Seth Q&A: Ask simple questions here!

Ah, nice! That is even better. I will definitely stick to that.

As for the whole Teleport / EX Shoryuken dilemma, I think that happens because the game does not allow you to teleport behind your opponent immediately after a LP Sonic Boom. So, if you throw out a LP Sonic Boom and attempt to teleport with PPP as soon as possible you will get the EX Shoryuken. This is the only scenario in which I get the EX Shoryuken instead of the teleport. The funny thing is that sometimes when the PPP teleport teleports Seth in front of the opponent you never get the EX Shoryuken. These are just my personal observations.

Can you do the close -> link on crouching opponents? I couldn’t get it to work on a crouching Seth, and I was doing it all day when he was standing. Should I only use this link off a crumple to be safe? I seriously think the frame data is wrong on the active frames, or at least it automatically hits meaty on a standing opponent.

I managed to do -> cr.lp on crouching Seth.

I’ve gotten in the habit of doing > cr.lp > instead of doing after st. hk.

OK, excuse this question, but is Seth being ‘considered’ for Top or High Tier Status? If not among Sagat & Zangief, then maybe under the two?

Next on the slate: M.Bison. He just continually jumps on my head, and no normal punshes seem to do much. All i can really do is teleport out and dodge him. Allthewhile causing no damage to him while he wears me down. Any good tips for countering him?

The most important thing to realize about Bison is that he has almost no defense other than standing roundhouse (only good reversals use EX and still kinda suck). You can jump in on him and cross him up pretty easily. If you can stay on the offensive, you will win.

Headstomp is easy to punish, since walking backwards/backdashing will cause it to whiff. J.fp also beats it, and will usually beat it. You can ultra headstomp on block (even if he doesn’t follow up) and you can also ultra Devil’s Reverse. If he uses any scissor kicks besides light kick, you can punish with shoryu. beats most of his shit air-to-air, but don’t get caught by his -> ultra. Just space him and he can’t really do anything. Watch out for EX Psycho/Scissors/Headstomp to punish sonic booms, though.

You can probably punish headstomp on wakeup with teleport in place, now that I think about it.

This should really be in the matchups thread. If you have any further Q’s on this matchup, put them in there.

Sabin ranks him at top 5, Keits ranks him at #3, Jwong ranks him as #1 (biased as fuck but anyways…), scrubs rank him as bottom tier

Averaging it out, he’s probably roughly below Sagat and Ryu IMO

The more I play with him the more he becomes #1 in the game. There’s so much stuff I’m still finding out about Seth. It just adds more to his arsenal of moves.

He has been consistantly ranked as one of the top ten characters in the Japanese tier lists. Then you have Sabin (AKA Arturo), who is one of the best Seth players in the United States, claming that the Japanese are arcade-only players, so they would not know much about Seth. Sabin himself states that Seth is a top five character in Street Fighter IV. Then you also have J-Wong saying that Seth is actually the best character in the game, even implying a possible ban. Wong has been known to have a severe bias against Seth, though.

Either way, if you intend to use Seth, go ahead. He can keep up with any character in the game and is very versatile. That is all that should matter to you.

@ CrayonOfDoom, Seth’s j.HP beats all of Bison’s Headstomps. If he is using the Devils Reverse, an Ultra/Super Combo is free no matter where he steers himself except behind you, in which case a LP SPD will be guaranteed most of the time. As Kikuichimonji stated, you can usually rush him fairly well when you get into a good position. He has no Dragon Punch, or anything of that kind, so it is easy to apply pressure. Bison’s teleport recovers like ass, by the way.

Also for non reversal stomps I believe you can focus back dash because a Seth with Ultra makes Bison’s life suck a lot. Also to note is that his Scissor kick doesn’t leave the ground right away and you can SPD that shiz!

what are some decent setups and good times to use tandem if any? im still on the fence with this move and not entirely sure how to implement it into my game. also what are good follow ups to a blocked jab tandem? any ideas are appreciated.

After block strings such as st. hp, cr. hp, and Your opponent can reversal you after they get out of the blocked tandem engine, but that’s a risky move. I like to put them in a block stun loop for a bit then see what they will do next. Plus you gain loads of meter that way.

As someone who’s been playing Seth exclusively in tournaments and had success with him, I would put him at borderline top 3. He has a slight advantage over Sagat, but quite a few characters beat or go even with him: Dhalsim, Fuerte, Viper, Ryu, Akuma, Abel. His dominant matchups are all against the characters that kinda suck anyway, except Gief.

I think guys like Justin and Gootecks just wish that console didn’t determine tourney standards. While I sympathize with this and will acknowledge that high-level Seth matches are the most boring thing in the whole game, the reality is that only 5-10% of the tournament population can play SF4 regularly in the arcade.

I saw Sabin using tandem a lot against rufus in one of the recent tourney videos if anyone wants to take a deeper look into that, or ask him for his reasoning


josh, i still dont buy the seth having a slight advantage over sagat thing. we should discuss about it in the matchups thread. ON paper what he has vs sagat is DEF good shit (and he cant avoid his ultra) but in reality people are human enough to get hit by random f. rh into all your fucking life lol and he loses out on trades terribly.

Yes, it’s just the incredible damage disparity more than anything else against Sagat. He completely wrecks Seth when he hits him. A simple combo like cr.MK -> Tiger Uppercut takes away 1/3rd of Seth’s life while Sagat himself has an above average stamina. Everything Sagat does in this match up takes away a lot of Seth’s life in general, even EX Tiger Shots do an awful lot of damage. I agree with Sabin. This is an not easy match at all.

I’ve been doing c.LP x 3, c.MP xx Hyakuretsu, but I was watching a couple of Sabin’s matches on Youtube, and I saw use of c.LK, c.LP, c.MP xx Hyakuretsu. Any reason for that? hits low and does the same damage as cr.lp (but is a frame slower). Doing xx cr.lp -> xx lk Hyakuretsu actually does better damage than cr.lp x3 -> xx lk Hyakuretsu because of damage scaling. You only put the cr.lp’s in there to hit-confirm anyway.

Also, I don’t think cr.lp x3 -> is reliable. Your will whiff sometimes.

Also, you can’t connect -> You have to use cr.lp -> in order for those two to connect. I’ve been trying to break the habit of doing -> cr.lpx2 -> because it sometimes whiffs the cr. mp.

Seths shoryuken

Is it me or does this not have that much priority? It always seems to trade evne if I get it cleanly off before any jump in.

Also, what is seths most reliable air-to-air attacks?