hp into sonic boom. I cross up with that combo too. I punish ppl if i block with c.mk into lightning kicks. I jump hp a hell of a lot. I also focus attack once in a while then dash into c.hp then lightning kick. However it seems so risky when i jump in but when im just zoning them I dont seem to have any real damage. How do I fix that?
Easy combos with Seth that require barely any links are cross up roundhouse into crouch fierce xxjab shoryu, stomps, dive kick, mix up between SPD- crouch strong- jump back fierce - block - etc
Do not use lightning legs on block as people will punish it. his jab shoryu needs to AA for stomps to connect. If you’re zoning them damage will rack up slowly over their attempts to get in, no need for heavy damage as long as you aren’t trading hits.
Is there a way to avoid that glitch with Seth’s ultra where about 20 of the hits don’t register? It usually occurs when I LP sonic boom then use his ultra as an anti-air.
It’s only if you hit them into the sonic boom, so you either need to give your opponent incentive to jump later, or something like that since only knocking them into the boom causes said issue.
I’ll confirm this as an abel player (Hey look it’s Kikui :lovin:). Recently jumped over a Seth on his super’s start up and ultra’d. Wouldn’t you know, ultra whiffs.
Tried out some stuff in training mode and he seems to be completely untouchable from behind during the super.
Yea you have to wait for the super to be over to punish it from behind. It’s wacky. I’ve noticed that you can’t grab him with el fuerte’s giga buster on reaction to his ultra either, it just falls right through him. You can however just jump on reaction and hit him with HP. Wierd things.
One thing I’ve noticed about the super is that it loses to multi-hit projectiles. You can use it to hit Ryu out of a regular fireball, but not an EX. And yes, Akuma’s red fireballs will always stuff it as well.
hey sometimes when i do the ultra it only does 2 hits and not the 20 hits after i do a down high punch… is it a glitch? im feeling cheated because its doing any damage when i need it too…l.
What is the best follow up to an air-air j.mp,hop kicks,dive kick combo? I’m always at a losss as to what to do afterwards for some reason. Against some I try the c.mk, fireworks kick but most ppl mash out a dp as they are landing from the dive kick. Is it best to just block and punish? could I EX tandem them out of the air if I have the meter for it? Teleport?
If you know they’re going to DP on landing block and punish with a B&B combo, mix up blocking with EX SPD, jump back fierce, low strong, and low short for some extra pain.
It’s just like every reset situation Seth has. In order to beat the reversal, you could do instant air headstomp (off a forward jump), teleport, block, or try to mess up their inputs by crossing them up.